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boostzor - perhaps you should talk to the copper that pulled me over and insisted I was a "Street Racer" - perhaps he shouldn't be watching fast and the furious over and over - lol

I don't stand tall and crap on about my rights. Nor am I a smart arse to cops.

I get out of the car and meet the cop halfway between our cars. At 6'4 I do stand tall, but I'm not puffing up, and I wait for the cop to initialise the conversation. Here is a segment of the convo last time i got pulled over:

Cop: so you've got a history of street racing

Me: I'm sorry, how did you come to that?

Cop: Friday night, peats ridge, don't you remember being there? (extremely sarcasticly)

Me: Oh, I remember being there, but I wasn't street racing ... In fact none of the guys I was with were (was a 'line cruise btw)

Cop: That's not what 1 of ur mates told us

Me: I'm sorry?

Cop: 1 of ur mates gave us ur name, rego and told us u were street racing

Me: (i frown) I don't see how that's possible

Cop: and y's that?

Me: because none of the guys i was with that night knew my name

Cop: well obviously the copper had a word to you.

Me: no sir, an unmarked car did arrive, i can only assume he took my rego, but no police officer talked to me that night.

I'm not an idiot boostzor (much to many ppl's amazement). I am upfront and honest with police, but i am not below them, i don't believe that I should respect them for a badge. That particular copper was a complete prick, trying to get me to provide a 'line driver's (a mate's) details. kept me there 45 min on the side of a fwy, and i think he was just stalling me waiting for backup so he could search my car.

now i was going easy 160 in a 80 zone, and admitted outright that what i did was reckless, and that's y i was back on the speed limit well b4 he pulled in behind me (mind u he followed me for at least 2km before pulling me over). after it all, he ended up getting me with 15+ (i don't believe he clocked me at all, but had to get me with something, and considering the shit I could have been in, I didn't dispute it).

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My cousins husband is a cop, and he was the 1 that told me they had a quota to fill (traffic cops that drive around in SS's) or they get in shit when they finish their shifts! (and with who i always argue with coz he thinks the sun shines from his ass hole)

And as for cops being better than any1, now that is even bigger BS.

What makes them better?? the fact that any1 can basically become a cop, just go to through police academy and u get a badge and then they r better than every1 else??

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boostzor - perhaps we should catch up for a beer sometime, and have a proper conversation about my respect for ppl. I am respectful when it is deserved.

just like u said, i will be one of the only ppl to give my seat on a train for an elder. I respect my woman, my parents, my friends etc.

I will respect coppers provided they are not pricks. And I give them every opportunity to be other than pricks b4 I make up my mind.

e.g. different instance I got done for redlining a magna (sorry fagna) through a stop sign. HP on bike pinning ppl for just that. i got done. didn't dispute it. but he was reasonable about it. we ended up having a brief chat, laugh, and eventually he warned me that there was going to be coppers pinning for just that stop sign for the next couple of weeks. and there were.

i am not a prick nor arrogant when i get out of the car. but if a copper is being a prick, he loses my respect pretty quickly, and the no of times it's happened is y i'm posting on this thread.

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as far as i'm concerned, what makes a good cop is when they have respect for other members of community and that includes me when they pull me over for doing something wrong

coppers are just ppl - no better or worse than u or me. sometimes u get pricks, sometimes u get good blokes. if more cops weren't pricks and didn't think they were better than everyone else, the less shit they'd cop from the community.

1 of my mates is a cop and pushing to get into HP (don't know y). But he is 1 of the fairest guys i know. they r the type of ppl u want doing that job. pin when u have to, but he's fair about it. and yeah, if he pulls me over doing 10 over, he'll probably let me off with a warning. but if he gets me for 20+ he'll pin me. his view - i don't drive that fast when i'm not on duty, so y should u?

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good points 007, i am basing my current non respect for cops on situations when they have showed me no respect and basically acted like they were god to satisy their ego.

3 times i have needed their help and have not got it.

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INASNT: I said on the road, not over all. if a cop come knocking on ure door and tries to barge in tell him to get f***d. Just saying the road is their domain and when u are on the road they are better. U can get into semantics all u want but the fact remains that the law will see their side b4 it see ures. U r licenced to drive by the govt ure car is licenced to be on the road by the govt and cops are the representatives of the govt they are essentially GOD's of the road, sorry no argument thats just the way it is, if u dont like it dont drive. The road is the only place where honest citizens can get screwed and like it or not its up the the discretion of the cop.

007: i guess i have never had anything to sour the cops IMHO everytime ive been done i have deserved it. One time i was on the way home from a LAN in my old cluncker 'line adn i got pulled over. Its 3am and im carrying 3 computers on my back seat and boot plus i had my pusuader in the boot (4ft broadsword) the second i got pulled over i knew id get done seeing as my tires were near bald and i had some ahh contraband on me. They made me empty the entire car and checked serial number searched around and found my contraband (well under legal amount) they had a bit of a talk with me and then just left it at that. I could have had at least a yellow sticker, possession of a banned substance, possesion of lethal weapon and rolling over a stop sign, which is why they pulled me over in the first place. Im pretty sure they could have got me for somethig else if they had wanted to but they can tell that i was just a student on my way home and prolly couldnt afford a fine nehow so they left me standing on the side of the road packing my stuff back in the car.

What im basically saying is dont judge, a cop can judge u but u shouldnt judge a cop, not becase he is better or worse but because the second u start judging him u think of him as a man/woman and not a cop and then u act accordingly. If hes nice u may get friendly and let ure guard down, if hes a prick u may just start treating him like ny other prick u meet on the street and he will know it.

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if that happened to me i can guarantee that i would have got a yellow sticker plus fine for having illegal substances, and probably be taken to the cop station coz they thought i stole the computers.

Y cause apparently i am copbait, (black,short hair, big build and coz of the car i drive) It comes down to racist cops, and dont tell me there aint any either, and the way they judge u 100 meters away before they even pull u over!

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Yeh that prolly helps alot too. I guess alot of it would be face value so u would lose out on that its gonan take adam long time to get rid of stereotypes.

A journalist is asking George W Bush, "What proof do you have that Iraq

has weapons of mass destruction?"

Bush replies "We kept the receipts."

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yeah adam better get his act together soon!

and as for americans those wankers sell all the weapons and shit to all the terrosits around the world and they winge when they use them against them!! dicks!!!

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its funny coz its true, america supplies most of the deadly weapsons around the world, heck they even flight trained the terrorists than crashed into the twin towers!

well i guess cops and americas are similiar!! :P

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I have only been pulled over once... since i had my skyline.. i was taking my car to get it registered after getting it imported and complied etc... i pull up at a set of lights the cop sees i dont have any licence plates and he says

Cop: where's your plates? ( in a really bad tone of voice like i just stole the cookie from the cookie jar)

me: I'm going to the RTA to get it registered today.

as my car was not lined up with his he said.

Cop: move up.

Me: sorry what was that?

Cop: MOVE UP( practically yelling at the top of his lungs)

so i did

Cop: let me see the paperwork.

i pull out the folder and show him the papers.

Cop: Where do you live? ( Still in a harsh tone of voice)

me: Canley..

Cop: there's an RTA in Canley why you heading to Liverpool?

Me; Cos we had to go and pay for our Greenslip.

Cop: ok go if you dont have plates on next time i see you there will be trouble.

So basically i wqas doing nothing wrong so he let me off.

But the thing that annoyed me was the tone of his voice and the way that he spoke to me.. i was polite and answered his questions truthfully. I know he wqas just doing his job but he didnt have to be soo Rude about it..

He has 3 other cops in the car as well.. thats prolly why he was trying to act high and mighty

I'm also Black and young (but i dont think that had anything to do wit it). All i'm saying was that he was very rude and harsh.. even though i had done nothing wrong it made me feel like i did do something wrong and i was pretty shaken from it too..

He could have been nice and polite about it and still acheive the same thing.

After that day, i have a whole new veiw on cops.

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i am surprised he didnt tell u your stock car was not to cetain adr standards, even tho u just got the compliance plate done, since they know more than engineers or any1 else on the planet!

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got followed home by the hp last night.

driving home from work, sitting on prob 10 over the limit on a highway (just keeping up with the flow of traffic - 90 zone btw). I see a hp go past (other side of the road). i hit a 60 zone (where there is usually a hp every month or so) so i drop to the speed limit. HP that i had passed, has pulled a u-turn and is now on my arse.

Follows me the rest of the way home in peak hour traffic - ensuring that no one got between her and me - it was 1 chick in a hp car.

the entire trip i kept under the speed limit - and i take a fairly windy way home - there is no other reason for her to be going the same way as me unless she is following me - about 30 min driving.

she then takes the same turn off as me and follows me into my street (backstreet in the middle of surburbia). All i could think was, she didn't get me for speeding, but now she's going to defect me for something. then she kept going.

maybe she just wanted to give me her phone no, or wanted to know where i lived??? - drop me a valentine's day card or something - lol

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if they followed u for that long, u should have kept going around in circles, go into a petrol station, and then pull into some1'c driveway and get out of the car and just pretent to walk into the house, they cant do shit when your car is on private property!

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