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White Face Dials R32,r32(1)r33(2)r34

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Great news!!!

Is there any chance you can send my first/ASAP?

I'll shout you a beer when you come down to Gold Coast later this year.

I just finish reinstalling the air conditioner system back on the car and left a few parts out waiting for your white face dial so I don't have to rip them off again.

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssseeeeeeee :P

:P 9krpm, i will send them all off together bro... ill get some stuff to send them in tomoro afternoon, and ill send them off on friday.. thats the best i can do mate. Hope thats ok!

paulr33, I have never even seen that sort of set up on a skyline! I know it looks like the S2 R33 but what does those lights mean?

Im sure they would make them, but im sorry to say the time has expired for this deal... Maybe if i get a few people interested i will do it again, Sorry mate!


Great news!!!

Is there any chance you can send my first/ASAP?

I'll shout you a beer when you come down to Gold Coast later this year.

I just finish reinstalling the air conditioner system back on the car and left a few parts out waiting for your white face dial so I don't have to rip them off again.

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssseeeeeeee :thumbsup:

OI! If anything ladies first! lol

kidding kezz, whenever is good!

thanks kezza

BTW how much did you pay for your big blue leds for the speedo? I checked autobarn, the small one are cheap but the large one for the dash are way too much for a led.

thanks kezza

BTW how much did you pay for your big blue leds for the speedo? I checked autobarn, the small one are cheap but the large one for the dash are way too much for a led.

well im unsure dude, cause i made my led lighting b4 they even started to bring out pre fabed ones!

if you want the numbers to stay as bright, i would keep the original ones in, and add a blue led on each side of the needle post.

leds are one way, so you have to find the + side of each track that runs around the light fixture, when you look at the back of the dials were the plugs plug in and the lights screw into you will see off one of the plug tracks (ILL+) follow this track to find the +side of the lights you want to change,

The only problem i had with making my own is that the viewing angle of the les are narrow, and you have to point the led derectly at the plactic glass light catches around the dials!

I think the pre made ones have a better viewing angle of the leds so you wouldnt need to have them directly pointing. but hey it only cost me $5 to make one in total!

Like i said b4 i can make them up if people need them, i build them with resistors. but not with diod tho,

so as long as you can see the + side of the plugs they will work, if you dont and they will blow.

hit me up if anyone needs them, i knocked off a heap of light fixtures from the scrappers.,lol

Got my dial faces today woohoo :)

Now, it looks obvious that they have to be cut out, around the border is easy, but what is the easiest way to cut out all the holes, for needles, screws ect?

Ill give you a tip, dont cut the centre circles out fully, they are larger than the dial cover things.

Good on me for finding that out!

yay for you!

wanna come over and do mine?? lol

Ok, done them now.

there was some issues with the needle of the rev catching, but that was fixed. For the pins that the needles sit on, cut the holes large otherwise the paper sits up and the needle rubs.

On another note, they are good during the day, but I NEED new globes as the dash is damn dim. Also have to adjust it a little bit as the numbers underneath dont 100% line up, which is needed.

All in all, result is good, but still some issues.

Cheers Kez

Sounds like it's quite fiddly then, gonna wait till mum gets me some scalpels from work :(

I was actually thinkin bout how big the holes should be cut out, so it's the centre holes for the needles that have to be cut a bit smaller?

What about the rest of the holes, same size as what's printed?

Forgot to thank you, cheers kezza

Edited by beastien

A scalpel will be no good IMO. I did the first 2 holes with scalpels and they came out very...."sided"

I them starting using those scissors women use for the skin that covers your nails, they cut it off? Cuticles? They were great. Sharp, precise.

I need to find some brighter bulbs now.

Unfortunatly, the cyberstrok stuff 95% lines up with the lights underneath. For example, in the revs, the 5 is perfect, so is the 0, but the 2 and 3 are off by 1-2mm.... hmmm. I will see when i get brighter bulbs. Might get around to that this weekend?

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