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This is where the pics went, got edited by "the buzz"

Maybe he met a bit more opposition than first thought, maybe he thought we were all dumb ass jerks that couldn't tell the difference between a genuine article & someones idea of a complete farce.

Maybe he thought he best get rid of the evidence before someone really started ripping it to shreds.

Anyway, here is the one I kept for prosperity.



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Or perhaps you don't know jack about the owner and think you know it all about the car.

FYI the car has the logbooks, it was well researched before purchase and the owner is an ex-Gibson Motorsport employee, so I suppose he wouldn't know much about it then. Nobody is going to pay big dollar for a mockup circuit hack...

I don't think anybody here was/is a 'dumb ass jerk' nor did I try to roll anyone with posting the pics.

The fact that you ripped in with the tall poppy syndrome led me to believe why bother, and thats why I edited it all.

For those still interested, pics are here (wouldn't want anyone to think I am trying to scam them):







Edited by thebuzz
Or perhaps you don't know jack about the owner and think you know it all about the car.

FYI the car has the logbooks, it was well researched before purchase and the owner is an ex-Gibson Motorsport employee, so I suppose he wouldn't know much about it then. Nobody is going to pay big dollar for a mockup circuit hack...

I don't think anybody here was/is a 'dumb ass jerk' nor did I try to roll anyone with posting the pics.

The fact that you ripped in with the tall poppy syndrome led me to believe why bother, and thats why I edited it all.

For those still interested, pics are here (wouldn't want anyone to think I am trying to scam them):







So! it's got log books, BUT I bet they're not THE LOG BOOKS of the #30 Car campaigned by George Fury in the late 80's that was 3rd behind it's sister car #15 at Bathurst and won Sandown in the same year.

For starters it's the WRONG colour, it has far too much bullsh!t on it, The spoiler isn't even a factory option, so whoever he bought it off was a fool, to f@#k with something as they have.

I wpould want to see the log books before your ever going to convince me it's anything GMS let alone as you say the real deal.

Something you forget, I was there in '86 when it was being campaigned, where were you other than in diapers.

For starters it's the WRONG colour, it has far too much bullsh!t on it, The spoiler isn't even a factory option, so whoever he bought it off was a fool, to f@#k with something as they have.

I agree with you... there was not much that could be done regarding what the previous owner did however.

I did state that the current owner intends to remove the extra fittings to revert it back to its original status.

Something you forget, I was there in '86 when it was being campaigned, where were you other than in diapers.

:rolleyes: <_< Not quite, sorry to disappoint...

Edited by thebuzz
I agree with you... there was not much that could be done regarding what the previous owner did however.

I did state that the current owner intends to remove the extra fittings to revert it back to its original status.

:rolleyes: <_< Not quite, sorry to disappoint...

Sorry Buzz,

But you present a car to a forum, very nearly dedicated to a particular model of Skyline, perporting it to be "The Car! that George Fury raced" but is so far from it, it isn't funny.

Rather than get into a slanging match on here, maybe it should have been presented in a different way, as it most certainly isn't the same car driven by the one and only George Fury. It is and has been very well documented by Zoom magazine among others, articles on the exact car, the car that Terry Ashwood ownes or owned.

Maybe we are wrong, maybe it is a GMS car, maybe it could be anything, but it sure isn't what you presented it as.

I say sorry again, but you present something as one thing, when it certainly isn't, what do you expect.

As for you wouldn't spend big dollars on a mocked up track hack, well that remains to be seen, or have you forgotten about the "FINE COTTON AFFAIR" and I don't know that it would be all that difficult to knock up an authentic looking log book, as I don't know that the log books have changed all that much in the past 20 odd years. I would expect all that would be needed is a CAMS scrutineer in your hip pocket.

IF it is legit, then let's have the proof, but if it is a fake, you aren't the first and certainly wont be the last to be conned by someone looking to make a fast buck.


thats cool, you have your opinion, i have mine, we can leave it at that.

If I get the chance to 'get' more proof I will take it and post it here, until then we'll agree to disagree.

BTW the car isn't mine incase anyone thought so, its another member of the NDSOC.

Maybe the possibility of parts becoming hard/cant get them?

Or making it abit more modern?

Ah well, I seen it go round calder at a NDSOC track day last year, was quick.

Seen it in the pits, drooled,touched it,wanted it...



Who cares if its not real, imho i dont care if its a 280c with with a fibreglass body its a car I'd like to own and I'd love to have the opportunity to race something like that too.

I saw a car very similar to this at a event at eastern ck about 6-7 years ago,when Iworked at a parts place.I was taking him an accelerator return spring as his had broken.

It had the right colours and looked like the real deal.it was owned by a friend of my boss that also owned a group 2e 240z.

The owner told me a few of the things that had been changed on the car since it was raced at bathurst and one of the major differences was a rack and pinion conversion. Its all a bit hazy now but I didnt ask to see the log books or stand there arguing the point,Ijust thought good on him for perservering with the good old fj20 and wished him well for the future.

I also saw a certain z18t blubird that looked like the one george raced at a workshop in sydneys west last year when I was gettin a problem sorted with my s12.I asked them "if it was the real deal" as they pushed it out of the workshop ,simple straight answer was yes and that was good enuff for me!I grabbed a disposable camera and proceded to take a few pics but after seeing this thread i dont they'll be posted here!

Thanks for the pics buzz :lol:

Who cares if its not real, imho i dont care if its a 280c with with a fibreglass body its a car I'd like to own and I'd love to have the opportunity to race something like that too.

I saw a car very similar to this at a event at eastern ck about 6-7 years ago,when Iworked at a parts place.I was taking him an accelerator return spring as his had broken.

It had the right colours and looked like the real deal.it was owned by a friend of my boss that also owned a group 2e 240z.

The owner told me a few of the things that had been changed on the car since it was raced at bathurst and one of the major differences was a rack and pinion conversion. Its all a bit hazy now but I didnt ask to see the log books or stand there arguing the point,Ijust thought good on him for perservering with the good old fj20 and wished him well for the future.

I also saw a certain z18t blubird that looked like the one george raced at a workshop in sydneys west last year when I was gettin a problem sorted with my s12.I asked them "if it was the real deal" as they pushed it out of the workshop ,simple straight answer was yes and that was good enuff for me!I grabbed a disposable camera and proceded to take a few pics but after seeing this thread i dont they'll be posted here!

Thanks for the pics buzz :lol:

If it's the real deal, you won't get any criticism from me!

I've seen the same bluebird your talking about in the flesh, many years ago, but still I was there, at Oran Park as I recall.


Like the Buzz, I have seen this car and it's log books in the flesh. Seems there are people on here who like to shoot their mouth off without knowing the true facts. Just because the car has been painted in a different colour, and had a rear spoiler fitted, does not mean it is not genuine. It has a holinger gearbox in it, and motec fitted to make it quicker, for modern day touring car events. Both of these items are going, to restore it to it's former "George Fury" glory. This car IS THE REAL DEAL. and for all of those who don't believe it, it's your loss. To see this car in the flesh, and rocketing down a main straight is one of the most incredible things I have ever seen and heard. As a true R31 enthusiast, I did not ever think I would get excited over and R30, but this one takes the cake.

Like the Buzz, I have seen this car and it's log books in the flesh. Seems there are people on here who like to shoot their mouth off without knowing the true facts. Just because the car has been painted in a different colour, and had a rear spoiler fitted, does not mean it is not genuine. It has a holinger gearbox in it, and motec fitted to make it quicker, for modern day touring car events. Both of these items are going, to restore it to it's former "George Fury" glory...

you know the the true facts, do you? first off, they ran hollinger boxes back in Group A days. So your opinion on its authenicity really isn't looking particulary impressive.

if it was the real deal, and you were respraying it int he exact same scheme, would you have messed the colours up so badly? Its like he just guessed they used the Nissan Light Blue instead of a darker PJ colour. No way a panel beater has colour matched that from the original car.

And if it does have log books, why did the buzz mention he's trying to prove it was the original Group A GMS Skyline? doesn't make sense.

f**k me Ghost rider he isn't on trial here.. He was just posting up something (To the best of his knowledge at the time) that he thought may have been of interest to this forum..

I think the reason you have your panties in a knot is because the reality is that this probably is 'the car' that you have lorded all these years you now find in a not so pristine or original state :P

f**k me Ghost rider he isn't on trial here.. He was just posting up something (To the best of his knowledge at the time) that he thought may have been of interest to this forum..

I think the reason you have your panties in a knot is because the reality is that this probably is 'the car' that you have lorded all these years you now find in a not so pristine or original state :happy:

No one has said he's on trial, but please explain why??? anyone would post pics of a car, that it is clearly not???

You think I've got my knickers in a not, you aint seen nothin yet, one day I might get to see this imposter and do some checking out myself.

If your such the veritable expert in these matters, please explain what Terry Ashwood is advertising for $125000.00

Personally I would like to see a lot more pics of this car, in particular, the underside so some more accurate assessments could be made, but with this evidence lacking, we can only go on what we can see.

Your telling us that there was & is two number 30 DR30's raced by George Fury & Co, sponsored by Peter Jackson cigarettes and campaigned by Gibson Motor Sport. Think your a bit off the mark there eh!

I would expect all that would be needed is a CAMS scrutineer in your hip pocket.

LOL...if only it was that easy. Ill be a millionarie before days end before something like that happens :happy:

The past 6 months i have seen the agro associated with restoring a GMS car...and it sure as shit aint easy. Normally the years after its retirement from Grp A they were all canibalised and run in all sorts of classes. To get it back to original glory is a HUGE cost. And i for one would not be surprised if the owner confronted by this, used other parts to get it back running around tracks. Why the bodykit, mismatch of paint etc, who knows...LOL...i know i would consider doing it if it pissed a lot of ppl off :D

Whats in the logbook is what matters, as it would be worth what the car is :blink:

At the end of the day i dont care what it is, its a cool car. It wasnt that quick at Calder, which is a shame. I would love to see these cars driven hard, btu i suppose they are worht too much money.

Oh and as for begin ex-Gibson employee, i heard a story as to the capacity of his employment...its only a story, but it was he volunteered at a few rounds to help out in the pits???? Probably not ture, but if thats the case then i doubt he would know the ins and outs of all GMS cars. Hell a simple phone call the Fred would out this whole subject to bed :)

And if it does have log books, why did the buzz mention he's trying to prove it was the original Group A GMS Skyline? doesn't make sense.

Because saying something on here obviously isnt enough for some people, however I'm not going to go out of my way to prove something to 3 people, its not my car I was only posting the images as I thought they would be of interest to some on the forum, at the end of the day it doesn't bother me, and the owner sure isn't bothered by it either.

It does have the books, and I have since found that it was entered as the number 15 car in the 1986 Bathurst race, however campaigned as the 30 car during the season.

Next time I get the opportunity I will take shots of the undercarriage, inside the ashtray, up the exhaust and anywhere else is necessary...

A few other people have raised some good points, I have nothing further to add to this post... the defence rests.

Edited by thebuzz

The car is painted in the next seasons colours, not the colours it was raced in, coz the guy who bought the car didn't like the darker colours. Does a new paint job make the car an imposter. The DR30 did not race with a holinger, the HR31's did. This particular car never raced with a holinger, or Motec. The new owner will be resotring it, to the original paint colour. The new owner of this car is the guy who restored Holden Number 1, if you think he doesn't know his business, you are sadly mistaken. Ghostrider, I try really hard to make sense out of your aggression and lack of knowledge, but I just can't. You come on to this post, (an informative post with some great pics), and turn it into a slanging match you know nothing about. Just because you think you are the R30 god, doesn't mean you know everything, just like I don't know everything about R31's. One last time, this is the real deal. I would hate to see the new owner read this post, he would reach thru the phone lines and rip your voice out.

Is it the same fella that owns the pristine 2 seater 260Z (silver with orange stripes) ?

If so he is pretty damn lucky, that Zed is a hell cool car...hope he didnt sell it to fund the DR30, for as cool s the DR30 is, its a race car, and that Zed was a cool street/club car

Same fella yes, so if you know that car, you know how switched on he is. No he hasn't sold the zed, but is retiring it from the show circuit and making it strictly race. Very sad.

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