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Everything posted by Gus-

  1. ohhh i can't wait for my formal:D
  2. fark i hate school :'(
  3. yer, but they'll get here then i have plan, ohhh do i have plans muhahahahahahahaha
  4. less than a year goddamn i cant wait
  5. haha beat the brumbies, ya dreamin
  6. i aint knockin the roola mate, remember i might be buying it soon if ya get this engine done
  7. go tha southo's andrew get a real car /me runs
  8. holy crud i cant wait to see this thing
  9. haha no andrew im not hitting on you, remember, ur the one that went to marist and eddies /me runs
  10. well andrew ur definetly coming to mine, skyline or no skyline !!!!!!
  11. nah man, im in year 9, and my plans are to orgnise a massive SAU cruise for awhile and then everyone turn up at my formal and me get out looking all tough with a heap o lines behind me
  12. muhahahahahahahahahaha( my evil scheming planning laugh)
  13. hmmm, just wait for my formal (i have big plans)
  14. heya, im the resident youngin known as gus or angus or wateva u wanna call me welcome welcome welcome
  15. so that'll make 3 i know of in canberra this is awsome
  16. Spotted: pirater yesterday in tuggeranong down near bunnings, car look schweet with l plates on it. i gave you a wave, but i wasin my mum and dads car (passenger of course )and yer.
  17. i wonder if he still carries his golf clubs in his boot
  19. just think andrew if i was in the car he wouldn't have done anything
  20. spotted today at about 330 parked out near ANZ bank in tuggas, a silver R33 with black rims and a WRX scoop :puke: soz mmate, loved it untill the scoop
  21. i dun like it that much /me runs
  22. yeah 4-5ish sounds good, now just a place to meet......
  23. Spotted: a black 33, series 2 wing going down drakeford drive at about 7:15 last night. only caught a glimse of the back lights (mmmm hotplates) so i couldn't see if it was a stocker or yeah
  24. man u serious, i dont care what kinda car it is at all. ill send you a pm now....
  25. ahh so you own the noice 33 that me and andy checked out, looks schweet cant wait to see it run:D
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