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Demerit Points?

MZ- R33

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didnt hav a sign but yeh lost 3points ... on the rta website it says the only time ur allowed to do a u turn is if it has a sign sayng "u-turn permitted" that suks i jus got confused coz i thought u could do a u-turn at the lights if their were no signs up sayng u couldnt oh well guess i thought wrong. thanx for the replys

oh one last thng does ne1 know how many points u lose for going thru a red light camera?


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no the red light ques was for my bf.

firstly theres no need to make stupid remarks

and no i didnt run a red light to make a u-turn.

gee cant get simple answers.

the u-turn my bf done as there was a big meet up round bankstown area (sydney)

cops turned up we all seperated n lost all the cars then we done the u-turn n the cops were hiding in the dark therefore wanted to know how many demerit points.

so if you wanna be smart about it dont bother

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yeah, in vic its allowed. went up to nsw...busted, they let us off for showing we were from melb and didnt know the differ laws until just then. not all cops are bad!...?

next time it happens, throw $2 at their feet and yipee, at your command. :(

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