nah man, im in year 9, and my plans are to orgnise a massive SAU cruise for awhile and then everyone turn up at my formal and me get out looking all tough with a heap o lines behind me
Spotted: pirater yesterday in tuggeranong down near bunnings, car look schweet with l plates on it. i gave you a wave, but i wasin my mum and dads car (passenger of course )and yer.
spotted today at about 330 parked out near ANZ bank in tuggas, a silver R33 with black rims and a WRX scoop :puke: soz mmate, loved it untill the scoop
Spotted: a black 33, series 2 wing going down drakeford drive at about 7:15 last night. only caught a glimse of the back lights (mmmm hotplates) so i couldn't see if it was a stocker or yeah