So I have a R34 GTR VS2 with a few dead pixels in my MFD and I decided to swap it out. A few people on the forums and elsewehere told me the later model R34s came with Toshibs LCD screens as opposed to the SHARP ones found in earlier GTRs. So i bought one, then was gutted to realise after opening my MFD that the latest model GTRs (post 2002 i think) actually came with SHARP lcd MFDs again. So nissan went SHARP > Toshiba > SHARP. So I returned the one I originally bought (off a very honest forum user) and bought one which I thought was the correst SHARP screen i needed - again I relied on forum info albeit UK forum info this time and again ended up with the wrong screen (I think they posted up the wrong part number) . I've scoured the net, and have found multitudes of people selling the Toshiba LCDs but almost no one selling the newer SHARP ones. So who can source one of these SHARP screens for me and how much am I looking at?