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Membership Cards and Stickers, check if you are on the list

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I have Membership Cards and Stickers for the following people:



OzGTR97V (Paul L)



Not sure of nicks for the following:

Mark Hayden

Adam Kovacs (Zane?)

Rhys Wheeler

if you guys all came on the cruise today you would now have them...:lol: :)

We'll have to have a meeting to distribute them.

Originally posted by brendanf



me thinks ... ... .. .. .. ..

Originally posted by red900ss

Adam Kovacs (Zane?)

correct :uh-huh:

I sent a group email too, so everyone should be aware they are ready.

hey bigvis, send me your email and i'll send you back a form :)

then you can either hand it in to one of us at the next meet, or mail it to the PO box...

my emails in my sig :(

Merli: Dino's away till the 25th, so he won't be at the steak night ;)

MRK25T: the email you put on your form is nnmmee@hotmail.com so check there :D Do you want me to change it to that other one you posted for any future emails?

Neil...if you only sent your form in recently, it's likely that it's with Christian and therefore you will be included in the next lot of cards/stickers...

Ahh, sorry about that Shell.

With that hotmail account I get a massive amount of junk mail.

I select all the emails, and then my checking the 'from' field I unselect the ones that have come from people I know.

Looks like i've deleted the email by mistake.

If its not too much trouble could you change it to the optus email address for me please? markhayden@optushome.com.au.

I assume christian told you that i've paid - you looked too busy on the 'gong cruise so he took the money.



Dino, that's Brody (see above, he wants it posted). I'll email you his address.

broken :bahaha: :bahaha:

yep i sent them from Fyshwick PO hehe

sorry if anyone got in trouble cos their other half thought it was porn LOL

MRK25T, no probs, I've changed it ;)

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