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i dont know how to ask this but....


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ok i have an r33 gtst series 2..... now wait for it.... in an auto!!! ok ok ive coped enough flak so i just skip to my question... which is AGAIN quite embarrassing:( hehe....

ok .. whats the best way to drag someone with an auto... i mean ..

1) do i change through the gears 1 then 2 then to drive..... and

2)do i have the POWER button on? (what does this button really do? i swear it makes me go slower..... or am i dreaming?)......

3) and do i have the OVERDRIVE button on???

from dazed and confused....... ;)

thanks for any help anyone may provide me:D



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yer..... haha. i try to race anyone and anything... tonight it was my old gf;s(biggest whore in the world...now i understand how stds get around) friends in a corolla or some piece of shit.

anyway.. i felt alot better as i flew past them not just because i killed them off the line but because i had my new and improved gf next to me. hhehe... well not so new now ;)

hey i had a look at http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...&threadid=10221

.... but it still doesnt tell me what to do??? i dont want to spend any money on shift kits etc coz im trying to save my dosh:D

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Originally posted by GR33DyMANGO

i dont want to spend any money on shift kits etc coz im trying to save my dosh:D

Well, you won't save too much dosh this way - uses more petrol, more wear'n'tear on the gearbox, more wear'n'tear on the driveline.

Thank heavens you're in Perth:rolleyes: One less idiot to look out for.

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Originally posted by Squizz

Ease up there mate, they guy is asking a honest question.

The guy is racing on the fu(king streets:mad: And we're endorsing his actions.

Next he'll come whingeing to us that the police have confiscated his car, and he wants our advice as to how to get out of trouble.

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Originally posted by ex-static

Power button I beleive is just like an overdrive.. similar to a 5th gear.. should only be used above 80k/h or for cruising.


The power button makes the car hold gear until redline before shifting up, but if your foot is on the floor it does this anyway.

Turn overdrive OFF for more power. As it uses a lower ratio of gears. Overdrive is different between auto & manual and should be left ON for day to day driving to save petrol.

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I see no mention of street racing anywhere in his post's. For all we know it could have been a sealed road on a private farm.

No one is endorsing street racing. I can see your point, but please leave openly hostile comments for PM.

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mre .. if u do that then u are just wasting petrol ... there is a hige difference with the OD on or off ... for me anyways ... its like 800rpm or something like that ... thats heaps!!! plus its quieter and the engine is doing less work so i would assume its better for it ... so from the info above ... i gather there is no difference in power or OD?? theres a mistake somewhere in here ...

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the POWER button wont change gear until you get MUCH higher revs than without it!!

the OVERDRIVE button is for when you are cruiseing like 80+ on freeway etc....

this is comming from me in a R33 auto non trubo hehe so i do what i can to get the most outa the car lol

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They way I see it these motors are built to rev.

Buy driving with OD on under 80k's mine sits on or under 2000rpm's is always changing up and down.

I recon its easier on the Auto box and the motor.

Have not really notice much difference in petrol use.

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thanks for the help guys. ive always wondered about those overdrive and power buttons:)

now i can street race and ram other cars off the road... haha.. na im just joking... just trying to stir..hhee... i like everyone else ONLY ever race on my private runway on my private farm, which i fly out to on weekends in my helicopter, which folds out of a suitcase, which i keep under my bed(like everyone else OF COURSE!).. hehe... :(

whoa... im glad that embarrassment is pretty much over:D hehe.



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