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If a cop wants to put you off the road they will, the laws are so ambiguis no one can work them out without being a philadelphia lawyer and that is the way they want it. If you are on P Plates it is a mission of Police to give you a hard time as its keeps them in the back of your mind and they hope this will keep you alive, but mostly it will peees you off and would come under harrasment in your books.

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No I am over 40 so they leave me alone :D I am going by my observation of what has happend to my nephews and other younger drivers, and also I was young once(still Am) and was haseled because of owning a modified car then, but as said the olde you get they tend to leave you alone.

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Think outside the box....

What do you automatically think when you see a Green "P" plate on a rusty, loud, noisy VK with 6 people in it....

That's right

Same goes for a Import.

They are known for power, style, and Modification.....

whats the first thing most "Young" people want to do to their car....

Lower it, or fit a loud exhaust.... or maybe a stereo...CHEAP.

This is usually the big reason for it

IF ( and i do mean IF) it crashes into someone and kills them due to the modifications present on the vehicle...especially if they are illegal... and it could have been prevented if the car was in Standard form....wouldn't you try to stop them...

I have made sure that my cars have been modified "Legally"...It's not cheap, but more satisfing when you can present the police officer with all the relevant details of the legallity of the 'Mod

The only reason i say this is that last night i sat in a car park watching a whole heap of P platers in these lowered Rodeo's and commondore's (and i mean literally half an inch off the road) with loud Doof Doof, and very loud (and bad) exhausts... then they wonder "why" they get defected....

I understand the annoyance with the Police "watching" Imported cars, but that's the way it is and i dont think that will change....

Do it right, make sure it's legal

and no...I'm in the radio business



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nah boys i reckon his a copa joke man*:starwars: , dont know what the deal is with mine its stock as stock can get i reckon they have no real dramas in Australia so they chase cars around to make it look like they are doing work . If your a 50 and driving a holden commodore and tired you will kill someone as fast someone doing 100 in a import standard or not.

cops gun for sale dropped once and never been fired :spamcan:

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lol love that joke.

Since i had my import i have been pulled over once (except on 1 cruise) when i had my skyline (c210) b4 that i got pulled over occasionally but nothing severe.

IMHO cops can see a good driver from a mile away, sure some are just pulling over randoms but most of the time its casue they see u drving like a moron or anything out of the ordinary. IMHO a good driver knows when a cop is around and drives accordingly and cops KNOW when u know they are there. It basically a respect thing. U respect em and they will respect u. I got pulled over doin 120 in a 50 zone and they let me off last month y? because i talked with respect and all but admitted i was doing something wrong. He could have given mea yello or found the contaband i had in the car but i was nice, frank and showed respect so he just gave me a warning.

Cops arent the enemy and if u think they are they can tell, just like a dog smelling fear.

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. IMHO a good driver knows when a cop is around and drives accordingly and cops KNOW when u know they are there.

hehe..yup the good 'ol "cop vision"... it takes years of training :starwars: but yeah, i agree, you act like a dick in certain places where it could possibly be dangerous you'll get pulled over. If you're not doing too much wrong they should have no reason to even pull you over, and all stays fine.

But younger guys.. while i don't drive like a saint I like to think I don't do stupid things that often, which i see younger guys doing every day in some commodore, or whatever else without the experience. I can understand how that can get to them.

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Firstly id like to state for the record im not a memeber of the NSW Police.

To say

you are on P Plates it is a mission of Police to give you a hard time
If a cop wants to put you off the road they will

I hope we dont really believe it the sole purpose of Police to hand out driving/traffic infringements! How have all those people ended up in gaol? Highway is a small dept of the police who deal with traffic issues. Not many general duty officers could be stuffed with motorists unless there has been a blatant offence committed, or you have outstanding warrants etc.

OK, get ready for the gross generalsiations... (not directed to anyone in particular but food for thought)

You say you were young once, then you may recall how you most probably drove:D . and i assume how your nephews MAY drive. If a car is mechanically modded it stands to reason they are driven in a sporting fashion :burnout: ... idont see that many modded cars being driven at the facilities catering for them. For the cost of that one speeding 15-30km/hr fine you could go to 4 or 5 open track days.

Stop and think of all the times you have driven irresponsibly, either speeding or doing donuts etc. How many times were you caught. My guess is you miles and $$$ ahead. Do you deserve to be harassed... NO. All you have done is broken A law, unless of course you are an habitual offender. Do we as motorists have the right to address Police in an aggressive or impolite way...NO. You cant kick the dog and not expect to be bitten.

Personally ive had my share of silly moments behind the wheel, but luckily have never been pinged. These days i drive responsbily, yes i may do 120 in 110 zone and if booked ill wear it , not scream harasment.

The only 'normal' car ive owned was a '92 Pulsar Q, outside of that there has been big block Chevs, crappy barely roadworthy Sigma, Valiant, Handivan, highly modded R31 GTSX, and now an R32 GTSt.

Im only 26 and have only been given crap once, and surpirse, surprise i wasnt exactly doing the right thing. After accepting fault and listening, i went on my merry way with no fine.

A guy i know always complains how he is pulled over and car checked... but guess what he is a regular at the illegal drags in Sydney. I tell him the police have got your plates one night when there, thats why they defect your car. He turns around and says "..as if the cops have a clue whats going on":(

Understand the viewpoint of the broader community and appreciate why Highway Patrol have a job to do. Roads are for commuting/transport. Tracks and sanctioned events are for Sport.

My opinion only, and i hope i dont get crucified for having one. We are all creatures of our experiences, and perhaps i have been more fortunate than most

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Originally posted by hippy

... most of the time they just doing they're job.. but sometimes they can be real f(*&s ... for example ... i was driving by an rbt ... he lets the front car go infront of me .. think it was a commodore ... then he pulls me in ... wtf??

That's classified as 'doing their job'. :D

That's why it's random :P:D

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Originally posted by hippy

boostzor .. i need to know how u got away with doing 120 in a 50 zone ... did u blow him ?? or did he do u up the @ss?? seriously ... how did u do it??

Cause im so dam l337, need i say more???

He never actually had a reading so he couldnt prove it, he was comin out a side street and saw me blast past. He said he heard me like 30sec b4 he saw me. I got use my line too "sorry about that m8 i just got these new shoes and the toes are a little heavy":D

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Some interesting points guys...

I agree with the point that highway patrol is only a small division of the police force. The police have always been there when I've needed them so I'm not going to make a generalisation that I hate cops. However, from what I understand even most cops think that highway patrol are a bunch of knobs. Most of the time, they are....

From time to time I've been known to do stupid shit. When I'm in the wrong and I know it was dumb, I'll wear it.

But what really gets me is when they are just pricks for the sake of being pricks - e.g. 12:30 one night - I had been on a cruise in my 200sx (been driving for 6 hrs) and was heading home. I was trying to pull into a servo cause I was tired - thought I should stop - and the first 2 I saw were closed, so I ended up pulling a Uturn at a set of lights. There was no one within 1 km of me either way. The car 1 km behind me was a copper. No lights, no siren, did exactly the same thing I did, and pulled into the servo right behind me and booked me. No warning to the general public, speeding, and hooking an illegal u-turn. If I shouldn't do it, why can they? What they did was just as dangerous - if not more so, cause they must have done theirs in traffic.

It shits me that the government has turned the NSW police force into a revenue maker. You do realise that Highway patrol have quota's??? They won't admit to it, but they do. I have heard of coppers being moved out of HP cause they didn't hit their quotas.

Part of me can understand coppers wanting to cut down ppl doing stupid shit, cause if u think about it, they r the ones that have to clean up the mess. And sometimes it can get extremely messy. But instead of fining ppl, the HP need to make the punishment fit the crime.

E.g. I was running late to a movie 1 night, and as such I was speeding. I drove past coppers, and they chased me. Everytime they could have got me on radar I had slowed down due to corners, traffic lights or letting other ppl through etc. They eventually pulled me over, found out I was running late to a movie, and said "right, we are going to follow you to your movie, and if we see u go 1km over the limit, we will pin u for 15 & over". And they followed me. Even through the carpark to the movie which had a speed limit of 15. Drove me nuts, but it kept my speed down. More coppers should think about implementing systems like this.

The way I see it is 9 times out of 10 it is the government officials that are enforcing the revenue making. Not sure if u've read the articles in the papers from time to time, but the figures were something like 1 speed / red light camera in the top 10 blackspots in sydney. It's obvious that it's about revenue.

Perhaps NSW governement should subsurdise track days for sports car drivers with the money they make on traffic infringements. Maybe they should spend it on fixing the roads in sydney, planning ahead to reduce traffic congestion, cause hey, most of the time I do dumb shit is when I get the shits with traffic. Maybe HP could enforce all traffic rules like keeping left unless overtaking on freeways (a rule I've never seen implemented btw) rather than pulling us over for speeding etc.

Maybe one of us should run for office cause the way I see it, the NSW government doesn't and probably never will take proactive steps to reduce traffic infringements, they just pin you after the infringement, and take the money. Take the double demerit point weekends. It's a joke. Have they reduced the road toll? Nope, yet they keep the penalties in place. And do I have to raise the red light and speed camera's again? I think I've made my point.

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Allow me to add a little more

By all means, pin ppl for doing stupid shit. Hellies, burnouts, figure 8's etc. There's no need for them. I mean hey, if some guy does a burnout in front of u and puts a stone through ur windscreen, u r going to be pretty pissed. I'm sure most ppl here would agree that driving is about speed, cornering, and having control of your car, not how much rubber u can put on the ground. Its a stunt to show off. And that's exactly why we the we get pinned, cause we are labelled in the same category.

Have you ever noticed that you can generally do 20 km over whatever the speed limit is without a drama? Sports cars can stop faster than a 18 wheeler truck, so why should we be bound to the same speed limit? It is only on freeways that trucks / buses are capped for speed. I handle better, have better brakes, and generally haven't been driving as long as the drivers of those rigs, so wouldn't that mean that I am probably more responsive? Y not recognise that with a different speed limit?

Ever notice that the traffic at night is no where near what it is during the day? so why not increase the speed limit at night time. I mean, school zones decrease the limit at certain times of the day, so y not be able to increase the speed limit at others?

Increase traffic flow = decrease in road rage. Y won't the relevant parties recognise this? (ready for this to get political?) Cause Bob Carr is a knob, he has his own driver (that we pay for in taxes), and doesn't understand the enjoyment that ppl like us get from driving. So lets make money out of it!!! Thanks Bob. I know who I WON'T be voting for next election.....

Anyone want to vote for me next election? :P

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Its all just money, not saving lives. Its got to the point where they can't save any more lives without taking more draconian steps than they already have.

In Victoria for this year they have set a goal of doubling money from traffic infringements. No its not a goal of "cutting the amount of deaths by half", its making money, not saving lives.

Quite often I hear on TV this or this fatal accident happened over the weekend. When you actually find out more about the finer details of the accident that occured (in the paper or elsewhere) its 6am, or the driver was 70 or something. These to me are caused by lack of concentration and that was the key cause. The fact that the car involved may or may not be speeding is irrelevent. Yet the accident is put down to "speeding" because of course how do you prove tiredness from a dead person? These things push up the total deaths and mean huge crackdowns in the cities. How many people really do die in a 60km zone?? If its a pedestrian who walks out onto the road without looking then i'm sorry but i have no sympathy.

katohadamoto007 - true a skyline has all the capabilities to stop better than many cars but they have to with "average" car which is a piece of shit, and can't stop to save itself. Reflexes also decrease with age, and on that principle older drivers should be restricted, but they're not.

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