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P Plate Gtst's

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Hey everyone!

I am looking at skylines atm, and im hoping to get a R33 GTST or a R32 GTST.

I am on my P plates and i believe both are slightly over the KW/tonne ratio.. though ive seen alot of GTST's on their P's. Can you perhaps add weight to the car to make it legal etc.. ???

Anyway, Is there anyway possible to have a R33 or R32 GTST on P Plates??

Thanks in advance :(

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do a search. I think R32 GTSTs are legal in Vic but not R33 GTST.

I dont think you could add weight to the vehicle to make its power weight ratio worse (and therefore legal) as they would go by stock power/weight figures I would imagine.

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The Victorian laws for calculating power to weight are based on the values in the owner's manual. So it doesn't matter how many subwoofers you stick in the boot.

2 seconds on Google to find the URL for VicRoads.

5 seconds on VicRoads to find this.

Seriously, developing the ability to learn without getting spoonfed isn't that difficult or time consuming.

Edited by scathing
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why do some ppl have to be such c0ckheads, sorry im a bit of a noob when it comes to skylines turboed.. i was just asking if there was a way to get a gtst on ur Ps bcuz the r32 is like 4kw too much and the 33 is like 8kw too much

Please Scathing.. if ur not going to say something helpful dont say it at all..

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why do some ppl have to be such c0ckheads, sorry im a bit of a noob when it comes to skylines turboed.. i was just asking if there was a way to get a gtst on ur Ps bcuz the r32 is like 4kw too much and the 33 is like 8kw too much

Please Scathing.. if ur not going to say something helpful dont say it at all..

Umm how can that be true, 33GTSt's have around 187kw (i think) and r32 gts-t's have 158kw.

R32's are legal, R33's are illegal.

Edited by Lukaz
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hey dean

where abouts you from???

im from vic, so that means you can legally drive a r32t but not r33t.

i have a r33 gtst... theres heaps of people probably too many (on their P's) with them.

what ever skyline you get... theres probably a high chance that its gonna end up over the limit anyways.

if you drive a skyline with a [P] plate, your gonna get pulled over. most of then time, the coppas dont get you for the over power thingo, let alone illegal mods. if your lucky :)

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cops will do you for a 33. they have recently been given specific instructions.

r32 - 158kw/1260kg = illegal for 1989-1991 coupes

r32 - 158kw/1290kg = legal for 1989 -1993 sedans and 1991 -1993 coupes.

The weights were changed in 1991.

Most R33's are illegal, except for the very few that came with rb20dets, not 25dets.

btw, a simple search, on google or this own site, would answer this query.

Also, most Skyline P Platers are driving illegally

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Please Scathing.. if ur not going to say something helpful dont say it at all..

I gave you your f**king answer right before I suggested you pull your finger out and try doing something for yourself.

How much more helpful did you want me to be than that? :)

Now why don't you go start a "vs" thread?

Edited by scathing
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hahaha ok ok keep it to the wasteland lol.

anyways.... yeah like someone else has said. 32's are legal in vic. 33's arent.

like a fair few others on here i drive a 33 gts-t on my P's..... iev been lucky enough so far not to get done for it. however it is illegal. that is all.

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qld is good, i dont think there are any laws at all about what u can drive.. its just a matter of someone insuring you..

plus we dont need to display P plates, and before 31st of jan, 2005, we didnt need to show L's either..

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cops will do you for a 33. they have recently been given specific instructions.

R33's came out with RB20E's (which are reaaaaly shitty cars and WELL below the power to weight ratio), not RB20DET's.

Most R33's are illegal, except for the very few that came with rb20dets, not 25dets.

Also, most Skyline P Platers are driving illegally

I second this, in VIC, in the last couple of weeks one person I know who owns an R33 on his P's has been asked to provide evidence of why he's driving a car over the power to wieght, and a girl who owns an R33 GTS got questioned if it was a GTSt during an RBT, and even had the officer check under the hood for a turbo etc.

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R33's came out with RB20E's (which are reaaaaly shitty cars and WELL below the power to weight ratio), not RB20DET's.

I second this, in VIC, in the last couple of weeks one person I know who owns an R33 on his P's has been asked to provide evidence of why he's driving a car over the power to wieght, and a girl who owns an R33 GTS got questioned if it was a GTSt during an RBT, and even had the officer check under the hood for a turbo etc.

Yeah ^^ I knew they had one engine that is far too underpowered. :lol:

I am one of few people i know with a thirty two, on my p's, but i know of at least 10 local 33 P Platers.

Cops pulled me up the other night and checked under my bonnet. They only looked at whether or not it was a 2 litre or a 2.5

Kind of weird, as if you had an R32 GTS with the RB25de, or an R33 GTS with said engine, they may overlook they whole turbo tihingy.... anyways the point still stands turbo 33's are illegal

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its around $130 fine all the people i know of you have been done havent had any points taken... so its might be fine and  no points it might depend on what mood the coppers in also! :D

I heard you go to jaol and you live a lonely life :O They charge you for driving a vehicle to powerful and shit. Fines and shit.

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