Helmet + Hans Packages
Been looking at Hans devices as I'm driving more aggressively, run a half cage, fixed back seat, and harness. I do use a little neck support donut, but after seeing crash test footage about how the head just moves forward while everything else stays put, a HANS makes a lot of sense.
My current helmet is just a Sparx basic rthing, not HANS compatible so I'd need a new helmet and ebay is running various deals at the moment.
This can be had for $850ish delivered. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/131954318581?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&fromMakeTrack=true
Anyone got experience with Racelid helmets or that particular HANS model?
I'm also not sure which model in terms of degrees, I can measure this, but any advice on that front is appreciated.