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G,day from SA.

Keir & I were keen on bringing our GTRs over on the 15th & asked

Mr Pike (manager at Kiwana) if there was any help available to make this possible.Unfortunately they are unable to subsidise any of the costs for bringing 2 cars & teams over to race, & because neither of us have sponsors it is not viable for us to come. I am dissappointed, as we both were looking forward to continuing out GTR street tyre battle over in WA.

Maybe next year there will be a Heads up/Street tyre class just for

4WD turbo cars & if enough spectator interest perhaps some of the organisers of these meetings will be able to justify subsidies.

Thanks to Sean & Nigel for your interest - maybe next year fellas.

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That's a real pity, cause it would have been an awesome sight to see. The track here is excellent, so the times would have been very good. I would much prefer to see a street GTR than some of the other drag racers they have there.

Maybe next year, keep up the good work.


Last Saturday I ran my first 9 sec pass - a 9.94.

Then I beat Keir's time with a 9.66.

He came back with a 9.51 @ 150 mph.

My final run was a 9.69 @ 148.95 mph.

The cars are very close now & it is getting interesting.

The 15th is still 4 weeks away - we'll just have to wait & see.

Is that how you spell Kwinana! My bad.

No - I'm sure there are lots of private racers that are in the same

position.Car transport,plane tickets,acommodation for 5 guys per

team,meals,fuel,entry fees,etc,etc - it's about $5000 per team.

Thats why proffessional race teams have sponsors & the cars are

covered in vinyl & they can travel to all the interstate meetings.

Our cars are clean looking street cars & we want to keep them that way. Where there's a will, there's a way - stay tuned.


I totally agree, I'm prepared to push the issue here, because I think that there is alot of interest in special events such as these. Everyone has seen nitro funny cars etc, but street cars doing 9secs is unbelievable.


I think all of WAs Jap car supporters should rally this issue.

The Motorplex is still a V8 ape dominated show, and the

management should see the time of Tech cars is here.

We have had overwhelming support for the Miss P'IGGY

rail with an SR20 DET in it.

Lets really get together on this issue and have power in


heres his e mail address

[email protected]

Dear Peter

I am writing to you as a frequent racer and spectator to the Motorplex. After travelling to Adelaide for the 4.6 and rotary meet there I met and spoke with John Munro ( 9.6 second Nissan GTR ) and also saw him race Keir Wilson (also ( 9.5 second GTR). I have spoken with John since ive returned and he mentioned he would like to bring both his car and team and that Keir was also interested to run heads up with John here in Perth. Both these cars are at the forefront of technology running street rubber and are very well presented vehicles. With such a large following now in Perth with imported cars seeing both these cars running at the Motorplex would be awesome. Keirs car is currently the quickest of the two cars but it seems each time they run now a new record is broken and their progress is well documented in many magazines lately.

John mentioned that the cost of bringing these cars across to race was huge as neither of them have big sponsors themselves to offset the costs. Would the Motorplex please consider helping these two teams with sponsorship to reduce the cost in transport.



heres my effort


We are talking about a reasonable amount of money required, and unfortunately due to street GTR's running with no advertising then sponsorship is unlikely. Hopefully if enough of us email peter then he may change his mind.


yer but just the fact that they r imported cars is an advertisment in itself dont you think --if they run well the 16-17 year old will wnat one who in turn will pester mum and dad etc etc etc --- hmm thats how i ened up with 2 imports in the shed, ill still write an email tomorrow night but maybe someone like c-red.x speed could sponser the bracket they race in at the plex to spread the burden

my 2 cents

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