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Whos Up For A Vic Drift Club?

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Im up for it, I was just getting into the calder drift practise days and now I cant, I would really like to see it continued because Its a form of motorsport that I enjoy competing in.

I know a quite a few other people (who are not on the forums/internet) that have been attending calder drift days for the past year regularly and who would do almost anything to get back into drifting on it, I was having a chat to one of my close mates whos really into It and he was very very dissapointed to hear that it was to be called off, not only that there are guys who have bought/built drift cars solely to be used on the track, Id imagine theyd be pretty upset.

Anyway, thats my 2c, good luck to anyone that can work something out, if I can be of help, please message me



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Great to hear. I have had a number of emails about this and I would like to see more people b4 we organise to have our first meeting. Once you have sent your emails in you will be on the contact list.

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You could use SAU as an already set up club with a committee and everything already worked out, and have a sub-club sort of thing to get licenses etc. Setting up a club for Cams Affilition isn't easy.....

Took the boys here a lot of work and there's a lot of stuff that needs to be sorted out.

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Guys it seams like the fulllock website is down atm. If you would like my mates and I have been working on a tech site that has a forum. www.importworks.net go there register and that way we can get all the drifters in 1 spot until the club is sorted out

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id be up for it, you might be able to try gippsland park hill climb track i know they dont have all that many events any more so they might be keen. people who want to legel srift should drive the 2 hours

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Hey guys every vic drifter interested in this club needs to go to importworks.net and reg so that we can start things moving

Wow - I've never seen a forum so clean...

just a question though - whats wrong with here?

Though I hope you do get it up and running. I might even see you there....

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Hey nothing is wrong with here. Its just that we had this post on NS/fulllock & here. So insted of running 3 different topics its easier to run 1 so that all of the drifters that are interested can meet there. Also the club isnt a part of SAU or NS so its a little unfair to use their forums for club business.

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Ok we now have over 50 people interested in the club we are currently looking for a hall do have a meeting. We will keep you posted as to the date & time that the meeting will be on. Please remember that www.importworks.net is our first line of contact. So please reg.

It looks like we will be forming our own victorian club & not becoming an extention of another club this is due to a number of problems due to money & time. This means that we need a club name so can people please go to the web site and post up a club name so that we can take a vote on all of the different names at the first meeting.

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Hey guys we have got a club site up now with everything needed on it. Please go to www.vicdrift.com and register. This site is where the info for the first meeting will be put up next week. So please reg & keep checking for updates


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