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Like i said before : what planet have you been living on!... Cops dont make up stories : SCOFF SCOFFF SCCOCCOCOOOOOOFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!.

I got done for drink driving 6 months ago in a front wheel drive automatic ford probe. The payment officer ( i mean police officer) wrote a one page story how i drifted this car around a corner in the wet with water spraying up every where from the REAR wheels for the court case! ie it was all a made up story so that they would have an excuse to pull me over and give me the breath test! Oh yeah  i blew .173 when they brethowed me. Even if i could drift  a front wheel drive automatic probe, it would have been interesting at that blood alcohol concentration level!

What i want to know is what was the coppers blood alcohol concentreation level to come up with such a bullshit story!!!!!!!!

hope the dick got fired!!!! Hell if i was his boss i would fire him on the spot!!

If i was a dreg of society i am sure that the story compiled by the copper would have been far worse!!!!!!

Anmyway alls well that ends well: got the minimum fine and disqual!

And i am defenitely getting my 900 bucks worth from the states roads!!!

SA traffic cops are DICKSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they will reap what they SEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Let me get this straight - you got caught drink driving and you were more than 3 times over the limit and somehow the cops are dicks.......Ok....yep..hmmmm... :)

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REdgtst that has to be the appaling post i've ever seen on SAU in the 2 and a bit years i've been on here.

vote for ban. i'm being serious too. that shit you wrote brings the whole car enthusast scene down a level and justifies police targeting young males.

Edited by The_Paladin
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arkon, yep i have heard lots about grammar, and police that havnt spelt things properly.

There was one incident with an officer who was asked to spell a particular word significant to radar devices. He spelt it wrong and the argument was that if he couldnt spell that then how can he use a radar device properly?


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why "boy racers"??? what about "girl racers"?

Hahaha quiet you :D I quite like the fact that when cops see my gtr, drive like idiots to get next to me (note: swerving across 3 lanes of traffic, changing their mind and swerving back across 1 lane, then change their minds again to go next to me), and see a female driving, they just mind their own business and drive on.

Then again, most of the time I am well behaved on the streets, and when i'm not, I make damn sure it's the most appropriate place and time possible ie: out in the middle of nowhere, good visibility, roads I know well, and roads where there's very little possibility of there being any innocent bystanders that could get hurt if things went horribly wrong.

I also think at this stage triskillion, there number of guys in performance cars is still greater than the number of girls, and I don't think anywhere near as many girls have been caught misbehaving. If you don't want the police to hassle you, drive like a nanna 9 times out of 10. Don't rev you're engine past 3500rpms, don't brake hard, don't accelerate quickly, don't squeal or smoke your tyres, and don't go around corners quickly. I find if you drive in a really predictable and sensible fashion, the police don't seem to notice you as much as if you are drawing attention to yourself.....I realise that this doesn't always work and isn't always the case, but it helps.

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