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What is the deal with commodore drivers? Are they born dickheads or do they get brought up to be one? Is it a blood/ genes thing or a social background thing? I’m just try ing to understand where they get their attitudes from.

On Saturday I went to the drift day at Queensland Raceway. Although bloody hot in the sun, made worse by the non-existence of shade, it was a great day with some good action :D . Among the imports, there were three commodore entrants, a VX SS, a VS or VT Ute (can’t remember which) and a VR V6. Now no-one told them to be wankers, no-one expected them to be f#*kwits (well….) and no-one certainly gave them permission to be dickheads, but they were. However, all the drivers of the import cars didn't feel the need to emulate this behaviour.

All three underpowered and in one case open wheeled ‘commonwhore’ entrants attempted to show off to their “metallica-mullet’ mates in the crowd. This included drifting (more sort of powersliding) past the ‘no drift zone barriers’ down the straight. I think number two rule for drifting, after ‘wear a helmet’, is don’t drift past the markers. The climax was after two or three attempts to get a cheer from the crowd resulting in spinouts, the red SS spun out again and was inches away from crushing his rear into the wall and the other cars lining up. Steve (don’t know his last name, help me out here, drives a blue s13 silvia, now onevia, that used to have a big streeter sticker down the side), a regular official but this day an entrant, got out of his car and, very politely I’m sure, told him to ‘f#*k off!!’. Officials came from everywhere but the driver of the commodore refused to be chucked out (there’s the attitude again). My mates’ dad (manager of the racetrack) had to be called in from his day off to throw the wanker out (Keith reckoned it was fun though because the guy was a tool ;) ).

I was leaning on the wall just in front of all the action and coincidently next to some of the metallica-mullet/jock mates of the driver. The dickheads were like, ‘what the f#*k? Dickhead (substituted) is getting chucked out! I don’t know why, he didn’t do anything!” I’m thinking, “Were you watching? Or were you out the back pulling each others dicks? he nearly wrote his car off! <_< ” But there you go it seems it’s not just the drivers it’s their wannabe driver mates (wannabe a wannabe? Hmmm…).

The king of all commodore f#*kwits would have to be Robbie Bulger. If you've met the guy you would have to agree. I mean the bloke has an attitude problem. I haven’t spoken to one import driver at the track that remotely likes him. I have respect for his 1000hp ute but he’s a deadset wanker. This proves you don’t have to be an ‘aussie bogan’ to be a ‘commonwhore wanker’ because an Irish (or whatever) f#*kwit is too. My mate says my outlook is of pure hatred, which may be so, but I do try not to be irrational and therefore blinded.

I hail from Ipswich (‘the swich’) B) . Yeah take a monent to laugh and pay me out (Queenslanders will know what i mean), but I like it and I’m content. What we do have is a racetrack and a town centre very sweet for lapping. Occasionally, we venture into town to do some ‘phat laps’ and listen to some 'phat beats' (mostly parking and watching than driving and yelling out). There is an occasional r32, r33, 180sx, silvia, wrx, etc (getting more and more all the time but the problem being I can count and remember all the imports ie. there's bugger all) but predominately there is ‘commonwhore’ dickheads and falcon chariots. The number of commo drivers that try to race me cos I drive an import is ridiculous. I drive a 180 with an rb20 (cool a couple of years ago when I bought it). It is nothing special just an exhaust, intercooler, rb25 turbo, but it's certainly fast enough to dispose of every chariot thus far (touch wood), but they keep coming back thinking they’re cool.

An odd one is the drivers of the VL turbo commodore, of which there are a few clean examples in “the swich”. These drivers have somewhat been converted and utilise the powerful rb30det engine, with some even opting for the twin cam head from an rb25 or similar. However their attitude remains the same as their heritage (or donor car), tools, wankers…whatever :) .

This paragraph will be almost completely off topic from the rest of my ramblings. I remember the days (sound like my dad), pre-license, when we’d go into town and watch the “lappers.” I loved it and have to say it was pretty huge! Not just huge for “the swich” but genuinely huge :P . People would come from Brisbane, Beaudesert, and even the Gold Coast. Just a proposition and I may (and probably will) get owned for suggesting this :rofl: . I’d like to extend an invitation to all Southeast Queensland (and interstate if you feel strogly enough) import drivers to an old school cruise to “the swich” (don’t hurt me… :huh: ). Obviously if there is any interest we’ll organise it on another thread and via ‘pm’ to avoid handing out invites to the ‘po-po’. I just want to own the commo chariots fags and put them in their place. I don’t mean bring “ull’bees” and flog the sh#t out of them but just out number them and say “we don’t rate you so don’t even try.” I’m just sick the dirty looks, of having my car undergo roadside inspections, etc and get blamed on ‘a current affair’ etc for the actions and attitudes of the ‘commonwhore’ wankers :) .

Sorry to write so much but I was just wondering if anyone else is of the same opinion or am I alone on this point and the one with the problem? Where do you stand? Are you a commo wanker?

Edited by rb20inside
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I think no matter where you go on the roads these days, dangerous bogans drive all sorts of cars- not just commodores & falcons. A lot of idiots drive imports too. This reminds me- my previous next-door neighbour who owned a VX exec used to call my R32 a "milk bottle" (get it- milk only comes in 2 litres lol :( ) until I took him for a bit of a spin. He soon realised that I would own him... Then he respected my car.

A lot of this mentality stems from ignorance from both sides. I personally respect any well-maintained, tastefully modded car regardless of it's make or model. People just need to learn that the road is not a racetrack, and that dangerous driving just makes you look like a knobhead regardless of what you are driving.

Edited by ScorpR32

Just before Xmas I was heading home from the shops after grabbing some stuff along Logan Road, Mount Gravatt. Then some guy and his gf tried to run me off the road beeping his horn and carrying on.

I was travelling along at 50km/hr with the traffic like everyone else.

No accelerating or lane changes, nothing I can think of.

I was glad to get around the corner to home, just a real agro knob.

Yes i feel your pain. I come from commonwhore flamin mongrelry and yes i must agree . Its as if they've always got to prove something ( must be compensating for the lack of something down stairs that they think a v8 will fill ? ) You pass them on the road because they're going slower than you and they take it personaly and then try to pass you in the most dangerous spot they can find. I think they must have a different meaning for the word dickhead because they obviously love being called it.

Ok... Finished!! now...

I used to drive a Commo... (haha yes i know) And was immediately 'branded'. I was never doing any of the above, but was ridiculed for driving the chromodore!

I agree, most are dicks, but not all! It's definatley a gene thing me thinks!

They just don't understand the import scene. Therefore it frightens them... Let 'em rot I say, and eat my smoke!! HA!

a very rational an unbiased opinion scorp32. i too respect any "well-maintained, tastefully modded car regardless of it's make or model". perhaps i came ascross the wrong way. i have friends that drive commodores. i just have a problem with the drivers that think their V6 (or even V8 although less so) is a V8 Supercar when in reality its a family car! milk and juice may come in two litres but only cheap wine comes in 5.

The road is not a racetrack (although i must admit to some late night industrial estate antics). that commodore driver was at least i the racetrack i guess, but he still couldn't obey the rules there. biased as i may be i have to say no import driver drove dangerously up to the line up.

sorry it was heaps long savage_bliss. Should have put under the topic "get a drink and get comfortable". so its in their genes/blood hey? good to see you've been converted!!

long shot but anyone keen to cruise to "the swich"......sometime?

Edited by rb20inside

bugger it i'll just write a book. i have heaps of thoughts in my head which i tried to get down as briefly as possible. it is quite probable that it wouldn't make sence. please query and challenge my ramblings.

i just want to start and participate in some threads with a bit of thought etc, not just "sr's are better cos they make my dick look bigger!"

i just want to start and participate in some threads with a bit of thought etc, not just "sr's are better cos they make my dick look bigger!"

Not true... it's because they sound like a hybrid half-breed redneck biaaatch gargling a wad of jizz!!! HA!

hahaha :D i agree...I've got a million and one commonwhore driver stories most of which are lost in the part of my brain that stores spam, but one from a couple of days ago:

i was pulling out of super-cheap (i'm in melbourne) behind a POS dunny-door (something pre VL and rusted out) and the half-witted fool decided to pull a nice big open wheeled skid while turning right before coming up to the lights to exit the carpark onto the main road.

I pulled in behind them at the lights and him and his d**khead friends were turned around or looking in mirrors at my car (of course the driver had his hard-arse knock-off oakleighs on)...then when the light went green and i'd waited 8-10seconds (a long time when you're waiting for the dickhead in front of you to get moving) before giving the horn a *quick* and friendly toot - the f**ker gives me the finger.

yer that sounds just like the attitude. its seems it occurs all over the country. is it in their blood or upbringing....or in the cars themselves. i just remembered a friend of mine that drives an old pulsar. he is normally a champ and a close friend. he had a lend of one of his mates vl commo. he took me for a drive and turned into a complete 'hard-nut' tosser.

one thing that pisses me off is that the cops would rather pull me over an go over my clean, well maintaned 180 but let a smoke spewing, rust bucket, death trap drive past.

Im a "commonwhore" driver myself.

Yes i have a GTR aswel, but we will get back to that in a second.

The car is great for what i use it for - work.

Being a Real Estate agent i cant ferry people around in a GTR, its just not professional at all

So the holden comes into play here. I was lucky enough to get it as a present (2000 model berlina, got it in early 2002) and has been a decent car ever since, no mechanical problems (unlike the GTR) and i know i can park it almost anywhere and forget about it.

Its costs to run are quite good and its modern enough to offer most of the gadgets out there (its no BMW or M BENZ). Plus its comfortable, soft suspension, huge seats, expanse of head/legroom, sonroof, stereo, climate control, cruise control all make the daily grind bearable.

Now i would never take it to a track day (unless its parked and im watching), or yell at imports. So please dont label all holden drivers as dickheads.

About 2 months ago i was yelled at by an import driver for being too slow. I dont drive slow. I go along with the flow of the traffic but at the same time dont try to race other people. That guy was frustrating to say the least, but i paid him no attention due to the fact that if i was driving the GTR he would have shown respect knowing it was an import and not yelled.

Now for the GTR; its a weapon, simple as that. Just turn the key and take it to a track. Try and drive it on the road and its a different story - loud, bumpy and a cop magnet. Not to mention theft! Or being paranoid over its safety every second its parked somewhere (doors dinged in parking lots etc).

Ive rambled on for a bit now, but what im trying to say is please dont think all holden drivers are dickheads.

Admittedly some are, but not all. The minority cast a bad image over everybody else who uses one (for whatever reason) through their mindless burnouts and utterly useless mods such as HSV stickers on executive models.

Whilst many (unfortunatly) "bogans" hate imports and openly display this through random acts of stupidity, your post above seems to have the same feeling to it (origins of cars swapped). Saying ALL commodores etc : im sure you only meant the few at the track, but remember this is the same view they have of our imports!

My 2 cents - im not trying to start a sh!tfight here and will NOT enter into one either, just adding some more thought on the topic

yes, i am conscious of generalisation, and i hoped, although it seems i wasn't successful, to be rational and unbiased.

i agree the commodore is a comfortable family/business car. my olds own an AU falcon and its is an extremely comfortable and reliable car as is the commodore i occationally drive at work. however when i drive them i do not think they are a performance vehicle. i drive them as they are, a family/business car.

you use the vehicle for work and i'm sure you drive it in a professional manner, not attempting to race every import you pass.

in starting this topic i was just attempting to get some others thoughts on why this stereotype exists.

i also do not want a sh!tfight and thankyou for your thoughts on the topic.

i think you'll find that the avg. d1ckhead "commonwhore" drivers are in their peak season when the V8 supercars are happening. most watch the races and get all hyped up and keen for some racing on the street with 4 of their d1ckhead buddies in the car.

put an exhaust on a commodore and automatically it becomes a V8. dont ask, its just the way mother nature works..... then they think they own the road cause they have a car with the same badge as a HRT car.


yes i spose as with everything, the minority spoil it for the majority. i just couldn't get over it at the track that the only cars that did skids in the pits, drifted past the markers, came flying into the line-ups were the three commodores... coicidence.

does the dickhead come first and attracted to a commodore or is a dickhead a result of a commodore?

i've been reading another tread on this forum that i didn't see. it is on a similar subject but more topical. some really funny sh!t: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...showtopic=92087

Edited by rb20inside

I've had two commodores previously. Meh. I think you should be asking "what attracts most morons to Holdens and Fords" rather than what makes Holden/Ford owners such idiots... because they're not all tools.

I don't think those Holden owners bought their car then suddenly became morons. =-]

Edited by RANDY

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