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Gday guys just thought id write in and say its time for a new water pump, found it leaking pretty hard during the week. Has anyone elses gone at around 120k's ? Anyway my question is when i put a little coolant in to it up and let it run for like 30 secs i opened the radiator cap and there was foamy type bubbles at the top of the radiator does anyone know why that happened? Engine being to hot maybe? Also im getting it changed on Monday is there anything esle my mechanic should look at/change due to the water pump dying. Any feedback is appreciated thanks

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Well if he is doing the water pump now is a good time for a timing belt change, tensioners, front seals, flush/upgrade/renew radiator. Also, not sure if its the same on an R33 but on my RB20 there is a welch plug behind the water pump which had corred a lot on mine so I guess change that as well.

If your mechanic didnt suggest a new timing kit while doing the water pump I would be very suprised.

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u may as well do everything while u have all ur belts off... if ther is foaming bubbles u might also have a air lock.. if its really bad and cant fix it.. u might have to rip ur head off and recon than. careful not to blow ur head gasket in this weather. or u will rip ur head off.. then u can get ur tbelt cam seals front seals tensioners all done.

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how do you know what the water pump has carked it? leaks all the coolent, and temp goes skyhigh?

Well with mine there is a small hole under the water pump, (built in safety item) when the seal goes on the water pump water will leak out of the hole under pressure. I had been using a little bit of water, We did a rad comp test, changed hose clamps and still could not find the leak, Then one morning when I started my car I noticed a bit of coolant coming from under the car, and when temp built up it would stop leaking, I then decided to check the water pump. Anyway that’s on my RB26.

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Mine's just going at 115,000km..

bubble, bubble.. Hopefully yours hasn't cracked the head or blown the gasket..

I've always stopped when its got to 3/4 on the temp gauge.

most people change it @ 100k... as thats what the 100k service involes.

Going another 20k is asking for trouble!


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Wow that was a big reply thanks guys, cars now back on the road. When i bought the car it just had the timing belt done but i dont know what else. My mechanic did a pressure test and everything was ok but i dont know if the tensioners were changed by the last owner. What sort of damage would happen if they fail or what are the signs of them going? didnt have enough money to get them changed this time :blink:

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um.. ok same here.. T-belt done in japan at 67kms and its at 93kms now.. dnt knw bout tensioners.. but car engine in tip top shape.. so guessing so.. what will happen if ur belt snaps..? uh picture ur cams miss alinging pushing ur buckets down and holding them piston coming up smashing valves and wat not.? just metal carnage

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