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  1. CA powered car, original bottom end, but with fresh headgasket and ARP studs. 143ks, and still has fairly decent compression 155-160 cold (new is 172) though as with all Nissan's it likes to pressurise the sump - I run dual catch cans to help this, top and and bottom end vented to atmo separately via baffled cans. Intake and exhaust manifold gaskets also fresh, a few seals been replaced around the place also, rockers, half moons etc, but some things still leak. At the last event for the year, it blew a coolant line to the turbo and drained the radiator, no big deal as I was planning on changing out the T28 BB and going E85 on an externally gated GTX2860R and some 256 cams anyway (Just acquired the cams and already have the turbo). Still need external gate, injectors and to modify the manifold to take it all (turbo is T3 and vband rear so will need different manifold flange, dump, and intake). Given I will be removing the manifold anyway, I considered removing the engine to replace the 28yr old hoses all over the place that are difficukt to get to otherwise and tidy up some of the loom/connectors which are also a bit worse for wear (race tape holding them on etc). Engine also has minor front crank, and rear main seal leak - though I did replace the rear main when I did I the clutch, so could actually be higher up on the back of the motor as the half moons are notorious for leaking even though they are new, as are the rocker gaskets. Oh, also has a small weep from the speedo sensor on the box where the mounting surface was scored, has new extension housing seal but also appears to be maybe leaking from there, already has new upper seal around shifter etc and doesn't appear to be a breather issue. So now I'm tossing up what to do. 1: Continue with turbo swap and retune, do nothing else., drive til it dies, ignore leaks, do things after it's dead. 2: Continue with turbo swap but pull motor and put fresh hoses in, fix leaking front and rear seals, do what I can for connectors, new water pump and accessory belts and clean up anything else obvious (Car already has new timing belt). 3: Pull motor, do all of the above but also freshen up the bottom end, just a basic Spool forged kit or something, but that means new headgaset and full disassembly etc. The Nissan has been let out also. 4: Acquire decent second hand forged CA, they do turn up, freshen up anything needed (I just mean seals/belts), put back in with new turbo setup, sell old motor running. 5: Pull motor, replace with freshened up or 2nd hand forged SR (probably blacktop for the VCT and being newer sensors). Probably wouldn't bother going through the hassle of a swap for a stock SR. This would mean buying different cams, ECU swap, different radiator, wiring work, better coilpacks (I have splitfires for the CA), dick around with cluster, change bell housing, not sure about clutch etc etc. Sell current motor running and all my CA shit. The CA has been good to me and keeps me in a class I can be competitive in, but she is getting on in age and the boys and I are considering trying to do 5 rounds of a series next year, I'm thinking about what I can do in the off season to make next year easier. I am a jew on this car also (car is still 4 stud for example), the GT-R gets love and $$, The Sil makes do with second hand parts, shit from other silvia's/skylines a upgrades and DIY shenanigans Kinda leaning towards 2 or 4. Though the extra mid range torque and response of the bigger SR would be great for track work - even if they do sound like shit and that's not up for debate.
  2. Picked this up on the weekend for the track car, apparently approx 150ks and removed as a "runner", toying with the idea of attempting the rebuild myself - which I've never done but always really wanted to try. I've got a basic workshop, most tools, have done turbo/head/manfiold swaps and have over a decade experience with Nissan platforms etc etc so I have half an idea. Standard rods don't like going past 220 or so rwkw apparently and as my current motor is an original bottom end with some basic bolt ons I wanted something fresh anyway. Parts list will look something like this. Spool forged kit which has rods, bearings, pistons, rings, pins, metal head gasket etc. Headstuds New gaskets and hoses throughout. New oil and water pumps, timing belt, idler tensioner. Some tomei 256 cams I have sitting in a box brand new. Either new OEM or basic upgrade valve springs and some new lifters (lifters needed?) New balancer. Mild porting/port matching, nothing crazy, remove butterflies and possibly relocate injector ports. A GTX2860R I have sitting here which is new, could swap for 63 or 67? A little Tiual 38mm external gate. E85 Use my existing Nistune. Re-use existing oil cooler/intercooler/radiator fuel setup etc. I would want the basic bottom end balancing done, but once the initial weigh/measure/balance is done and you install the rotating assembly can you/should you then have it balanced as a short block? I've seen people do this with clutch attached also which seems odd, given the clutch could die tomorrow and be different. Same for the head, the guy I would have do some porting could likely do the valves/springs and clearances while he's there. leaving me cams/fit head to block which I'm OK with. With the 2860, I can't see it making more than 230-240rwkw, which is fine given I have no big plans for new gearsets or box swaps. 63 and 67 would go a little further but run the risk of hurting the box sooner - Box which is just a stocker with a nice clutch and fluid and no present issues. The alternative is I break the motor down, get all the parts, then deliver it all ready for assembly to my mechanic and collect assembled short block, an assembly head from the head guy, and do the final assembly and swap myself. I know it's not a "simple" task, but for those who have DIY'd a rebuild, would you do it again? What caught you out, anything else to throw in?
  3. We are proud to offer Skylines Australia the worlds best priced performance coil packs. These are proving to be very popular in Australia and Overseas and have been on the market for around 8 years now with some very impressive results. Here is what one of our happy customers had to say about them: I've been running these Yellow Jackets now for 3 months in my R33 GTR. Still no problem with spark blowout as I previously did with the old coils, and still plenty of power! Done 2 HARD track days with no problems at all. Even added extra timing. Now at 28deg at 8000rpm WOT! Over 320+kw now! I have now bought a second set of Yellow Jackets for a mates R32 GTR which had a constantly changing misfire, even after gapping the plugs to 7mm and replacing them. He wanted to upgrade the turbo's for higher boost, so I said he would have to change the coilpacks. He was dubious that this would fix ALL his problems, so the turbo's were fitted. No improvement of the misfire after installing the turbos, running them in and resetting the ECU. So I fitted the coils, gapped the plugs to 1.1, and reset the ECU. He didn't believe me that this was going to work, but low and behold, smooth idle, acceleration, and cruise! He couldn't believe the difference in the 'seat of your pants' feel in acceleration (stock boost). Going to do a dyno run soon to see what the difference at stock boost is compared to original figures. Then a re-tune and add a boost controller. Bang for buck, these Yellow Jackets cant be beat! Unfortunately, out doing a "road test" in the R33 GTR, with the street tires, and now with bucket loads of extra torque, managed to break second gear. Same sort of use/abuse with the old coils packs couldn't produce the same 4 wheel power slides, just under heavy acceleration! Luckily I had a spare gearbox, so I could make it to the track days. Why pay twice the price for the same results........ BENEFITS: - Increase in torque. - No spark blowout at higher boost. - Improved throttle response and smoothness. - Increased Ignition Performance. - Improved Combustion. - Direct Fit. - 2 year Warranty. - Solid Construction. - Cost effective. SATISFACTION GAURANTEED Manufactured with Components from GE (USA), BASF (Germany) and Epoxy Resins from Switzerland. EXCLUSIVE ONLY TO PERFORMANCE-WISE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YELLOW JACKETS COIL PACKS PRODUCT RANGE: YELLOW JACKETS COIL PACK SET - YJ-RB202526-S1 - AU$400.00 delivered within 2-3 business days - - COMES IN A SET OF 6. - DIRECT REPLACEMENT FOR THE FOLLOWING NISSAN RB MODELS: SKYLINE R32 GTS-YHR31/HCR32/HR32-RB20DE (1989>92) SKYLINE R32 GTST/4-HCR32/HNR32-RB20DET (1989>92) SKYLINE R32 GTS25-ECR32/ER32-RB25DE (1991>93) SKYLINE R33 GTS Series 1-ENR33/ER33-RB25DE (1993>95) SKYLINE R33 GTSTSeries 1-ECR33/ER33 RB25DET (1993>95) SKYLINE R32 GTR-BNR32-RB26DETT (1989>94) SKYLINE R33 GTR-BCNR33-RB26DETT (1995>98.) STAGEA WGNC34 (AUTECH)-RB26DETT (1997) CEFIRO A31/CA31-RB20DE (1990>92) CEFIRO A31/CA31-RB20DET (1990>92) CEFIRO LA31-RB20DE (1990>94) CEFIRO LA31-RB20DET (1990>94) CEFIRO LCA31/LNA31/NA31-RB20DET (1990>94) CEFIRO EA31/ECA31-RB25DE (1992>94) LAUREL HC33/HCC33-RB20DE (1991>93) LAUREL HC33/HCC33-RB20DET (1991>93) LAUREL HC34-RB20DE (1993>94) LAUREL EC33/ECC33-RB25DE (1991>93) LAUREL GC34-RB25DE (1993>94) LAUREL GC34-RB25DET (1994) LAUREL GCC34-RB25DE (1993>94) LAUREL GCC34-RB25DET (1994>) CLICK HERE FOR BANK DEPOSIT OR MONEY ORDER --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YELLOW JACKETS COIL PACK SET - YJ-RB2526-S2 - AU$400.00 delivered within 2-3 business days - - COMES IN A SET OF 6. - DIRECT REPLACEMENT FOR THE FOLLOWING NISSAN RB MODELS: SKYLINE R33 GTS Series 2-ENR33/ER33-RB25DE (1995>98 ) SKYLINE R33 GTST Series 2-ECR33/ER33-RB25DET (1995>98 ) SKYLINE R34 GTR-BNR34 - RB26DETT (1999+) STAGEA WGC34 (2WD)-RB25DE (1996>97) STAGEA WGNC34 (4WD)-RB25DE (1996>97) STAGEA WGNC34 (4WD)-RB25DET (1996>98 ) CEDRIC/GROLIA ENY33-RB25DET (1997>99) LAUREL GC34-RB25DE (1994>97) LAUREL GC34-RB25DET (1994>97) LAUREL GNC34-RB25DE (1994>97) LAUREL GCC34-RB25DET (1994>97) LEOPARD JENY33-RB25DET (1997) CLICK HERE FOR BANK DEPOSIT OR MONEY ORDER --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YELLOW JACKETS COIL PACK SET - YJ-CA18 - AU$310.00 delivered within 2-3 business days - - COMES IN A SET OF 4 WITH 4 HARNESS ADAPTORS. - DIRECT REPLACEMENT FOR THE FOLLOWING CA18 MODELS: BLUEBIRD U13-CA18DE BLUEBIRD U13-CA18DET EXA N13-CA18DE (1987>91) EXA N13-CA18DET (1987>91) SILVIA S13/KS13-CA18DE (1988>91) SILVIA S13/KS13-CA18DET (1988>91) 180SX RS13/KRS13-CA18DET (1989>91) CLICK HERE FOR BANK DEPOSIT OR MONEY ORDER --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YELLOW JACKETS COIL PACK SET - YJ-RB20313233 - AU$420.00 delivered within 2-3 business days - - COMES IN A SET OF 6 WITH 6 HARNESS ADAPTORS. - DIRECT REPLACEMENT FOR THE FOLLOWING RB20 MODELS: SKYLINE HR31-RB20DE (1985>89) SKYLINE HR31-RB20DET (1985>89) SKYLINE YHR31/HCR32/HR32-RB20DE (1985>89) CEFIRO A31/CA31-RB20DE (1988>90) CEFIRO A31 CA31-RB20DET (1998>90) FAIRLADY Z PZ31/PGZ31-RB20DET (1985>89) LAUREL HC32-RB20DET (1986>91) LAUREL HC33/HCC33-RB20DE (1988>91) LAUREL HC33/HCC33-RB20DET (1988>91) CLICK HERE FOR BANK DEPOSIT OR MONEY ORDER --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YELLOW JACKETS COIL PACK SET - YJ-RB2025-N - AU$400.00 delivered within 2-3 business days - - COMES IN A SET OF 6 WITH 6 HARNESS ADAPTORS. - DIRECT REPLACEMENT FOR THE FOLLOWING RB NEO MODELS: SKYLINE R34 GT ER34/ENR34 - RB25DE NEO (1998+) SKYLINE R34 GTT ER34 - RB25DET NEO (1998+) STAGEA WHC34 - RB20DE NEO (1997-1998) STAGEA WGC34 (2WD) - RB25DE NEO (1997+) STAGEA WGC34 (2WD) - RB25DET NEO (1998+) STAGEA WGNC34 (4WD) - RB25DE NEO (1997+) STAGEA WGNC34 (4WD) - RB25DET NEO (1998+) CEDRIC/GROLIA ENY34 - RB25DET NEO (1999+) LAUREL HC35 - RB20DE NEO (1997-1998) LAUREL GC35/GNC35 - RB25DE NEO (1997+) LAUREL GC35/GCC35 - RB25DET NEO (1997+) CLICK HERE FOR BANK DEPOSIT OR MONEY ORDER --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YELLOW JACKETS COIL PACK SET - YJ-SR20-S2 - AU$310.00 delivered within 2-3 business days - - COMES IN A SET OF 4. - DIRECT REPLACEMENT FOR THE FOLLOWING SR20 MODELS: SILVIA - S15 - SR20DET - 1999-2002 X-TRAIL GT(Jap Spec) - SR20VET - 2002-2007 CLICK HERE FOR BANK DEPOSIT OR MONEY ORDER --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The link next to each item will take you to our site where you can view pics & details and where you can purchase & pay via paypal with our secure online checkout system. We also take direct deposit, bank check or money order. Please PM me or see here for details. Please PM or contact us if you have any questions regarding these items. Cheers, Paul. www.performance-wise.com www.performance-wise.net www.yellowjacketscoilpacks.com
  4. We are proud to offer Skylines Australia the worlds best priced performance coil packs. With thousands of sets sold worldwide, these are proving to be very popular and have been on the market for around 8 years now with some very impressive results. Here is what one of our happy customers had to say about them: I've been running these Yellow Jackets now for 3 months in my R33 GTR. Still no problem with spark blowout as I previously did with the old coils, and still plenty of power! Done 2 HARD track days with no problems at all. Even added extra timing. Now at 28deg at 8000rpm WOT! Over 320+kw now! I have now bought a second set of Yellow Jackets for a mates R32 GTR which had a constantly changing misfire, even after gapping the plugs to 7mm and replacing them. He wanted to upgrade the turbo's for higher boost, so I said he would have to change the coilpacks. He was dubious that this would fix ALL his problems, so the turbo's were fitted. No improvement of the misfire after installing the turbos, running them in and resetting the ECU. So I fitted the coils, gapped the plugs to 1.1, and reset the ECU. He didn't believe me that this was going to work, but low and behold, smooth idle, acceleration, and cruise! He couldn't believe the difference in the 'seat of your pants' feel in acceleration (stock boost). Going to do a dyno run soon to see what the difference at stock boost is compared to original figures. Then a re-tune and add a boost controller. Bang for buck, these Yellow Jackets cant be beat! Unfortunately, out doing a "road test" in the R33 GTR, with the street tires, and now with bucket loads of extra torque, managed to break second gear. Same sort of use/abuse with the old coils packs couldn't produce the same 4 wheel power slides, just under heavy acceleration! Luckily I had a spare gearbox, so I could make it to the track days. BENEFITS: - Increase in torque. - No spark blowout at higher boost. - Improved throttle response and smoothness. - Increased Ignition Performance. - Improved Combustion. - Direct Fit. - 2 Year Warranty. - Solid Construction. - Cost effective. SATISFACTION GAURANTEED Manufactured with Components from GE (USA), BASF (Germany) and Epoxy Resins from Switzerland. EXCLUSIVE ONLY TO PERFORMANCE-WISE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YELLOW JACKETS COIL PACKS PRODUCT RANGE: YELLOW JACKETS COIL PACK SET - YJ-RB202526-S1 - AU$400.00 delivered within 2-3 business days - - COMES IN A SET OF 6. - DIRECT REPLACEMENT FOR THE FOLLOWING NISSAN RB MODELS: SKYLINE R32 GTS-YHR31/HCR32/HR32-RB20DE (1989>94) SKYLINE R32 GTST/4-HCR32/HNR32-RB20DET (1989>94) SKYLINE R32 GTS25-ECR32/ER32-RB25DE (1991>93) SKYLINE R33 GTS Series 1-ENR33/ER33-RB25DE (1993>95) SKYLINE R33 GTSTSeries 1-ECR33/ER33 RB25DET (1993>95) SKYLINE R32 GTR-BNR32-RB26DETT (1989>94) SKYLINE R33 GTR-BCNR33-RB26DETT (1995>98.) STAGEA WGNC34 (AUTECH)-RB26DETT (1997) CEFIRO A31/CA31-RB20DE (1990>92) CEFIRO A31/CA31-RB20DET (1990>92) CEFIRO LA31-RB20DE (1990>94) CEFIRO LA31-RB20DET (1990>94) CEFIRO LCA31/LNA31/NA31-RB20DET (1990>94) CEFIRO EA31/ECA31-RB25DE (1992>94) LAUREL HC33/HCC33-RB20DE (1991>93) LAUREL HC33/HCC33-RB20DET (1991>93) LAUREL HC34-RB20DE (1993>94) LAUREL EC33/ECC33-RB25DE (1991>93) LAUREL GC34-RB25DE (1993>94) LAUREL GC34-RB25DET (1994) LAUREL GCC34-RB25DE (1993>94) LAUREL GCC34-RB25DET (1994>) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YELLOW JACKETS COIL PACK SET - YJ-RB2526-S2 - AU$400.00 delivered within 2-3 business days - - COMES IN A SET OF 6. - DIRECT REPLACEMENT FOR THE FOLLOWING NISSAN RB MODELS: SKYLINE R33 GTS Series 2-ENR33/ER33-RB25DE (1995>98 ) SKYLINE R33 GTST Series 2-ECR33/ER33-RB25DET (1995>98 ) SKYLINE R34 GTR-BNR34 - RB26DETT (1999+) STAGEA WGC34 (2WD)-RB25DE (1996>97) STAGEA WGNC34 (4WD)-RB25DE (1996>97) STAGEA WGNC34 (4WD)-RB25DET (1996>98 ) CEDRIC/GROLIA ENY33-RB25DET (1997>99) LAUREL GC34-RB25DE (1994>97) LAUREL GC34-RB25DET (1994>97) LAUREL GNC34-RB25DE (1994>97) LAUREL GCC34-RB25DET (1994>97) LEOPARD JENY33-RB25DET (1997) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YELLOW JACKETS COIL PACK SET - YJ-RB2025-N - AU$400.00 delivered within 2-3 business days - - COMES IN A SET OF 6. - DIRECT REPLACEMENT FOR THE FOLLOWING RB NEO MODELS: SKYLINE R34 GT ER34/ENR34 - RB25DE NEO (1998+) SKYLINE R34 GTT ER34 - RB25DET NEO (1998+) STAGEA WHC34 - RB20DE NEO (1997-1998) STAGEA WGC34 (2WD) - RB25DE NEO (1997+) STAGEA WGC34 (2WD) - RB25DET NEO (1998+) STAGEA WGNC34 (4WD) - RB25DE NEO (1997+) STAGEA WGNC34 (4WD) - RB25DET NEO (1998+) CEDRIC/GROLIA ENY34 - RB25DET NEO (1999+) LAUREL HC35 - RB20DE NEO (1997-1998) LAUREL GC35/GNC35 - RB25DE NEO (1997+) LAUREL GC35/GCC35 - RB25DET NEO (1997+) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YELLOW JACKETS COIL PACK SET - YJ-RB20313233 - AU$420.00 delivered within 2-3 business days - - COMES IN A SET OF 6. (NO HARNESS ADAPTORS REQUIRED). - DIRECT REPLACEMENT FOR THE FOLLOWING RB20 MODELS: SKYLINE HR31-RB20DE (1985>89) SKYLINE HR31-RB20DET (1985>89) SKYLINE YHR31/HCR32/HR32-RB20DE (1985>89) CEFIRO A31/CA31-RB20DE (1988>90) CEFIRO A31 CA31-RB20DET (1998>90) FAIRLADY Z PZ31/PGZ31-RB20DET (1985>89) LAUREL HC32-RB20DET (1986>91) LAUREL HC33/HCC33-RB20DE (1988>91) LAUREL HC33/HCC33-RB20DET (1988>91) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YELLOW JACKETS COIL PACK SET - YJ-SR20-S1 - AU$310.00 delivered within 2-3 business days - - COMES IN A SET OF 4. - DIRECT REPLACEMENT FOR THE FOLLOWING SR20 MODELS: SILVIA/200SX - PS13/KPS13 - SR20DET - (1991-1993) SILVIA/200SX - S14/CS14 - SR20DET - (1993-1999) 180SX - RPS13/KRPS13 - SR20DET - (1991+) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YELLOW JACKETS COIL PACK SET - YJ-SR20-S2 - AU$310.00 delivered within 2-3 business days - - COMES IN A SET OF 4. - DIRECT REPLACEMENT FOR THE FOLLOWING SR20 MODELS: SILVIA - S15 - SR20DET - 1999-2002 X-TRAIL GT(Jap Spec) - SR20VET - 2002-2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YELLOW JACKETS COIL PACK SET - YJ-CA18 - AU$310.00 delivered within 2-3 business days - - COMES IN A SET OF 4. (NO HARNESS ADAPTORS REQUIRED) - DIRECT REPLACEMENT FOR THE FOLLOWING CA18 MODELS: BLUEBIRD U13-CA18DE BLUEBIRD U13-CA18DET EXA N13-CA18DE (1987>91) EXA N13-CA18DET (1987>91) SILVIA S13/KS13-CA18DE (1988>91) SILVIA S13/KS13-CA18DET (1988>91) 180SX RS13/KRS13-CA18DET (1989>91) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YELLOW JACKETS COIL PACK SET - YJ-VQ35-S1 - AU$400.00 delivered within 2-3 business days - - COMES IN A SET OF 6. DIRECT REPLACEMENT FOR THE FOLLOWING NISSAN MODELS: SKYLINE PV35/CPV35 (03-06) SKYLINE V35 250GT/300GT VQ25DD/VQ30DD SKYLINE V36 SEDAN (up to 2009) SKYLINE ©PV35 350GT (VQ35DE, 06/2001 - 09/2007) STAGEA NM35 250T / AR-X FOUR (VQ25DET, 10/2001 - 08/2004) STAGEA : PM35/PNM35 (01-07) INFINITI FX35 (03-08) INFINITI G35 COUPE/SEDAN (03-07) INFINITI M35 (06-08) M35 VQ25DET (06-07) FAIRLADY Z / 350Z Z33/HZ33 (Includes roadster) - (03-06) 350Z Z33 Touring Series 1 (VQ35DE, 12/2002 - 01/2007) 350Z Z33 Track, Series 1 (VQ35DE, 12/2002 - 01/2007) FUGA : PY50/PNY50/Y50 CEFIRO A33 (99-02) LEOPARD Y33 (97-99) CEDRIC Y34 (99-04) GLORIA Y34 (99-04) MAXIMA (02-08) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YELLOW JACKETS COIL PACK SET - YJ-VQ36-S2 - AU$400.00 delivered within 2-3 business days - - COMES IN A SET OF 6. - FACTORY RUBBER BOOTS AND INTERNAL SPRINGS REQUIRED. DIRECT REPLACEMENT FOR THE FOLLOWING NISSAN MODELS: VQ35HR & VQ35DE 3.5L V6 / VQ37VHR 3.7L V6 / VR38DETT 3.8L V6 : R35 GTR VR38DETT (08-12) SKYLINE PV36/V36/NV36 SKYLINE V36 sedans PV36/KV36 (06-08)INFINITI G35 COUPE/SEDAN (03-07) INFINITI EX35 (08-Up) INFINITI G37 TEANA PJ32/J32 MURANO PZ51/PNZ51 FAIRLADY Z Z33/HZ33 350Z (Includes Roadster) - (07-08) Z34 (370Z) VQ37VHRFUGA PY50/PNY50/Y50 FX35 (09-Up) M35 (08-09) ALTIMA SEDAN (07-12) ALTIMA COUPE (08-12) MAXIMA (09-Up) MURANO (09-Up). V36 VQ37VHR (2008-Up) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YELLOW JACKETS COIL PACK SET - YJ-VG30-S1 - AU$450.00 delivered within 2-3 business days - - COMES IN A SET OF 6. - DIRECT REPLACEMENT FOR THE FOLLOWING NISSAN MODELS: VQ Fairlady Z (300ZX) Z32/GZ32/GCZ32 - VG30DE & VG30DETT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YELLOW JACKETS T-SHIRT (Mens & womens) - AU$30.00 delivered - Front print - Plain back. 100% pre-shrunk cotton. Available in White or Grey only. Sizes - Small / Medium / Large / Extra Large / Extra Extra Large --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The link next to each item will take you to our site where you can view pics & details and where you can purchase & pay via Paypal with our secure online checkout system. We also take direct deposit, bank check or postal money order. Please PM me for details. Please PM or contact us if you have any questions regarding these items. Cheers, Paul. www.performance-wise.com www.performance-wise.net www.yellowjacketscoilpacks.com
  5. Selling for $3950 Nissan S13 Silvia K's 5 speed Manual Aprox 195 000 k's on the clock Selling Unregistered. Ca18det Has Following mods. ---------------------------- S14 front seats. New walbro fuel pump Pod filter 3" Exhaust Boost Gauge Turbo Timer Needs a new home, no longer needed. Selling as is. Located in Birkdale. Call me on 0422 766 715
  6. My Box of Things Sale, R34, 180sx, V35, RB20, SR, CA. Located in Tascott NSW 2250 Willing to Post, Pictures Available, Msg 04049212eight Seven or PM R34 Stuff R34 standard filter box bottom half only $10 R34 Standard Arms $Free R34 GTT stockies $150 R34 Dash $50 R34 GTT Spoiler $80 R34 Coupe doors $50 each R34 interior trim pieces $20 each R34 Viscous Diff Centre $50 R34 Standard Gauges $60 R34 Rear Hicas Module $40 180sx Stuff Sr/Ca gear stick/knob/plate $10 CA Manifold $10 180sx Black tail lights $100 180sx headlights $50 180sx pig nose front bumper $150 180sx rear bumper $50 Ca/Sr non abs tailshaft $50 Sr 20 carbon pod filter Cover $20 Ca18 a/c compressor $20 5 Bolt Dump pipe into 3 bolt $40 S14 Standard Fuel Pump Assembly $5 Rb20 engine complete in bits all parts available $125 for the lot V35 Stuff V35 Front Bar $250 V35 Rear Bar $250 Universal Parts 1x 18x8 +42 and 1x 18x9 +33 PDW Replay no tyres $20 each New Nos Pod filter $5 Malpassi FPR $20 Intercooler 600x300x76 3” in/out $100
  7. Budget CA S13 Track Car Moving my build thread from NS over to hear as NS seems pretty dead these days. Had the car for quite a few years now, has sat dormant for the last 18mths because I bought my 34 and poured all my time and money into that Current mods/specs. 1989 CA18DET 5spd in secy two tone. 146ks on a stock and original bottom end fresh head gasket and ARP studs. Engine/Driveline GT2560/T28 BB on 17psi/18spi - 198rwkw 3" Turbo Back Exhaust with de-cat Greddy intercooler. Catch Can and Morosso Crankcase evac kit. Turbo Tech Boost Tap - The original and still the best. Adjustable Wastegate Actuator R33 BOV - plumbed back. Grex Oil Filter Relocation Kit BTR Oil Cooler Thermostat JJR Oil Cooler Apexi SAFC V2 Apexi SITC AEM Wideband Air Fuel Sensor and Gauge RX7 460cc Injectors. Surge Tank Setup Walbro 400lph lift pump, Walbro 255lph main pump. Aeroflow fittings and hose. Alloy Radiator "Custom" Semi Solid Engine Mounts. CA18DET Exhaust Cam on the intake side and Adjustable Cam Gears Xtreme HD Organic Clutch. S15 helical diff centre with original crown and pinion to retain better ratio - Solid bushes. Brakes Braided lines all round. S15 Front Calipers/R33 Rear calipers (no handbrake anymore) Ventilated and Slotted Rotors TRW Pads all round R32 GT-R Master Cylinder R33 Brake Booster DIY Brake ducts front and rear. Suspension BC BR Coilovers S15 Power Steering Rack GKtech high misalignment tie rod ends. Nagisa Auto roll centre adjusters Cusco castor arms. R32 FLCA's S15 RLCA's Front Strut Brace ISC Rear Camber Arms GKTech Rear Toe Arms. S14 subframe with reinforcement plates Solid subframe bushes. Whiteline adjustable front swaybar. R32 GTR rear swaybar. Other/Rice C-West Twin Blade Adustable rear spoiler – alloy mounts under boot skin for support. Dry Cell Mounted in Boot with Battery Isolater/Kill Switch cable up front + remote pull. Aftermarket Steering Wheel D1 Quick Release Hub Momo Gear Knob Momo Pedals Auto Guage Water Temp, Oil Temp and Oil Pressure Guages Velo Podium FRP Race Seat with Velo Harness and side mounts. Custom Seat Frame, lowered for roof clearance. Pro Fab Half Cage (dealing with Brad was fun...) 17x8 and 17x9 Volk(Rays) Rims. Federal RS-R 235s R32 GT-R Grill Hektic body kit. Semi stripped interior, no AC etc. big dollar tow strap DIY Front Splitter Soon to be rear diffuser. Currently finishing off the front end suspension work/reassembly Getting some new front end links, changing out GTR rear swaybar for standard s14, car needs to go off to have some exhaust fab done (new hangers etc) then put it all back together and drive it for the first time in like 2 yrs... I pulled it off the road as the last out it was a realy handful to drive (with the new swaybars) and was torching the outside of the tyres. Full history/build is here. http://www.nissansilvia.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=533091&st=0
  8. Hi guys, 3 charts attached to give an overview. Curious as to the noticeable dip in torque as it builds to max torque. As the car does not have proper engine management, just a tuned rom with an SAFC II to assist, am I safe to assume this is just poor ignition tuning for those cells? There does not appear to be appreciable knock during WOT runs as I considered there may be a a knock issue at that point and the ECU i pulling timing. CA18DET Standard cams and gears. GT2560/S15 T28BB. RX-7 460cc Injectors. Z32. Walbro. Usual bits like cooler, exhaust, pod etc.
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