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Everything posted by Eug

  1. I'll 2nd that
  2. Eug


    ahhh.... should we buy one of those jerry can sized ones!
  3. Eug

    Downlow meeting

    hahaha... maybe your "in" Tze
  4. Eug


    u wanna come over for aircon? just sit in ur car eh... lol.. only if u show me ur secret downlow technique u learnt in kungfu, the one hit move
  5. Eug


    what? about getting a friend?
  6. Eug


    What about groin Tze? I heard thats fair game in ur style too... *takes up downlow stance* My cool place is in front of the aircon... I see no serious people here.... GAF?? WHat is this GAF u speak of? Is it a type of braii? Get A Friend??? ohh... I better head off to the "cool" place then...
  7. Eug


    omg.www.get-a-car-&-license.com.f-u. http://c:.quit.your.whining.baby.net.shutup!
  8. Eug

    Downlow meeting

    maybe they are talking about the Jap Spec Car you have... that lil red barina I saw you go past in the other day...
  9. Eug

    Downlow meeting

    Tze is home brewed...
  10. Eug

    Downlow meeting

    fook me... and foook you... I was wondering who took my other nut... we musta been siamese.
  11. Eug


    worms dominates lemmings neday
  12. Eug


  13. Eug

    Downlow meeting

    woah... do we have the same mom too?
  14. Eug

    Downlow meeting

    if its ok with daddy :|
  15. Eug


    downlow eh?
  16. Eug


    Nismo_Boy: You report to me biitch!
  17. Eug

    Downlow meeting

    so deep downlow that they can feel it in their guts?
  18. Eug


    arent u spossed to be an unbiased moderator?
  19. Eug

    General Meeting??

    he said it himself.... stop deleting it. I've paid for membership, and its cool to see things finally get underway. I recieved my package the other day. The execs and everyone else don't need a reminder that we need a meeting every 2nd day of the week, let things get settled, no one has forgotten. SOME people have a life outside SAU, and though it may be your first priority it may not be to others, so keep you pants on and let everyone settle in. JEEZ I just got my card the other day and you can reap all the discount benefits, that the club is currently offering - or you cant because of one reason or the other... *ahem* then just let it be. people are busy, they work, they have lives. sit tight there's no rush, I'm sure many would agree that they would like to see this planned out and done properly and not a rushed "ok we'll just vote him cos we want this over and done with" and yes NismoBoy they are always worthwhile!
  20. I got my car from SVi... the dude Mick is a top guy, very polite and upfront. I havent had any problems with the car, good condition and paid a lil bit extra for a completely stock and clean car...
  21. is there something about the food we should know?
  22. Eug


    Drop Bears?
  23. u mean saggy right? *me thinks someone else wants to have babies too - look out gavin woods!!!* /end random comment
  24. Eug

    Get A V8

    geee... I wonder why... you've stolen their pride and joy John.
  25. that NA goes quite hard aye?
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