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Got Pulled Over While On Suspension


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umm was bout a month ago, copper gave me the yellow ticket and ive started payin it off, got sent a payment plan in the mail but no infringement notice yet.

i have been driving and did get pulled over for a drug search, i think the copper checked my licence on the computer but didnt say anything.. so yeah. i might just stop drivin just to be on the safe side.

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You have two things in your favor, the licence was suspended, not canceled, and it was a random check, you were not caught drunk, or driving like an idiot.

It is really up to the magistrate to decide. He will look at your previous police record before he decides what to do.

My guess is a further suspension plus a fine. Highly unlikely you will get jail, but if you do it again, better take a toothbrush and comb with you to court.

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im pretty sure in nsw you dont lose points or your liscence suspended until the fine is actually paid...my mate got another month of driving by not paying until the second notice came through.

f**k i love the consistency of our federal courts :D

too bad precidence doesnt apply acoss states.

theres this story about some dude who flicked a cigarette butt outside the car, got caught, and was summoned to court...he argued that it was raining that day and that the cigarette butt was more of a fire hazard INSIDE the car than outside...he walked free.

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umm was bout a month ago, copper gave me the yellow ticket and ive started payin it off, got sent a payment plan in the mail but no infringement notice yet.

i have been driving and did get pulled over for a drug search, i think the copper checked my licence on the computer but didnt say anything.. so yeah. i might just stop drivin just to be on the safe side.

keep driving untill you get a notice

on the other hand.. got a rather funny story.. a mate recieved a letter saying he'd lost his license for 3 months.. yep sure enough he stopped driving about a week before he was due to get it back he got another notice saying he'd lost his license for 6 months i think it was.. fancy that.. he went into find out wat the hell the go was.. the first notice got accidently sent to him instead of another bloke with the exact same name and how ever he said he hadnt been driving since the date he recieved the first letter and from memory he just got told dont drive untill the 3months from the date of the first letter was up which was in another 4 days and he'll be all good to drive again.. rather nice f**k up by DOT i must say

as for the person that was saying about public transport being bad in melbourne.. come to cairns.. and than you'll really see wat f**king shit public transport is.. as for taxi's my last boss had a good one.. got on the piss one thurdsay night at workshop with his mate.. caught taxi into town got even drunker got home at 4am in morning.. slept got up called taxi at 7am and got told it would be 10 minutes.. meanwhile i get to the workshop at 8am.. allright usualy first one there stand out front have a smoke waiting for the boss... customers start showing up with there cars.. 830 still no sign.. 845am rang bosses mobile to find out were the hell he was.. and he was still waiting for that taxi.. went picked him up and well yer the taxi never showed up as his missus was at home all morning thats how 'excellent' public transport is

Edited by Wazz
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LOL I worked a while in cairns.

The difference between cairns and melbourne and public transport is that in cairns 99% of the people are on holidays there and there is bugger all people catching public transport during peak hours, melbourne is the total opposite.

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I had my licence for 1 months when i went through a light doing 90km in a 60km zone, a copper on a bike saw me and pulled me over, he could only estimate and the wank got my speed right on the dot from an estimate, he said i would have to go to court, wrote my name in a notepad and didn't give me anything so i thought i got away with it, but i didn't the summons did come, when i went to court they we're really nice, i pleaded guilty, and got a 100 fine, it was my first offence, so if it is yours they might be leanient, considering you weren't speeding or anything, as for jail, first ofence i doubt your going, my sister has been pulled over 10 times with no licence and a non licenced veichle and nothing happened, so don't stress too much as for a lesson, i don't know what to say there, cause i actually have done the same thing, and it is hard to get around with no car, but my licence suspension was just from not paying fines, if yours was from something worse then they choose not to be so nice.

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ok guys now im really confused.. got a suspension notice in the mail saying it starts on the 28th of feb, loss of licence for 6 months cuz of doing 40k over.

now today i got another notice saying ive been suspended 6 months for speeding on good behaviour and its sposed to start on 8th march.. wtf!? cant have 2 going at the same time or are they gunna add em together?

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ok guys now im really confused.. got a suspension notice in the mail saying it starts on the 28th of feb, loss of licence for 6 months cuz of doing 40k over.

now today i got another notice saying ive been suspended 6 months for speeding on good behaviour and its sposed to start on 8th march.. wtf!? cant have 2 going at the same time or are they gunna add em together?

can u post up wat it says on the notice plz....

this could be quite helpful, because i never got any notification of my suspension

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im in qld..

first one is called "Notice of driver licence suspension for speeding offence" and it details speed i was doing, points lost when suspension starts etc.

2nd one is called "Notice of accumulation of demerit points while on a good driving behaviour period" which also has same details as previous notice but starts at a later date.

i spoke to a mate that had this happen to him a few years back and he said those notices are cumulative so yeah i have lost it for 12 months ;)

i dont blame anyone tho i knew the risks, shit happens, gives me time to save for a r33 :D

oh yeah they didnt send out the notices until i started paying the fine.

Edited by eddieneedsboost
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One of my moronic brothers went to jail 3 times for driving unlicensed & speeding (in qld also). So.. it does happen. First time was for like 6months, served 3.. went up from there.

Oh I should probably add that he's never even had his license and still doesn't and he's been driving for like.. 20 years or something now.

Edited by Kaz180
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I was starting work at 5.30 am so i thought i will take my car as i had no means to get there.That went well, but on my way home i was pulled over for a rendom check.I expalained that i was on suspension and that i had no means to get to work.To that copper didint seem to be touched, however he was really decent, didnt show emotions but expalined that i will need to go to court. I was curious and wanted to find out what the outcome could be, he responded that i might get licence suspension extended or might get away with it.I had never been convicted or engaged in any criminal act appart from speeding fines and i supose current suspension.He also took my details down on a piece of paper and didnt hand over anything to me. I am just wondering what are the possible outcomes for this.Please help as i am very desperate

It depends what state you are in? In SA driving while suspended is now jail time!!! (whidch is absolute buillshit!!!!) If i ever get caught for this shite again i will at least have a bit of fun on the chase! and get my ghaol times worth -- who knows may make some new contacts and alot of money!!!!!!.

I have accidently been caught b4 when i ran out of demerit points acouple of years ago so i kept driving as i had no way of getting from parents vineyard to uni and work etc (bout 60k's) so i took the risk... Unfortunately after 5 of the 6 mnonth disqualification hit a beemer and did 10G's worth of damage to my car and about 2.5gs' to beemer. Mr plod came where i hance gave a fake name (originally went with my brothers but then put my fathers name down for insurance purposes --as my brother is younger and not inuseed to drive my ride. Unfortunatleyl mr plod did a licence check over the radio and found out i was not aged 57 like my father. He then mumbled something about liieng.... then i ended up talking my way out of it and drove away.. He did not have a clue who was behind the wheel. ANyway he enede up ringing home address next day and i admitted it. Went to court and got a 1750 dollar fine and no further disqual.

I have since lost my licence due to a differnet matter (gluglug vroomvroom) and was warned along with all the other poor suckers that were in the same court hearing as me that if you drive while disqualified the punishment is gaol. They have since removed my right to appeal the decision (well at least this is what i have been told) due to the courts being sick of the amount of successful appeals that are lodged (in my circumstance i would be a shoe in for a suxsexful appeal). What happened to freeeeeeedom. Its like the issue if a tree falls in the woods and noboddy is around to hear it does it still make a sound? ie if you keep driving while disqual and noboddy finds out is it a crime? i mean are you affecting social cohesion and society if nothing goes wrong?. I think in SA the punishment far outweighs the crime and i cant see it as an adequatre measure to prevent disqual and unlicenced people from driving (look at the aboriginals they realise our laws dont mean shit and all we do is reap and destroy so they just do what ever they want!!!!) Something which i believe the SA governemnt is going to have to face a lot more of in the near future as they start making up redicualous laws that encroach on peoples freedom (ie hoon laws -- person may accidently spin the wheels with a high powered car (which wouldnt take much) in the wet with a noisy exhaust due to the car being modified and they could face themselves having to drop out of uni and become a bum due to mr plod being in the worng place at the wrong time confiscating their car and licence beacause he is in a shitty mood bcause he hasnt had a root for a month from the missus or any coffee.

Just keep driving with someones id that looks like you (as long as you dont get pulled over for doing anything to rash you should be alright :) ) Either that or put your life on hold for a year and sit on the couch take lots of drugs and live off the governemtn.. If everyond did this they would soon stop taking peoples licences away as they would not be able to pay them all welfare!!! So many ways to battle an ever failing and worsening system all you need is the right numbers balls and brains (not $)

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So.. let me get this right, you drive drunk, you drive while suspended, you have hit a car whilst suspended, used a fraudulent name and you STILL think you deserve to drive? It's a privilege, not a right. I don't think anybody in their right mind would listen to advice from you.

I don't agree with cops pulling people over just because they have a slightly loud exhaust or they don't have a H pattern, but did you ever consider that driving around drunk and unlicensed affects other people when you run them off the road and kill their child/partner for eg? Where's their freedom? Completely gone because of some stupid moron who should never have gotten their license in the first place.

How are THEY supposed to get to work and support their family when you total their car?

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QUOTE(BLACKR @ 8 Feb 2006, 09:39 AM)

I was starting work at 5.30 am so i thought i will take my car as i had no means to get there.That went well, but on my way home i was pulled over for a rendom check.I expalained that i was on suspension and that i had no means to get to work.To that copper didint seem to be touched, however he was really decent, didnt show emotions but expalined that i will need to go to court. I was curious and wanted to find out what the outcome could be, he responded that i might get licence suspension extended or might get away with it.I had never been convicted or engaged in any criminal act appart from speeding fines and i supose current suspension.He also took my details down on a piece of paper and didnt hand over anything to me. I am just wondering what are the possible outcomes for this.Please help as i am very desperate

It depends what state you are in? In SA driving while suspended is now jail time!!! (whidch is absolute buillshit!!!!) If i ever get caught for this shite again i will at least have a bit of fun on the chase! and get my ghaol times worth -- who knows may make some new contacts and alot of money!!!!!!.

I have accidently been caught b4 when i ran out of demerit points acouple of years ago so i kept driving as i had no way of getting from parents vineyard to uni and work etc (bout 60k's) so i took the risk... Unfortunately after 5 of the 6 mnonth disqualification hit a beemer and did 10G's worth of damage to my car and about 2.5gs' to beemer. Mr plod came where i hance gave a fake name (originally went with my brothers but then put my fathers name down for insurance purposes --as my brother is younger and not inuseed to drive my ride. Unfortunatleyl mr plod did a licence check over the radio and found out i was not aged 57 like my father. He then mumbled something about liieng.... then i ended up talking my way out of it and drove away.. He did not have a clue who was behind the wheel. ANyway he enede up ringing home address next day and i admitted it. Went to court and got a 1750 dollar fine and no further disqual.

I have since lost my licence due to a differnet matter (gluglug vroomvroom) and was warned along with all the other poor suckers that were in the same court hearing as me that if you drive while disqualified the punishment is gaol. They have since removed my right to appeal the decision (well at least this is what i have been told) due to the courts being sick of the amount of successful appeals that are lodged (in my circumstance i would be a shoe in for a suxsexful appeal). What happened to freeeeeeedom. Its like the issue if a tree falls in the woods and noboddy is around to hear it does it still make a sound? ie if you keep driving while disqual and noboddy finds out is it a crime? i mean are you affecting social cohesion and society if nothing goes wrong?. I think in SA the punishment far outweighs the crime and i cant see it as an adequatre measure to prevent disqual and unlicenced people from driving (look at the aboriginals they realise our laws dont mean shit and all we do is reap and destroy so they just do what ever they want!!!!) Something which i believe the SA governemnt is going to have to face a lot more of in the near future as they start making up redicualous laws that encroach on peoples freedom (ie hoon laws -- person may accidently spin the wheels with a high powered car (which wouldnt take much) in the wet with a noisy exhaust due to the car being modified and they could face themselves having to drop out of uni and become a bum due to mr plod being in the worng place at the wrong time confiscating their car and licence beacause he is in a shitty mood bcause he hasnt had a root for a month from the missus or any coffee.

Just keep driving with someones id that looks like you (as long as you dont get pulled over for doing anything to rash you should be alright ) Either that or put your life on hold for a year and sit on the couch take lots of drugs and live off the governemtn.. If everyond did this they would soon stop taking peoples licences away as they would not be able to pay them all welfare!!! So many ways to battle an ever failing and worsening system all you need is the right numbers balls and brains MATE TOSSERS LIKE YOU SHOULD BE OFF THE ROAD FOR GOOD the sad thing is he lives in the same state as me

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Your attitude is why the SA governement has added gaol time. PEople like you continue to ignore the fact that they should not drive, get caught and then drive again. This is a joke and you need to do some hard time to learn to obey the rules.

How do you know that your unlicensed driving will never be a problem. If you kill someone while driving, you WILL go to gaol for a very long time.

I strongly suggest you get an attitude ajustment and get off the road until you have done your penalty. We can only hope that the only accident you have while driving unlicensed is into a big tree, as it may be the only thing that knocks some sence into you.....what a tool

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