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Let Me Drive

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Everything posted by Let Me Drive

  1. yep found the problem and now tunes for glory!!!!!!!!
  3. well the man is on the case and its sounding good!. i got a messege from the man at 12 am this morning saying he found the problems so that awesome!!
  4. looks like red bus will be there with two car hopefuly
  5. have sent in entry for RED BUS RACING for support and show and shine cos i know you guys are much faster !!!!!
  6. they are awesome but for a place i find good is TEDS CAMERA SHOP seem to have a good idea of wat they are selling and can bargin to get good price
  7. bj bearings and the bolt shop
  8. awesome guys love sau vic tv
  9. 1. Thread / Post of the year have not got a post for this 2. Rookie of the year have not got this either as not been around to much 3. She'll buff right out award paul http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/228058-tarmac-rallying-perpetual-thread/page__st__4560 4. Motorsport junkie John (ssxRicho) or martin (emts) 5. Most improved car "THR34T" 6. It's not a Skyline but we still love you award "EMTS" 7. Photo of the year will do this later 8. The Troy S. Brisby Memorial Trophy Who was there, taking one, or two for the team - often in the shadow of greatness - on time, every time. 9. Club member of the year The peak. The zenith. The capstone. The best of the best. 10. President's award Awarded by the president’s discretion. Nominating for this wont do you any good. thats all for now will update soon
  10. well if people need a room we might have one up for grabs, we might stay in the bus and save some cash please let me know if you need something the room is 99 per night for three nights
  11. i hate you so much luke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Fuel Jerry might be mine I was so out of it I could not remember how many we had
  13. my god russ when they say you cut the corner you cut the corner LOL!!!!
  14. great fun wish i had big brakes cos standards just dont hold up to long LOL!!!! had a ball would love to do it again and have the car better set up for it.
  15. hey guys is any one else setting up on frday???? i am with the bus
  16. how much???????????????????????????
  17. Yep I'm both days
  18. man that some nice work
  19. Awesome game loved every part can't wait for more add ons
  20. cant wait just sent my forms in
  21. paid and signed up today cant wait
  22. Thinking I will put the new gtst in the street class and have some fun, will be awesome to go around the dome
  23. which one roy the GTS-T or the GTR cos at this stage the gts-t is getting a work over and then we will start the gtr
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