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Trading Post - Don't do this........

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To say I'm pissed off is an understatement. Hind-sight tells my that I have been naive. And my trust in some people has fallen out the f*cking window.

This event culminated today ......

I placed an add in the Trading Post to sell an LCD Projector The projector cost me $5000 when I bought it 12 months ago.

Yesterday, at 3:00pm I received a call from a guy calling himself Ian. He was interested in the projector - Ian proceeded to ask all the relevant questions about the unit - How Many Hours, Is there warranty, why are u selling it, etc etc. He wanted to see it that night, so we arranged for him to meet me at my place at 7:00PM. I asked him where he was coming from, he told me Hurstville.

Ian never showed up last night........ I thought to my self at the time, Brendan you dick, you should have gotten a number from him......

I left to go to work this morning thinking about how Ian didn't turn up and that he had my address and he knew I had a $5000 projector at my house. So I locked up my place extra tight - I even took my new Digicam to work, just in case.

On my way home from work I pulled into my Mum & Dad's place to tell then about my shitty week at work and how this Ian dude didn't show - I jokingly said that I expected my place to be burgled when I got home.

When I got home, I do my usual thing of taking the spare change out of my pocket and throw it in the change box - Guess what - no change box. OMFG - I look to where I had put the Projector - Not there...

I was robbed, burglarised, ripped off. The Projector, remote, power cord, user manual, case, RCA leads and S-Videa leads all pinched. (Along with $300 woth of change) I could not believe it. Ian had jimmy'd the back door and busted the lock to get in...

Ian from Hurstville, you thieving mongrel - If I ever, ever find out who you are, ....................................... words will not describe the pain.

I've made statement to the police, I have the original receipt for the Projector - so it should be all good. Insurance should cover it....

This is the first time I have been robbed and I am not happy Jan..,

If u ever plan to sell anything, get the dude's details and number - call them back (to verify the number) and then start talking addresses etc. Don't make my mistake.....

I hope this helps at least helps someone else that plans on selling anything via the Trading Post or any other public forum....

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sorry to hear it dude, there sure is some scum out there...

but.. 9 times out of 10 they come back to nick the insurance replacement, borrow/hire a big badass dog off someone and keep it in your house for a month or so... get your payback, revenge is always sweet :crazy:

A few tips (a bit late):

* As already stated, when the buyer calls, ask for a landline number, hang up and call them back. *THEN* start talking.

* Don't EVER EVER EVER give out your home address. Arrange to meet somewhere, and if you're not a big guy, take a mate.

* If you're selling a car, and you decide to take them for a drive or let them drive the car, take their driver's licence and give it to someone to hold until you return.

* Trust your instincts. If they look dodgy, speak "ful sik english" and bring a cuz/bro/mate or 20, reevaluate the situation and take necessary action. (leave, or call up a few mates of your own)

The trading post, as great a publication as it is, has a very diverse readership, and a great percentage of those people aren't as honest as you are.


I feel Ur pain Brendan, and I'm sure most people here feel the same too.

Things like this shouldnt happen, but unfortunately they do..

Trust in Karma....a lot of bad karma will going this scumbags way. He'll get whats coming to him...eventually.

BTW: just a thought, can Ur phone company track the number he used to dial you from. since you know the time of call, they may be able to track the CLI ( caller line identification), and hand that info to the police to act on.

Sorry that bad things happened to you, and hope that things get better soon

Im with akira,

point out to the cops that he called you, they can track that shit rather easily now. He may have called from a pay phone, but he may have also called from his landline/mobile in his name...

As youve already realised, beef up on more security...

Sorry to hear dude

Hurt brendan , f**kin hurt,

i dunno, to me this almost doesn't even surprise me anymore, i think after having my car stolen i look @ everything in a different perspective,

Lost alot of faith in man kind but slowly regaining it...

iv just had a mofo gut full


Thanks Folks,

You know when people say that after you have been burgled, that you feel violated..... Yep, you do.

This prick now knows what else I have at my place..... If he's really stupid, he'll be back.....

/me rushes off to get extra security bolts for all my windows, back to base alarm system, large Rotty and pet brown snake.

Sorry to hear about your loss dude.. Bloody sucks...

HAd a guy trying to sell his motor bike here going back a few years ago.. He had to blokes come out to look at it, They turned up on another bike together, the one intersted asked if he could take it for a little ride up the road and back while his mate waited for him. Being the nice guy that he was, he let the guy take it for a spin..... 5 mins after he left the other guy was still sitting on his bike, he started it and took off.... My friend never seen his bike again...

When ever I goto sell something, I always meet the people somewere away from were I live.. If they look like bums and that they dont have the money I would never take em to were I live.... Besides that I live on a RAAF base. So I am prity safe....

Guest Nightsky

THAT IS SO WRONG! Chin up Brendan, whether karma cathes him or not, I believe criminals are usually losers who eventually slip up. When he does, the victim whom catches him will then hopefully give him a bit of what you wanna do to him. Thieves or people who trade in stolen goods should be hung to death by their nuts to make an example for the other gutter trash.

Scum of the earth.

Thanks for all the support folks,

Police said that they can't do much......

Also realised that they took more than I first thought. My Sis lives me and they went thru her room - took Watches , Jewelry , wallet, along with my old digi cam and SLR camera, they must have filled up my gym backpack too - cause that is gone aswell.

Judd, I may take you un on the ofer dude, I'll take a look at the site....


That really sucks mate, I hope you have some like tracking the number and find the little ****er(s) who did it.

I know how you feel someone broke into my house while i was asleep however i confronted them when they smashed through the front door window and they bolted...

leaves a sick feeling in your stomach though man.

Best of luck

Police are soo lazy and bleak these days... sorry to hear that BreNden but they accomodate about 113 robberys per day... and doesn't service the severity of your situation individually..

Try to speak to a Senior Constable or a Detective, they have the resources to track the number or location of the caller. I know on alot of fraud matters that dealt with provided exact time and date with a single phone call, they can obtain certain telephone interceptions or location IDs...

yeh.. i would never ever give some1 my addresss ... they are too many thefts out there looking for a quick buck no matter wat it takes... becareful in the early future

very sorry to hear of your losses brendan though they are all material things and you had insurance so it's all good i trust. could always be worse mate. chin up

maybe you can make a more detailed list of the things he took. i live near hurstville and from time to time i wander in the hock shops aroud the area. although i doubt he really is from hurstville.

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