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Stagea Rattles, Squeaks,and Other Noises.

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I have found that there are basicaly two types of people in the world ..those who turn the stereo up louder when they hear a rattle or a squeak and those like myself that get someone else to drive while they crawl through the car in a search and destroy mission that can only end in the elimination of every possible none essential sound. The stagea being a wagon will probably have its fair share of these and like most cars...what sqeaks in mine will probably sqeak in yours sooner or later..so.. I thought that we could put the power of many to work and start a list of rattle and sqeak find and fixes.

So far mine is pretty good and like most cars, some noises tend to come and go under certain conditions. It's the ones that are there most of the time or that come and go on a regular basis that start to get on my goat. So far I have one somewhere around the glove box that I cant track and one in the rear which I think is coming from the floor panel that covers the spare. I am going to try a bit of gaff tape around the panel holding points to try and keep the panel tight.Its trial and error but I think there is nothing like a nice tight sounding car.


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I get a plastic clip on metal sound coming from the rear driver side somewehre.

I get a fan hitting casing sound from the climate control fan (it only just started last week)

I get a clunk from the rear of the car. Probably CV or wheel bearing.

I get a water gushing type sounding noise from the front of the car when i turn it on after a cold night

I cant think of anything else for now, but as is evident, I listen for noises!

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i've had a dull rattle in the rear of the car for about a year now. since it hasn't gotten worse i've ust ignored it. only started once i got the suspension replaced, so i'm guessing the stiffer ride has made it move around a bit more sudden

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LOL funny answers. My induction roar is exactly that, with 160awkw its a ROAR - too loud.

My stereo can go pretty loud, so that gets cranked a fair bit.

But the front suspension doesnt like those 'little' speed humps that are quite 'steep' (generally found by my local bourbon supplier) - big groan as mentioned above.

I havent noticed anything else, besides slight squeek from a disc when cold at low speeds, very intermitant, but a normal replacable item so not concerned at this stage.

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  • 2 years later...

I thought this was an interesting & useful topic that died an early death... so attempting to resurr-erect it:

Only noise I've noticed so far is the same as AlexCim's here:

I get a plastic clip on metal sound coming from the rear driver side somewehre.

I get a fan hitting casing sound from the climate control fan (it only just started last week)

I get a clunk from the rear of the car. Probably CV or wheel bearing.

I get a water gushing type sounding noise from the front of the car when i turn it on after a cold night

I cant think of anything else for now, but as is evident, I listen for noises!

I just have the 'fan hitting casing sound' (so far).

...and I found a matching solution (also from AlexCim)...


Over time the fan can become dirty and therefore unbalanced, this will then cause it to "tap" against its housing.

Happend to me about a year ago.

This sounds awesome - I might not have to replace the fan :) I'm going to check mine asap

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I thought this was an interesting & useful topic that died an early death... so attempting to resurr-erect it:

Only noise I've noticed so far is the same as AlexCim's here:

I just have the 'fan hitting casing sound' (so far).

...and I found a matching solution (also from AlexCim)...

This sounds awesome - I might not have to replace the fan :laugh: I'm going to check mine asap

how do you access it?

as mine sounds like it needs a clean...


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My suspension groans at low speeds too when entering and exiting driveways. I also get a very faint 'buzz' from the climate control when i'm lightly pressing the accelerator.

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how do you access it?

as mine sounds like it needs a clean...


Under the glove box... will post more details when I have found it :laugh:


Climate control fan is noisy, even after cleaning.

damn so the clean didn't fix for you? anything touching the blades? lots of play/look out of balance?

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I've traced a grinding noise that can be heard around the drivers seat. It appears to be coming from the drivers teeth, particularly when watching how fast the fuel tank needle is dropping.

Seriously though, there is a fair amount of what sounds like diff noise coming from the front when slowing down of the accelerator, but I'm hoping thats just the 4wd system and its completely normal.... Tell me its completely normal.... I'm broke now :D

Edited by Qumulys
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I can (sometimes) hear a crackling noise when I floor it, it just seems to be while it's during it's 'zomgogogoboost' phase

Comes from the front of the car, I think it might be the turbo/intake but a mate reckons it's coming from the drivers side

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I can (sometimes) hear a crackling noise when I floor it, it just seems to be while it's during it's 'zomgogogoboost' phase

Comes from the front of the car, I think it might be the turbo/intake but a mate reckons it's coming from the drivers side

A few cars I've driven make a noise a bit like this - under high load/low revs/WOT conditions they manage to squeeze a bit of exhaust out of an imperfectly sealing exhaust manifold and it makes a kind of 'crackling' sound, almost like pinging... shows up most when going up a particularly long/steep hill on a hot day

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at the moment i have a really annoying clicking sound from my cv's when i turn,noisy bushes in front squeak/clunk over bumps and braking,and besides that just the kettle sound from my pod filter. :) anyones knows a good place for bushes/cv's in PERTH,let me know,cheers

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