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Best place for insurance on r32 GTS T?

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Try Shannon's & tell them you're an enthusiast.

It actually pays to join a car club to prove it.

They quoted me about $800 for full comprehensive on an unmodified R33 GTSt sedan.

However, that was on the condition that I do only 10,000ks a year.

a company i work with has just done a good deal with one of the largest insurance brokers in Melbourne RSM who represent co's such as Suncorp Metway, Zurich, CGU, Aust Unity etc.

still waiting to hear if they do imports. you will have to join the organisation as a program member but being a member will save you more overall.

well we do tend to screw em up the most... i dun really see 50 yr olds (with the exception of megz and the good doctor) wanting to run me at the lights.

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