SAU VIC farewell to a founding member
It is with great sadness that SAU Vic committee and members alike say our goodbyes to Bec Pretty who is moving on from her roles at SAU Vic effective immediately.
As a founding member of SAU Vic, Bec has been a tireless worker over her 13 years with the club, bringing many events both social and motorsport to the table. She has been a main instigator in our DECA events, which over the years have been one of (if not) our most popular events bringing people from as far as interstate to take part in an event known through the car community as the SAU Vic DECA motorkhana.
All up Bec has been more than a driving force behind SAU Vic and we thank her more than we could ever show or say!
Bec, We wish you a full and fun future and all the luck in your future endeavours.
From the SAU Vic Committee and Members, Thank you Bec Pretty
Those that have known and spent time at SAU Vic events with Bec, please comment your thank-you's below.