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Hey Guys.. Well Ive had my R33 Gts-t for a month now and Last night i was driving home from philip Island at about 11:30pm and i got caught on Radar going 114kms in a 80kms Zone. So i got a $280 fine and a 1 month suspension of Licence. What sucks the most is that the speed limit had just gone down from 100 to 80, and the overtaking lane had just opened up about 500 meters back, There was about 15 cars in the left hand lane which were all going about 80kms when it was still the 100kms zone so i just thought i would boot it a little to get past them all.. I got past them thinking i was sweet then a cop came from knowhere and pulled me over and said " why were u going 114 in a 80 zone and i explained i thought i was only going 90( which i was when i got pulled over) turned out the cop had picked me up from 300 Meters Away ;)

What sucks the most is that i am a delivery driver for a civil supplies company and drive sometimes over 400kms a day. So tommrrow im going to have to grow the balls and front up to the bosses and explain what happned... Ahhh this sucks....... Is there any chance i can dispute the suspension?? just wondering if anyone has succesfully disputed it and came out on top.

Any replies would be great Thanks............

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for work related purposes, yes. u can apply for an exemption, and it must be backed up with proof from the boss. also to add, u cannot use the car for any other purpose.

learn from your mistake and move on. u're soo lucky to get off lightly. usually, anything over 110km will incurr a massive fine + 3months licence suspension.

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You were wrong, so bite the bullet. 114 in an 80 k zone is 34 ks over! It wasn't just an oops I slipped sort of thing.

If you had said oh, it was an 80 k zone and I got done doing 83, then you would have my sympathy. Just a minor slip.

Bite the bullet, and that 1month suspension. It will give you time to reflect on what you've done when you are unable to work and ahve to ride the bus.

I thought this was going to be abount cops picking on us as import drivers and defecting cars. I have full sympathy for those defected over small things.

I doubt you'd be able to get an exemption.

PS: I understand my post may seem harsh, but i have been in that situation before. I learnt from my mistake. I am not saying that I never speed, but I understand that I run the risk of getting caught.

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you sped, you bite the bullet and lose your license like you deserve. Its like the, i was drag racing at a set of lights up to 160 against this other car and then i got pulled over whats their problem.

You were in the wrong, get over with it ... no sympathy from me ... live and learn.

you might wanna go on holidays with work, if you have that long, i agree 1 mth and that small fine is nothing ... you are lucky to get off so lightly these days ...

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sneaky bastard cop just came outta nowhere huh?..

Damn them doing a good job for society!!! damn them, damn them all!!!

Enjoy your time in the sun and fresh air... oh and rain and frost.

P.s for future reference there's pretty much always cops on the Island run...waiting patiently for people just like you.

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alrite everyone but Col-GTSX is being harsh

my apologies

Read my reply above and I'm sure that you'll agree that it is not harsh at all.

I understand that we get reamed by the cops for silly thigns like pod filters/bov/exhaust when it's not really causing anyone harm. I said that I have sympathy for those people.

I also said that I have sympathy for those peopel that get reamed for minor things e.g. 83k in an 80 zone.

BUT 34 ks over? that is no minor slip. That isn't like oh, I just didnt' pay attention to the speed and road. Do you know what I imagined when I read his post? 'oh, I saw this whole line of cars on the left and the lane ont he right was clear. I just got my car and like to drive fast, so I floored it to the max. Engine was blazing, exhaust was blasting as I flew past them. Cops stoped me when I was doing 114k. Damn.'

34 ks = no sympathy. You don't just slip 34 ks.

I'm sure you'll understand that my reply was not harsh. I have been in a similar situation before when I was young and first started driving. I learnt the hard way.....

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I understand that we get reamed by the cops for silly thigns like pod filters/bov/exhaust when it's not really causing anyone harm.

Not causing any harm?

Try telling that to the hole in the ozone layer. :P

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i cant belive how many off you people bag this poor person out.i mean i bet all of you speed you all say you dont but i bet you do. 80 zone you will go 90ish some 100 highway zone 110 i bet non of yous sit on 110 klms.and i deffentaly bet not any single one of you sits on 50 klms on back streets not one of yous.

i accedently slipped the pedal one day and got done 121/60 zone on parra rd and was let off with a $200 fine and a 6 points cause double demerit and only lost it for 3 months lucky me huh.

yes was very stupid thing do do that why none of us p platers should be allowed turbo cars but we allowed so ill keep driving one.

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Well yeahh I understand how stupid it was and It was a Mistake but yehh shit happens life aint to bad, I told my Bosses today and one of them nick nammed me the "Road Runner" LoL so they took it pretty well and said we will give u a month holiday in anual leave and u can have a nice little holiday so i was like Sweeet. So everythings worked out fine so far.

i understnad most of u have no Sympathy and i totaly understand that I was 34kms over the limit i would of expected to Get Fisted for it...

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