ahhh that R31 is hotness DarK. so where can you get rigs etc from and stuff?? i'd like to maybe get one soon once i get into it more.
i chose my classes for college, and im doing photogrpahy. first unit is intro and we learn how to use the film SLR's so should be cool.
no recent pics but, im waiting for holis and then ill go on a few trips
i have broadband, and unlimited so im on here msot of the time ive got nuthin else to do. saying that though, i do exercise regurlary and i do go out, so im not a fatty (anymore)
i love how people are so nice lol....dw bout it shaun, i hate changing cars to get places n shite.
any1? im in chisholm if that helps, can get to woden to be picked up if needed.
haha yeah its beyond repair
guess ive got use to thank haha, and everyone else ive known since i was about 6 years old
parents, sister, brother, sister, u guys, sisters friends, brothers friends (you guys) ohh and my friends haha