Hi all,
Yes, I know that this topic has been started 100 times. And yes, before you say it I know that there is the workshop listing stickied in the SA section.
However, none of the previous topics or the recommended workshops satisfy my query.
In short, I have substantial damage to one of my rear guards (dent about 20mm deep about the size of a small football) right on the body line of a 32.
Each thread I searched through had a recommendation for crash repairers of some type, quickly followed by a person coming along and saying "don't use XXXX. They're crap" or the like.
As you could understand, this becomes frustrating as all my previous workshops I have used I have had issues with their work. I want the job done PROPERLY first time. Do it once, do it properly!
Is there any recommendations which people can make (or PM me with!) about getting these problems with my car sorted?