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I Dont ***in Believe It

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Originally posted by R31Heaven

They need to carry dB testers to prove your car is over the limit

Cars need to be db tested under certain conditions.

(IE: can't be done if it's raining)

But I agree, they should have to perform some kind of test to justify sending the car to an approved noise tester.

They know that they can be pricks and demand that people go and get their cars tested, and that it will cost the owner money each time to get the test done.

I recently put some extractors on my car, and although the car isn't LOUD, it's louder than it was. Louder than 'stock'.

Now I'm scared about what it's going to sound like when I get a pod filter :D

The majority of police are just out there doing their job.

Driving a car that is a bit 'different' to all the others that are on the road, is unfortunately going to draw more attention than a Commo or a Ford or similar.

I know that if I was a police woman, that I would prefer to pull over the sexy Skyline rather than a beaten up old piece of crap that has every panel a different colour and is held together with sticky-tape and has so much smoke pouring out of it's exhaust that it's responsible for a new hole in the ozone layer every 5 minutes that it's on the road. :D:(:D

The epa test is baically a load of shit just to piss u off, cause they give u a month before u have to bring it in, so any1 with half a brain is gonna test it before than and make sure it is lbelow 90db!

The form says u were spotted, doesnet say time or place or by who by a cop or member of epa and u need to bring car in to be tested! now what crap is that they dont have proof of shit but u gotta waste your time to go where they want at a specific time.

Dont we pay enough on rego and road tax's they gott *** with us more!

see the news this morning more than 50 police under investigation in victoria for offences ranging from rape to drugs to child pornography... I'd say good old Miss Nixon ain't too popular.. Seems no one is above the law. What bugs me is cars are beign stolen while they are hassling law abiding citizens and acting like Nazis..

long and short is milky they can pick on us be real c..., hassle us make life diffucult just b/c we work oru buns off to own a nice car, and then do whatever they like inc speeding, raping innocent women, taking bribes, using drugs and doing nasty things on the internet... capische????

thye are some very nice police men and women around last time I was lucky to bet let off... also some on a power trip

Richie i am not surprised a that at all!

There were 5 or so member of the drug squad under investigation a few weeks ago!

I just sent a nice letter to the EPA with a copy of my roadworthy certificate and explaining to them my car was checked and passed 2twice in the space of the same week as the EPA notice was sent so i dont think i shoud have to get it checked a third time!

And when if they write back i will tell them i have already made a formal complaint against the cop that got me, cause i know hes the 1 tha reported me to the epa.

I am gonna fight this till the end!

I rang to speak to the senior sargeant of traffic ops in dandenong this morning. He was on sick leave so I spoke to his 2nd in command. The cop was very pleasant on the phone and I spoke to him for about 15mins.

He agreed with me saying that the officers that pulled me over should not have acted in such a hostile way and is probably due to the long sh*tty hours they are doing for Operation Armageddon! Basically 13 police cars are patrolling/doing random roadworthy checks from 9pm-4am 3 nights per week. Usually thursday friday and eithere tuesday or wednesday. They are patrolling the main drag of frankston dande and along princess highway to westall road.

The two officers are going to be apparently reprimanded once he hears "their" side of the story. I assume he is going to let me know what the result is as he has my name and number.. If i am not happy then I can take it further to internal affairs etc.

What else can you do.. I told the cop i didnt normally have any trouble with police and to this point they have been nothing but pleasant, and also that i didnt want to make a huge deal of it because my plate will get marked and I will get pulled over left right and centre if these guys see me again!


I think you should write a letter to the hearld sun, on hehalf of all us skyline driver, about the harrisment we have been getting recently by the cops.

I think dr drift knows sum1 at the hearld sun that will be able to publish it without to many problems.

excellent idea... we need to speak up... it's one thing being tough and checking for mods, but to be so hostile is just not exceptable. Lets sign a petition or write a letter to let people know what we "descent" hard working folks have to put up with.

I'm definitely not the one to cause trouble or hurt a fly, but don't push me ...hahah

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