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hello again Canberra ppl! so what's doing? who's coming?? don't tell me you're gonna make me cruise up there on my own :P

hey Jay, are you & Jamie still maybes?

anyone else? if you're keen, pop a reply either here or in the events section, to let me know if you're coming pleeeeeaassse!

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Tom, that's cool, hope to see you! :)

i think the "don't say you'll go if u can't" was more to do with paid events..which are a HUGE hassle if ppl don't turn up...

but yes, it IS good to know, so we don't hang around the servo waiting for ppl who aren't coming.

Jamie...i haven't counted numbers...it never works out right anyway...but i would say at a rough guess maybe 20 cars?

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Hi guys..

well i hope u all had a good day on Sunday...I sure as hell did! :)

I just wanted to add a couple of apoligies too....SO SORRY for being so late to the servo, how's my form, late for my own cruise LOL....my nightshift hours are hard to break out of ;) I'm usually still awake till at least 7am...

secondly...I'm sorry we didn't get to cruise back home together! I thought everyone was leaving!!! so i got ready to follow Merik (in the GTR), and told merli & kabab that we were going cos they were following us back to the highway. Ummm i kinda thought everyone was heading off, and u guys were already in your cars and would be behind me...but then i realised it was only merli & kabab behind me...

So yeah, i should have come over & said something..sorry :P

and thirdly...I'm sorry i didn't get to meet SuperflySkyline...I didn't actually know who u were...you're friend was the tall guy with glasses yeah? you had a cap on? sorry...i've only just worked it out now by looking thru everyone's photo's.

phew ok apoligies over... ;)

It's a pity the harlequin R33 & the R34 didn't come...how did they find out about it, does anyone know? Are any of u guys friends with them? Or maybe they just read in here...if so HELLO!! hehe

btw, who were the guys in the R31 who cruised up with us?

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Shell, I told the owner of 'Skyline Performance' Joe, ( He was the one with no hair) the new place out at Mitchell. Saw him on saturday when i went to test drive a R32 GT-R (DROOOOLLL)

Mentioned i was with Skylines Australia and told him about the cruise. The R34 and Harliquin were mates of his, Great looking car's. Might come on the next cruise with us, the more the merrier i say:) .

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Slyder is that the silver GTR that Joe has its a cool car you should get it!!! Sorry i couldnt make it had my wisdom teeth out on Friday arvo. When can we organise a canberra barB or something??? Im keen i think there could be a good turn out if we give enough notice, plus my car might be goin by then!! ( i pulled alot of stuff out of the engine now i dont know where it goes nah jokes:D ) Keen to met all you folks, peaqce out:burnout:

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Hey Shell, don't worry about the late thing, just gave us more time to drool over the GTR :)

One thing that made things a lot easier is that most of the people have there SAU name on their number plates :D

Might have to get some stickers for those of us that don't.

The trip was unreal !!!

We'll definately have to do that again real soon.

Me and Jay are also up for some very informal Friday night cruising, if anyone else is interested...

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Originally posted by SilverSlyder

Shell, I told the owner of 'Skyline Performance' Joe, ( He was the one with no hair) the new place out at Mitchell.  Saw him on saturday when i went to test drive a R32 GT-R (DROOOOLLL)

Mentioned i was with Skylines Australia and told him about the cruise.  The R34 and Harliquin were mates of his, Great looking car's.  Might come on the next cruise with us, the more the merrier i say:) .

Oh I see! Well i didn't meet Joe or any of those guys since we left as soon as i got there. I spoke to the guy who owned the R34 very briefly.

I saw the harlequin R33 last Friday in Mitchell actually. We kinda did a flyby past each other down one of the side streets :)

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yeah im keen for a friday get together hey also who is it that has a silver r33 gtst that just moved into harcourt hill with a SDU sticker on the back of there car keen to find out!! Yeah the GTR joe has is not a bad unit, what brakes does it have cause i rekon the brakes on the r33 htst are as good as GTR brakes, i dont think there as good as the rest of the car.

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