What are these fittings on the clutch cylinder and plenum for (BCNR33)?
Hi all,
Thank you very much for your ongoing patience with my questions as I get to know my new car. So, over the weekend I got my first proper chance to work on the car, and whilst doing some stuff in the engine bay (trying to make my breather tank pass rego, but that'll have to wait until I have photos) I noticed a couple of unused fittings. One is on the plenum near the number 6 cylinder (firewall end), and is blanked off, the other is on the clutch cylinder and appears to be just open. Car runs fine, no sign of any leaks. Should I be worried? Are these meant to me hooked up and are important? Sorry if the answer to this is super obvious, I have tried searching both these forums and the web generally but maybe I just didn't try the right search terms. Thanks in advance!