Hi Guys,
I have a frustrating problem, currently I am trying to hardware the fuel pump. I currently have a switch that is wired to my battery that turns the ground on and off. Now I have finished hardwiring my pump through an additional relay now what happens I will list below:
1. When I have the key set to ignition and the ground switch off the battery is turned on the fuel pump turns on via the new relay for 5 seconds and then switches off (normal)
2. Power is remaining on I switch the ignition off pull the key out, put it back on and turn it to ignition and it won't ignite fuel pump for 5 seconds.
Now as long as I have key in the ignition position as noted in step 1 when I turn the ground switch on for power the fuel pump will prime for 5 seconds as required no matter what.
Can any body shed some light on what needs to be done ? Or had the same issue.