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if anyone is after an accurate power figure they are best to go to WSID and go by MPH or put their engine on an engine dyno... a chassis dyno is really only a tuning tool which has way to many variables that can affect the readout.... just losely strapping a car has yealded an extra 30rwkw, changing wheels has made near the same so i wouldnt be to stressed by differing read outs

A great day none the less and was great to catch up with quite a few people. Cant wait for the next event :)

Couldn't have said it better myself. Now...where is morgs...a run with the two of us could be great to watch.

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woah! I just want to know who won the stock turbo GTR class and with how much gruntness. and i've been wading through page after page of arguments.

on adrians win. I think if nos was not outlawed in the guidelines for the day then you cant really exclude adrian because he used it. though on the other side of the argument i guess people could argue that using another 'power adder' is not in the spirit of this friendly competition. but as the guidelines stood he is the winner. I was also a bit confused about whether a high flowed standard turbo is still a standard turbo, BUT if i was entering with a HF standard turbo i would have done the smart thing and asked someone (adam) for clarification on what is or isnt standard before making my own assumption. it would have saved some heartache.

perhaps next time we can make it more rock solid what the rules are, as people will often interpret things they way they want to. as always people learn from experience with these events.

sounds like it was a very nice day and well run by adam and charlie and steve and ben and john and everyone else from SAU and UAS that helped. I am sorry i couldnt make it as i really wanted a crack at the stock turbo 32 GTR class as i felt i had a good chance at it. but i had some racing committments on saturday and sunday :)

kudos on a job well done :O

Not at all.

I just would have liked someone to explain the situation etc. and to look into the others who may have tipped Adrian's dyno number with an unopened stock turbo (as far as they know?)

It just seems to me that a lot of people don't know what turbo they are running. I do, because I had it removed and repaired.

El Bee

ps And doesn't ruckus have a lot to say for someone who has been around for five minutes.

I was going to keep my mouth shut, but frankly im getting tired of comments like the above.

When Rukus joined is irrelevant, and considering that he is very involved in this forum, and is at almost every NSW event organised, I think you are way out of line.

Thats it for now.

after adrians performance i drove past castle hill and saw this bloke standing next to his skyline on the side of the road... anyone know who this clown is?


Holy shit, its Adrian, I knew he looked familiar.

The things that boy will do for happy gas

Just to clarify a couple of things:

1/ The green Bezerkly car is NOT their workshop car. It is a customers car and Stuart from Bezerkly came along to share in an otherwise fun day. Their 'workshop' car is a 9 second Galant :stupid: And just to correct you, Adam - It didn't win anything so no need for you to ignore its respectable power output.

2/ Adam, you made the rules fairly simple and I thought that was with good reason. Changing them on the day is as bad as letting someone run in a particular class when you know them to be inneligible. Let me ask you this, again - If I had every modification done to my car known to man EXCEPT for the turbo and made 230kW on C16 would I win? Your answer on the day was yes. Is it still? No-one, not even the people you suggest should have won this category agree with you on this point.

Just to show what good sports they are, (and not a circus as has been suggested), Stuart from Bezerkly has offered $150 worth of Turbosmart vouchers to RBFIRE as a small concellation. PM me for details mate and we'll sort it out.

Personally, I'm pretty upset by the implication that my mechanic was there for any other reason than to share in a great day with the club. Hopefully this shows everyone what they're made of regardless of what garbage is floating around.



1. Happy to be corrected. No drama in the end and yes it was a very respectable output.

2. Ok I guess I have to be more explicit with the rules. Since its supposed to be a friendly club event I would have thought it was obvious that race fuel and nitrous were not going to be things many people had so best left out of it. I will in future assume nothing.

that is a very kind offer

I'm not having a go at any bezerkers and I suggest you ignore El Bee in this regard meaning there is nothing there for you to be upset about.

E_Lu-SHun hurry up man. How dare you keep us waiting. :whistling::D

woah! I just want to know who won the stock turbo GTR class and with how much gruntness. and i've been wading through page after page of arguments.

Not really relevant as the power figures were all over the place, I think it was around 260-280rwkw though.

Not really relevant as the power figures were all over the place, I think it was around 260-280rwkw though.

Are you suggesting Uncle John's dyno readings are inaccurate.....BLASPHEMER!!

The forums were starting to get a little dull...nothing like a good dyno thread to liven things up.

Benm a rough guide is not enough for me or Beer Baron...we want a figure....as long as its not over 284...as being such an accurate dyno should be comparable to last year.

Hey again

Heres the some more. Thanks for those who made this day possible. It was a fun day and not tooo hot. LOL. Anyways ennjoy again.

(Sorry for the delaying in pics here and there.. like everyone I got a life LOL. yeah ill send more later)














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