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Boost 98 Petrol?

MZ- R33

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im not sure if diz has been mentioned before.

just curious has ne1 tryed the boost 98 petrol? if u havee what do u think of it?

just wondering coz ive been using it n its not to bad.


First off. What the hell is it?

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boost 98 is petrol at united petrol station dunno where else they sell it.

it came in a month ago thought ill give it a try since bp ultimate ran out n plus all the other ones like vortex n octane cost alot for a litre.


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Dont use United petrol. Its shithouse. This is why its cheaper.

My brother used it in Victoria a little while ago. The whole trip back to Canberra, every time we had an overtaking pass it would PING like crazy.

Just use VORTEX!!

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Dont use United petrol.  Its shithouse.  This is why its cheaper.

My brother used it in Victoria a little while ago.  The whole trip back to Canberra, every time we had an overtaking pass it would PING like crazy.

Just use VORTEX!!

Well i was asking coz BOOST 98 has ethanol in it n it is actually good to clean out fuel system, coz it was on the magazine as they tested it out n they rated it very high but they warn modified engines coz it hasto be tuned to ethanol but because united bought it out every1 is gunna think its shit coz "UNITED" petrol station but shell is starting to supply the BOOST 98 petrol. Once it goes out to the major petrol stations every1 might start using it.

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If a magazine said it, it must be true. :O

Have any of these magazine tests shown the effects of ethanol use in older cars?

Dont use United petrol.  Its shithouse.  This is why its cheaper.

My brother used it in Victoria a little while ago.  The whole trip back to Canberra, every time we had an overtaking pass it would PING like crazy.

Most people would simply retard their timing if the car was "pinging like crazy"....

To continue hammering the car while there is audible pinging is just silly.

Sounds more like driver ignorance than a petrol issue.

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If you are happy to run 10% ethanol, be my guest.

If you have any problems with it, please share them.

there was a similar discussion about the optimax extreme (100 octane, 5% ethanol) recently.

The only reason I don't is because of general availability. I put a few country k's on any car I own.

How much of the fuel system (tank -> pump -> lines -> fuel filter -> hoses(s) -> injectors) is plastic / rubber? that would be my concern.

good on you. I hope for the best

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Be nice and "listen to Nissan".  Mmmm poetry.

Don't they also say use only genuine nissan parts?

And as for their stand on (gasp) a modified car...

(hang on - thats recycled from the thread on optimax extreme)

So if you skyline still has new car warranty, don't use ethanol.

and run the odd bottle of injector cleaner through as well (from a mate - probably not gospel)

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