wtf?! how random is that.. like a kidnapping or something.
don't you have kids in the house?? or are you into "that" too.
nah.. sum ADSL reduce speed to dialup after u exceed the limit or sumthing
ohh man.. if i cookie taste all day.. I'm gunna end up bein a phat phuck..
wont be able to get into the skyline nemore.
Hey Mike.. we're talking about eatin cookies
how much per year do u get paid for eatin biscuits? (can i ask?)
senile director dude...
yeh i think i seen the 180SX... I drive my camry to uni, such a shame to see a
skyline under the sun for 10 hours
Erin: Business
Michael: Does he drive the 180 to uni? Think I might have seen it. I read something in the paper about shafston principal abusing a korean chick or something.