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Alright, I have two dramas with my car atm.

one is the when depressing the brakes the front left will click with added pressure untill what sounds like a pop then it stops, doesnt do it in reverse, maybe air in brake line????

two is my front left suspension is also knocking, when jacking it up it doesnt lift evenly, it seems to jump up then stop then jump up then stop etc till its off the ground, similar on the way down. doesnt lift off evenly thinking prob need suspension rebuild????

Just to add smashed my front bar today, along with guard. cefiro + truck = bent. (was doing all this before the stack as well)

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Brakes are probably fine. Suspension has probably got a completely knackered bush or something has broken. You should be able to tell with it up in the air.

Get a big long lever and move things around to see. Get a mate to turn the steering wheel and shake the (road) wheel while you look.

Hey mate.That click when you out your foot on the brake could be due to the fact that the callipers have not been tightend up tight enough.

Listen for the area that teh sound is coming from and have a look at it.

When i had my rear tyres changed i got the guys at the shop to change the rear brake pads.I noticed that they hadnt tightend up the calliper tight enough to the bracket.It was making the clicking sound that you are describing when the brakes are applied.

Well It could be a few things. I took my intercooler off today and found that I have a huge crack in the AC support at in the undercarrage of the car (taken a knock from previous owner), I think it could be the metal cracking/too much flex looks like it will take some welding. I have attatched some pics. Removed the caliper and bled the brakes yesterday and cant seem to find any probs with the caliper itself. Well I also need the coilover rebuilt as well but I dont think thats related.



Is that possible to replace it, it looks welded in, it would be a good idea but was thinking about welding on some renforcement bars or something around it, not really my area of expertise. but its not good none the less, it does make some funny noise occasionally which I could never figure out why.

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