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Found 4 results

  1. Hi guys ! My radiator tank has a crack on it,keeps leaking. Went to couple of radiator place, some suggested repair others said replacement. What is a good replacement brand ? Probably something local and reasonably priced! Car is used for everyday driving so probably not looking for a "race" radiator. Had a look at ebay, most of them look dodgy .lol.. Also, which one is better, the plasctic aluminium or full aluminium ?? Thanks!!!
  2. Hi all, Iv been looking around, and cant seem to find anyone having done this. My concern is, when I shut the car off, after a minute I can hear water start to bubble, not like sizzle at all but just pop away slowly. It did it with the garrett and with the new efr. The lines come from factory points, are free from blockage etc. Im wondering if a small transfer pump hooked into the line would be of benefit, to get more water going faster. Or if its not worth worrying about. So has anyone heard of it being done? What pump would work? Is it a problem? - more to the point of getting air in the system. Thoughts?
  3. Hi guys I'm just looking for some assistance in identifying possible problems with my 32. It is relatively stock with a Blitz return-flow FMIC, 3" Dump to High-Flow Cat to 3.5" catback and I believe the stock turbo wound out to 11 psi. It recently underwent a head rebuild after a blown head gasket. (Radiator was replaced with 32 GTR item and thermostat was replaced with Nismo item) After the rebuild it was still spewing a bit of white smoke out the back but that gradually decreased until it stopped altogether after about a month. (You could always tell when it was about to spew a bit of white smoke when the car did it's 'rumble' under deceleration, when you get going again, out comes just enough smoke to see it rise above my spoiler in the rear view mirror) A few weeks after the rebuild I noticed it had started leaking coolant from one of the hoses underneath the intake manifold (above the starter) after I would turn the car off. This happened a handful of times at the beginning then stopped for a month or two. At this point I'm not certain if there's a pinhole or if the clamp just isn't on properly, but when it started again I was able to wriggle my arm under the manifold enough to feel the hose that is leaking. I I am ashamed to admit, I still have not done anything about it. I kept driving the car until last week when I've started noticing a puddle of coolant under the car every second or third time I drove it, directly beneath the overflow tank. Note: I've always been checking my fluid and oil levels since the rebuild and have even bled the coolant from the bleed screw until bubbles stopped. Also, I haven't noticed any mixing of oil & coolant yet, I changed the Greddy (1.3 bar) rad cap for a GKTech (1.3bar) one after the rebuild too. Yesterday I found I have to top up the radiator with about 2 cups worth of coolant and drive to work. (I know I probably shouldn't have) Before I drove home that arvo, checked the rad again as it looked like that hose had been leaking again and found I had to add about another cup of coolant, do so and baby it home. When I got home, left the car running in the garage for about five minutes (couldn't get hot air from the fans either), turned it off and checked the overflow to see if it would boil over again, but noticed it bubbling up all forthy in the overflow like when someone adds too much detergent to the sink, but didn't flow over this time. Come back to the garage later after letting the engine cool down and check the rad, it has lost a little more coolant but can still see it above the fins. The car still drives quite fun otherwise, no white smoke for months and the temperature gauge still sits in slightly above centre. I plan to get that hose replaced, the coolant system flushed and pressure tested, cylinder compression tested and a leak down test performed if compression is bad. If someone can recommend the closest workshop to Mount Gravatt East with a good rep fir working on Skylines that would be great. Otherwise I'll go back to the MIDAS that was quite honest with me recently. I'm freaking out that my HG is on the way out again. (Oil and Coolant still look OK, no milky residue) I guess I'm just looking for confirmation from people who know better, or suggestions on what else I should be doing.
  4. Anyone sourced a direct fit replacement radiator for a R32 GT-R? Current one sprung has a leak where the top tank meets the core. There are heaps on eBay, but some suggest "fitment modification may be required" which puts me off a little. Tossing up between getting the stock one rebuilt, or getting a new replacement. Don't really want to spend more than $250 or so. Car doesn't run hot so additional cooling isn't a consideration. If anyone has bought one recently, the shop or eBay item numbers would be much appreciated.
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