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So I spent Saturday afternoon replacing the 16 year old rear speakers on the 32.

for those that are thinking of doing the same, might want to use this info.

1.) remove the Seat part of the rear seats. to do this, you need to push the seat towards the back and pull up at the same time. The seats are hooked in place at the left and right corners. pushing it back allows you to pull up a little easier.

2.) remove the 2 bolts holding the BACK part of the rear seats in place. they are at the base of the unit.

These can be accessed onec you pull the seat part out.

Once bolts removed, you lift the Back part of the rear seat UPWARDS to clear the hooks on top.

3.) now the parcel tray sheet can be pulled up.. it is held in place by a couple of POP type plastic clips.. they come out easy.. just pull the parcel tray sheet UPWARDS.

4.) remove 4 bolts on each factory speaker.

5.) unplug the speaker wires from the boot under the speaker.

now your ready for the new speakers.

Lots to chose here I guess.

I just wanted to be abel to hear the music over the exhaust or open window road noise without crackling so I just got a cheap pair of Sony EXPLOD ^ inch 2 way speakers.

I used the factory speakers bolts (could only line up 3 of them but they are holding the speakers down tight and no vibration or anything).

I also ran new speaker wire down to the deck cause I was told the factory rear speaker wires go through some amp or something.. anyway, I used the wires that came with the speakers.. (note.. the lenght was not long enough.. but I bought 4 of these speakers and used the wires from the other set as well and it's all good)

ran the wire down the back of the rear seat, along the door line, under each little "SKYLINE" door panel, all the way tot he front down both sides of the car and in to the deck.

I'm happy with the sound it gives.. most wouldn't be, but like I said, I just wanted to be able to hear it over open window or exhaust.

the factory parcel tray will fit back over these speakers without a problem.

put that back on first.

then the BACK of the rear seat, then the SEAT of the rear seat.

Next free week, I'll try to do the fronts.. but I think I need to make a timber surround for that.. as the factory speakers at the front seem to be 6x4 or something..

some pics of speakers.


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