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NSW police, RTA and EPA owned me last night

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That'll teach you to post up pictures of me in unflattering Elvis-esque type costumes. Who said police aren't corrupt. Best $50 I ever spent.


Sorry to hear it little bro, seen the notices in the kitchen this morning....ouch!

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thats what i was doin as well ...

i was just driving at about 60km/h through canterbury rd and up newbridge road around 10.30 and he was on the side of the road , as soon as he saw me he flew out and through the traffic to get me out of about 20 cars and he gave me a bit of paper saying you have to follow me or else ...

man im pissed ... i couldnt believe it , then they make all your passengers get out and you have to go in for an hour or so by yourself

so i had to tell my gf out and leave her by herself for an hour with all the hoons around .. not good

Guest Nightsky

Thanks to all you people. :)

Skylark: you gotta got to sleep sometime! :D mofo! :)

sxc180: I saw you getting pumped. A friend of mine, Ninian, said that he knows you or something.

Goran: I had a friend in the car.

Unfortunately I dont think I can do much about this, just cop it sweet like I should. I would never have had the shits if they weren't so discriminatory with whom they chose to bust. IE: all cars in the defect kingdom were nice modified rides. All were young drivers. When I pointed out to officer di(khead that there were no old pieces of junk that you see around (many of which were surrounding me as I got pulled over) that were more defect worthy he said "oh, there's one over there" pointing to a gemi wagon. When I pointed out that the owner was young and it looked in good condition (which it was) he had nothing to say about why all the death traps we all see around and how they are miraculously missed when 'randomly' selecting cars to defect.

Thanks for your info guys. It just dont think it'll do much good. The simple fact is if I wasn't out they wouldn't have got me. Even though I was heading for liverpool shell I would've returned to the burger king later. But in reality we are not under martial law, there is no curfew, so I feel now like I have to stay at home at certain times regardless of whether i'm going out for 'fun' or not.

ive had enough of the troubles ...

theres nothing we can do about it

im getting my exhaust restricted to 90 dB (power loss)

BOV gone and a new pipe put back in

and i got a airbox for $65 today

i dont know how they can sleep at night with this going on .. they all were smart asses as well giving funny remarks and giving you dirty looks , they think we r all drug dealers with dirty money , but really we work for it and its a passion that unfortunately we cant expose anymore ! hmmm ..

nightsky - were u in the black 2 door r31 ??

and yeah i know ninian ... used to work next to him

Could you trust the EPA to have a public meeting somewhere where modified car owners could attend to learn exactly what is expected from us and our cars. (Community hall etc)

Or would we all be carted off to be defected as they had all of us in the one place, or even worse our details taken down, for another time and another place.

Could you trust us modified car owners not to cause a scene by verbally abusing any RTA/EPA representative, or driving like dills when leaving making the whole situation worse.

They have amnestys for guns, i woudnt mind the idea of such a thing with car mods. By the sounds of it i have been very lucky as a modified car owner, never in my life getting hassled by Police/EPA/RTA.

But with all thats going on i would probably take the opportunity to have the EPA/RTA sight my car and issue me with a list of things they would like corrected. (Not a defect or enforceable notice, like i said like an amnesty) This way i could at least try to appease them according to my own agenda. Perhaps its naive to think they wouldnt catch me later now knowing that my car may have defects.

Its not reasonable to assume that car owners can quickly foot the bill to make good a car. Surely those who provide pink slips or perform the modifications in the first place should share the responsibility.

That said if my car is part of the reason the drive from Victoria Rd down Lane Cove Rd is so unpleasant, seeing all the smog over Homebush, then it wont kill me to ensure my car isnt running too rich, and my cat is in place and functioning correctly.

Guest Nightsky

George: no yellow, I have from a week to mid next month for sperate things to be fixed/cleared.

Yes they were targeting Sunday night runs.... Not all people who go to BK are up for runs though. Some just relax, check out the cars and chat. I'm all for legalities to be persued, but its the blatant and descriminatory way in which these things are done that gets under my skin and has done for a long time. When friends of mine have been hammered and told things like "you know we pulled you over because you are fully sick dont ya" Indirect rascism which cant be proven.

Don't just bend over it and take it up the arse like the cops want you to, do some research and fight against it otherwise us modified car people will get no where.

If you look in depth into the adr rules i believe you will find that there is no rule saying you can not have a pod filter. There is common belief and RTA/police use this to their advantage that a pod filter will increase emmisions and as such defect you for this (guilty until proven innocent it would seem). Also as for the oil leak, i believe you will find that in order for it to be a defect the oil must be hitting the road (hence people getting defected for such things as abit of oil around the oil crap and valve cover is totally wrong yet we continue to just say "ohh i might as well just pay it and be done with it").

My car is completely engineered, we managed to get the db limit of the left exhaust to 89.9 db and right to 89.8db. You will find that things such as background noise will effect the db limit greatly as we were unable to get it below 94db in his workshop and surrounding areas, though in a very quiet street we got it all legal. It just comes down to doing your research and knowing where you legally stand so we don't all continuously keep getting shafted.

can some1 tell me what this little piece of paper says that tells you that you have to follow them to the rta/epa/defect station?

since when is the law that you have to follow a police officer where ever he wants you to???

what if you were busy,or had some important things to do,this is not acceptable and no1 should take this crap.

if i get pulled over and asked to follow them,ill say NO and see what happends,if he wants he can check the car himself and if he can see anything wrong with it,THEN give me a fine/ticket there and then.

Is there somewhere were i can see if this law exists?

also,if a car comes with a intercooler and you replace it with a bigger/aftermarket one,and cools the air charge temp lower,wouldnt the ECU correct the afr going to the motor?

thats why we have a MAP/air flow meters!

is there a adr/epa law in writing regarding this?

ah man,im just pissed when i hear about this kind of stuff:mad:

Originally posted by nissaner

speaking of engineer certificate, can u get every mods certified? or some of them r not eligible?

say u got the certificate when u were pulled over, then everything is hassle free and u can go home?

That's the gist of it mate.

As long as it's a local engineer (as in NSW cert. for NSW cops).


Originally posted by mazman

can some1 tell me what this little piece of paper says that tells you that you have to follow them to the rta/epa/defect station?

since when is the law that you have to follow a police officer where ever he wants you to???

what if you were busy,or had some important things to do,this is not acceptable and no1 should take this crap.

if i get pulled over and asked to follow them,ill say NO and see what happends,if he wants he can check the car himself and if he can see anything wrong with it,THEN give me a fine/ticket there and then.

Is there somewhere were i can see if this law exists?

yeah can anybody confirm this? Do we have to go then and there?

I mean thats wrong isnt it? What happens if we are on the way to the hospital? They shouldnt be able to disrupt our lives in such a way it doubles convenience us? Cant we just tell them to get stuff and just issue us a notice to attend a epa?

I'm sorry but tell me an RTA that is open after 5pm let alone at 10pm at night on a thu/fri/sat ?

You people gotta stand up to yourselves.

Follow me to the RTA please... NO!

(Take a fine there and then)

Can I see under your bonnet....NO!

(Drive to your local Police station where higher up officers can stand over and watch not just the 1-2 dodgy officers that pulled you over)

When they try to defect you on something, ask them to prove it to you with the ADR or whateva book it is they carry. If they can't show it to you in writing that its illegal then laugh at them and call em BS artists.

I think about the only thing I would let a cop do to me is, RBT, Exhaust Test, look at my license, ask me to step out of the car.

Try using big words even if you have no idea what you are on about (me) to fool the cops.

what if youre on the way to a hot and steamy lesbian gangbang? surely that would take precedence over a rta reaming.

as cductv said, theres ways around these things. Ben i still cant believe you're exhaust is 89db. To me it sounds more like 99db hahahhaha.

anyway, have a look at www.ajc13b.com under the legal section and you will find lots and lots of helpful stuff regarding defects including the adrs.

Sweyn: lucky they werent there sat night when i was there :D

Engineering cert: have a look at rta site and search for engineer and you'll see a list of engineers come up. You can of course only engineer mods that are legal, and should cost you about 350 all up.

ben I agree with you.

I think we all need to start standing up to them even though we know that they will be on the winning end of the stick. But for too long too many of us have just been sitting there and taken it up the batty.

As you said. We can say "no" its our right. They can hand us a fine.

Atleast we didnt have to follow them to the bs place of defecting.


1 thing i did forget to mention sweyn is to double check the deffect notice he gave you.

If 1 single piece of information is wrong (ie the vin number or rego number yada yada) is wrong/incorrect, the whole document is invalid. (Same case with parking fines)

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