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Just did this.....

Do Not do this.....

I was making way for the S-AFC in the center of my dash so I thought.

[i:9c90050c9c]"I'll move the climate control [CC] to the glove box then mount some nice carbon fibre in the middle and mount the afc to this"[/i:9c90050c9c]

Thinking is fine but doing...not so fine. So let me explain why you shouldn't do this or if you really want to then take note to save yourself nearly 5hours of wiring.

[b:9c90050c9c]What went wrong.[/b:9c90050c9c]

a. I removed the CC

b. I taped the bundle of wires on the back into two groups [big/small plug]

c. I cut the plugs off

d. I added 40cm of wire to each plug for length [31 wires in total]

e. I stripped, soldered, and heat shrunk all 31 wires

f. Hopped back into the car to do the same again for the wires in the dash

g. I discovered that on each plug the were 2-3 colours that had multiples of those colours i.e. on the small plug there were 3 plain green wires and 2 blue/red and 2 orange black.

h. I called a friend who came over and spent the next 5 HOURS working out which wires go where. The biggest problem is unless you get all 9 double ups connected to their correct partner the unit will not work.

Bottom line is this.........

If you want to do this look at the wires before you cut them and mark them so you know which ones go where. The cc unit is now firmly zip tied (praise the son of rajab for ZIP ties) in place and still reasonably accessible by the driver. I also moved teh head unit down to the bottom DIN and added a sheet of carbon above it.

Hope this helps

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