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:) i feel you dude, cops do suck fat ones but you have to ask yourself if you were a cop would you have pulled a kid doing 34 ks over the speed limit ?? it taught you a lesson at the end of the day and lessons in life are priceless .. hey i got defected and called a "dick head" for no reason :O

im kinda glad ive never been fined for anything yet.....but i do sympathise man, but as r34 skyline said........u can apply for an expemption and appeal the loss of licence to a judge and they generally grant it........so good luck ey

so they took it pretty well and said we will give u a month holiday in anual leave and u can have a nice little holiday so i was like Sweeet. So everythings worked out fine so far.

And then when you get back to work after a month you'll get to meet Bob, the guy who has perminantly taken your job. :)

Its unfortunate but there is a speed limit for a reason...

Yes its called revenue raising, have you noticed how the cops will set speed traps on the safest part of the road they NEVER patrol the most dangerous.

i2icho if you elect to take the matter to court you can have it reduced to between 15-30 km over the limit, that way you wont loose your licence.

you can argue that the radar or even laser is not 100% accurate and its less than 4% to have it reduced to the lower charge .

Good luck with whatever you deside to do .

For the rest of you just remember that the cops make mistakes sometimes.....and because they know not many people ( if any ) will challenge they just write the ticket ....

Just have a look at this: http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/a-fine...0823397654.html

Yes its called revenue raising, have you noticed how the cops will set speed traps on the safest part of the road they NEVER patrol the most dangerous.

If the cops are sitting to the side of the road, causing a scene whilst pulling people over to the side of a busy road, wouldnt that make the already dangerous road even more dangerous?

Regardless of the safety of the road they know the true speeders are going to speed where they want to, doesnt matter if its safe or not, so they'll get them in the end either way.

was it a un-marked car that got you or a mark high-way patrol car? i hate when they sit between the bushes hide away waiting for some poor fool to catch speeding... fool for speeding, but hiding away? tell me thats not revenue raising.... if you see a cop sitting on the side of the road with a radar, you'll slow down, even if your doing the speed limit, you'll back off a little bit. does this achieve its purpose of slowing drivers down? YES. hiding away and booking an un-suspecting driver is not cool. it just makes the driver angry and creates a bad name and public feeling towards the police.....

i am totally against speeding, but i think the police should re-think some of their


sorry to write an essay, but i had to have my 2 cents..... :)

Safest way to drive technically is with the flow of traffic. (ie, up here M1 110kmh zone, a lot of people do 120kmh, not all that smart to do 100, as you then become a hazzard, same deal with doing 140kmh, going faster you become a hazzard)

So had you been done on say the M1 doing 120, then yeah fair point cops suck, even tho they are just doing thier job.

Over taking a number of cars, where the speed limit had just changed (normally a reason for this...) isnt so safe. Fair suck of the sap mate.

Just learn from the mistake.

When i was on my Ls, i did a bit of freeway driving. Driving at 90km/h while everyone else is doing 110km at least is very scary and dangerous to other other drivers as well as myself. I agree with "dangerous" daveo that the safest way of travel is moving with the flow of traffic.

Police hiding in a roundabout snitch way is purely revenue raising. I recall seeing statistics that more people speed on the freeway but more accidents, injuries and deaths occour on roads away from the highway. To me, in my opinion, this is purely for the purpose of paying for their donuts.

Driving 90 in a 110 is VERY stupid and does cause accidents, but that is a 20km/h differance. It is logically more stupid to drive 114 in a 80 zone, with a 34km/h differance.

I see no revenue raising here.....................

was it a un-marked car that got you or a mark high-way patrol car? i hate when they sit between the bushes hide away waiting for some poor fool to catch speeding... fool for speeding, but hiding away? tell me thats not revenue raising.... if you see a cop sitting on the side of the road with a radar, you'll slow down, even if your doing the speed limit, you'll back off a little bit. does this achieve its purpose of slowing drivers down? YES. hiding away and booking an un-suspecting driver is not cool. it just makes the driver angry and creates a bad name and public feeling towards the police.....

Whats your point here?

You just told us that when people see cops, they jump on the brakes, but as soon as they are out of sight they'll get straight back on the gas and go the same speed that they were originally doing (that includes doing over the limit if they wanna). How is that making anything safer, and how is it teaching anyone a lesson about speeding?

If they dont get caught, they wont learn. It doesnt matter if the cops are hidden in the bushes or not, they need to be caught in order to really slow down in the future.

The police will always have a bad name because they are the authority on the roads. No matter what circumstances you get caught speeding in, your still gonna be pissed at the cop that hands you the fine.

i cant belive how many off you people bag this poor person out.i mean i bet all of you speed you all say you dont but i bet you do. 80 zone you will go 90ish some 100 highway zone 110 i bet non of yous sit on 110 klms.and i deffentaly bet not any single one of you sits on 50 klms on back streets not one of yous.one.

I won't deny it. But, the difference is, if the cops ping me doing 30km/hr+ over the speed limit while overtaking a whole bunch of cars that were doing the speed limit on their left side, you won't find me whinging about how the cop that pulled me over was being a tool.

And secondly, if it was my livelihood I wouldn't put it on the line for something as useless as overtaking a bunch of people that are still maintaining traffic flow.

If he's so sure that he was only doing 114km/hr in the 100 zone (rather than the 80 zone that the cop alleges he measured him in) then he can elect to take it to court and seek a reduced sentence.

i accedently slipped the pedal one day and got done 121/60 zone on parra rd and was let off with a $200 fine and a 6 points cause double demerit and only lost it for 3 months lucky me huh.

:) You'd be close to the top of 3rd gear at that speed, I'd guess? What kind of "accidental slip of the pedal", or how much power and torque does your engine make across its rev range, that would have you accidentally add almost 60km/hr to your speed...assuming you were anywhere near obeying the speed limit in the first place?

If you were in a higher gear, the acceleration would be low enough for a normal person to have slowed down well before then. And your car would be so low in the rev range before you slipped that there's no way you couldn't have caught it before you hit 80km/hr...once again assuming that you were doing the right thing before your accidental slip.

Were you on a sedative or something? Or do you drive a Veyron? Or are you just full of shit?

Otherwise, here's some advice for you. Just because your foot slipped when you were doing 115km/hr in a 60 zone to "accidentally" do 121km/hr isn't going to garner much sympathy or respect for your inteligence.

Edited by scathing
harsh ppl....

didnt some of you nead a little understanding wen you got reamed by the fuzz.

you have my sympathy bud, not everyone here is a kunt

You're right. Its OK that he drove like an idiot, and that he's so self centred when you get busted dead to rights doing something that couldn't possibly be an accident.

It'll be OK. Life will be wonderful. Nothing bad will ever happen to you, and if it does it will definitely be someone else's fault.

Now would you like to go into the back yard? My kid's sandpit is free if you want to bury your head. :)

Yeah mate, your on a high performance imports sight and there is people telling you off for speeding! hahahah

give me a f**king break!

you should buy a slow car and drive responsibly like everyone who is telling you off. Because they didnt mod skylines to go fast oh no, it was for the hobby of it all. hahahhah.

be real morons

bet most of you have exceeded the speed limit just as much if not more! not justifying it or saying its right but why talk shit.

If you have bought the car with the intention of driving it within the law, well your idiots for modding a 6cyl turbo car to do this. as its a complete waste of your money on fuel

Yeah mate, your on a high performance imports sight and there is people telling you off for speeding! hahahah

give me a f**king break!

you should buy a slow car and drive responsibly like everyone who is telling you off. Because they didnt mod skylines to go fast oh no, it was for the hobby of it all. hahahhah.

be real morons

bet most of you have exceeded the speed limit just as much if not more!  not justifying it or saying its right but why talk shit.

If you have bought the car with the intention of driving it within the law, well your idiots for modding a 6cyl turbo car to do this. as its a complete waste of your money on fuel

You're a f**ken TOOL!!! You sound like a teen with the mental capacity of a chimp.

Yes i mod my car, yes i have a CAMS licence, yes i attend track days and other "off street events", yes i may occationally give it a blimp, but there is a time and a place. If i do get caught, i will not cry on this forum and bag a cop for rightfully doing his/her job.

**Touch wood**

I have had my licence for 10+yrs and have not had any infringements. Yet i have seen my odometre go way past 180km/h and have had countless memorable moments. Hell, i can't remember a dull day in my 'line.

Yeah mate, your on a high performance imports sight and there is people telling you off for speeding! hahahah

give me a f**king break!

you should buy a slow car and drive responsibly like everyone who is telling you off. Because they didnt mod skylines to go fast oh no, it was for the hobby of it all. hahahhah.

be real morons

bet most of you have exceeded the speed limit just as much if not more!  not justifying it or saying its right but why talk shit.

If you have bought the car with the intention of driving it within the law, well your idiots for modding a 6cyl turbo car to do this. as its a complete waste of your money on fuel

Wonderful !!! A complete idiot to whom I can reply, rather than the one or two others who only showed glimpses of idiocy. Tremendous!! :) You get this thread's star prize! I think Al captured the essence of it, but please allow me to add one or two words to supplement his message (and ru3-29T please note, and all of "yous", I am also using grammatical English, correct punctuation and real, grown-up spelling).

So, Ross80, this website is about high performance imports (and, by the way, the "your" in your opening sentence should be "you're", as in short for "you are"). We all love driving our cars and want to be able to continue to do so. Hence, we encourage responsible use. This means sticking within the law on the public roads (within a margin that is generally accepted by the public as a misdemeanour rather than a heinous crime), whilst organising opportunities to use your car to its max' on the track and other closed road events. The website is also about swapping technical information and helping each other to understand our cars and how to get the best out of them, both mechanically and as a driver. This ethos abounds throughout the forums, as you have found out when you happened across this thread.

Allowing those with an IQ that matches their shoe size to take over and salute those who drive in an irresponsible and dangerous manner will simply result in more draconian laws to curb the use of the cars we love. It will also probably result in more of you and your teenage mates, who think they are Michael Schumacker after two weeks of driving experience, killing themselves, their friends and innocent bystanders.

So if you don't like the message, go and find a site that supports idiocy, incompetence and an invincibility complex.

Such fun! :P


al you contradicted yourself about 3 times in that childish attemp to offend me. You are in the same class as a fence sitting christian.

A blip or a 120km powerlide around a corner has the same potential for disaster. And if you get caught or not is besides the point. I wasnt indorsing driving like a idiot i was stating dont contradict yourself. However you have done that quite nicely yourself you f**kwit(180km an hour. let me guess at the track. yeah right tool.)

oh ok you have a cams lic but you give it a blimp. whatever the f**k that is. a blimp my friend. let me guess accelarating up to the speed limit. yeah right f**kwit. at least i dont lie.

So did you

I am 25 not a teenager you top bloke.

I dont drive like an idiot anymore as i learnt my lesson the hard way in court some years ago.

If you were a bit more mature and could read properley you would understand that i was stating that people arnt honest about how they drive their cars as the above hypocrite so happily displayed for us all.

I havnt put a foot wrong on the road lately read what i said before you try to describe me as a teenager streetracer you moron!

I am an honest person and ill tell you now that in the past that i drove like a idiot on public roads and then turned around on forums or to my little brothers and lied.

that was what i was trying to say. It might not come accross so well on a computer.

al has displayed a post for example which is a bit shady in my books. I bet his blips are a bit more then what he makes out.

But all means al, tell me how wrong i am.

But i am a pretty good judge of character, and my current girlfriend is a solicitor who practises crimonology, and i havnt needed any advice on my driving breaches of the law since we have been together for the last 12 months or so.

I also come to this website for tech info on my car and mods. I dont come here to start arguments but it angers me when people get up some guy who yes did break the law and is in the wrong. But then they admit to giving their car a blip or winding it off the f**king clock!

get real! dont fence sit!

if you want to speed your a idiot! if you want to drive in the bounds of the law, good on you your doing the right thing!

Just dont go to church and then hire hookers during the week and do coke with them, theoretically speaking.

Surely there is some older members onsite who know where i am comming from?

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