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I'm So f**king Confused


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ok....put yourself in my position. you're a 19 year old P plater. you've been driving your parents VT for a year and it's time to get your own car. you wanna get a car that's manual, looks good and goes good, your budget is around 9 or 10 grand.

your parents won't let you get a TURBO or V8 bcoz somehow they've seen how you drive (speeding) and don't want you to get one for your first car.

you're thinking.....is it worth getting a non-turbo skyline or 300ZX or should i get a honda or a corolla or something. <_<

what the f**k would you do? <_< :):(

you have no idea how much your opinions/suggestions would help me guys.

and like i said put yourself in my shoes.

thank you

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dunno what stae your in but in NSW we can't have turbo or v8 on your P's so what i'd do

buy a shitbox for 1000 and keep it for a yr whilst u save, and if u really want that v8 or turbo car, drive ur shotbox nicely for a yr, maintain it well, don't crash it, don't get any infringements and when you get off ur Ps go buy the car u want, u might have more savings by then and your parents will think you are responsible

that what i did, well sorta.......

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Its probably not what you want to hear right now, but it is the motto of my motorsport club

Hasten Slowly

Personally, if I had a turbo car when I was your age I probably would have killed myself, also on a lighter note, I have a friend who owns a R33 non turbo and he loves it, its reasonably quick and looks good and is reliable (some 300zx's arent unfortunatley) take it easy tiger, and hopefully you will still be around in a few years an be driving that GTR :)

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how well do they know cars?

my oldies wouldnt have known it was a turbo if i didn't tell them; it just has a loud intake :)

Also what state are you in?

Do you live in a major city? because if not, insurance may be 1/2

Edited by Mulkers
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Im 19 and ive had my 33 gts-t for a year now.

My parents where against the whole turbo thing from the beginning, but i really wanted the car so i went and bought it.

After buying i drove safely and slowly slowly they got to trust me a little more, now they couldnt care less about what car i drive because they know im responsible....

So convincing your parents maybe another option lol....

My 2c worth....

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id say convince them im 16 and own a 33 gtst turbo my parents were hesitant but know i can drive safely and know when to speed so yea


You cant even drive it yet by your self.... Whats the point????

Id buy a nice little car and wait a while till you move out and buy up...

I remember when i was 18 and wanted my first turbo.... I put my foot down and said nothing else matters... Was the happiest moment of my life... (apart from getting a set of big cans in my face for the first time.) Anywyas, you will feel the same way when you get it....

Maby wait a bit... Show your parents you are responsible. Save a few bucks so you can buy a good one. (my first one was a heap of crap... spent so much on engine and gearbox cause i bought too cheap). Anyway maby then you can step into a clean Series 2 R33...

I have had 4 skylines now and I was happiest with the first one due to stepping into an icon... Not just driving one....

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2 (and a bit) comments contained hereafter: some for original poster, some for responders,

just get a sh!ter for a car and get some experience. for a while. I know you've probably been driving for two years and think thats enough and thats a good start but there's something about testosterone that your two years of experience won't accomodate for. I learnt some of my hardest lessons at 19-20 yrs old. Statistics do all sorts of bad things to car enthusiasts and their cause. Don't become a statistic.

But to keep specifically on topic get a newer more economical car. (Honda/Corolla as you stated) it will save you money in petty, insurance, services, than a non turbo skyline or 300zx (you know how old they are right?)

on a side note, can we get a sticky or something on this sub forum for all the times these dilemmas come up. From reading this forum for a few years now I'm pretty sure that the general consensus (sp) is: GET A SH!TER AND THEN GET INTO HIGHER HP CARS! Please correct me if I have drawn too many conclusions here.


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I would also sugggest buying a cheap car for a couple of years get a manual and become a good driver. Then in a couple of years once you have the experience you need get yourself an R32GTR and you won't regret it. If I had been driving a huge hp car 18-20 like most would be lucky to still be here. Not saying at that age can't be responsible but driving well 99% of the time is not enough. I sped more in my parents applause 18-19 that I ever have in my GTR/TT supra since.

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I think slamm is on the money, I also learnt a few lessons early on, like when I parked my parents volvo in a ditch - how embarrasing... Experiences we learn in life can be put into two lists I find - a short list of the things I learned the easy way, and a long list of things I learned the hard way... I would like to seccond a motion for a thread on safe driving tips and lessons on car control - you dont get many chances to learn how to control a slide at 140 kph...

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Oh to be young again....

My first car was a brand new Lancer coupe GLXi - After driving it for two weeks I had accumulated 6 points !!!

My advice - get yourself a nice reliable and cheap manual car - like the Corolla. It will teach you much about driving and won't get you into a lot of trouble, nor be too expensive to run.

Then save

Then in 2 or 3 years - when you are more comfortable at handling a car you can consider upgrading. You'll have an easier time getting insurance and finance etc etc.

If you go high hp now you will in all likelihood smash the car anyway as driver education in this country teaches you f#ck all (I learned that after rolling my second car - a Bimmer - into a ditch on a shitty country road in the middle of the night ;-)

So - as hard as it seems - and in line with previous comments - hasten slowly :-)

PS Am now 36 and only now consider myself worthy of buying a GT-R ;-)

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id say convince them im 16 and own a 33 gtst turbo my parents were hesitant but know i can drive safely and know when to speed so yea

I have a Stagea RS-Four which should be soon to have 200 at all 4's. My parents were a little hesitant, but I eventually talked them into it. Going for some Advanced Driver Training on my 17th Birthday, care of my folks :P Every little bit counts

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