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Warning To Stay Away From Princess Hwy Oakleigh Friday Nights


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Just to give you all future warning as a vic pol member that big crack downs on vehicles caught driving/dragging along Princess Highway Oakleigh-Dandenong at present.

Hopefully no one from these forums is involved but even modded up cars in area being EPA/NOU just for being there as ongoing problems. Mainly with P plater Holden driver's I must say but still the occasional skyline/sylvia aroud and does get more police scrutiny. Hope this helps.

Also as most aware more police powers coming in soon in relation to vehicles in drags etc. Just be careful and enjoy your cars safely.

Also can anyone help me with joining info for Vic SAU as cant get registration form to down load.

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Hey mate, pm Adzmax for info forms etc.

I must say we had the Police drags in portland for the drags on the wkd just gone and it was good to see them getting involved. Needs to be more legal drag meets. Warrnambool is getting a new track soon! Should be good.

Quick question, can you get in trouble by seniors for warning people about crackdowns etc?

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To Atreyu, I would expect that if I can slow even one or two people down by warning them then my superiors would be happy. Our goal is not to pick on drivers for no reason and it's no new thing with drags in that area friday night and police attendance. We just want safety on the streets not so much fines etc. I worked there in an unmarked ss last week and there were people standing aroud and up to 100 cars doing laps to Dandednong area and back. Started raining which slowed everyone down.

Just trying to advise SAU members and show not all police are bad.

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I see your point, its like seeing a police car you slow down, if people know whats going down then I guess the "smarter" ones wont do it. I agree that most police are fair in my area but like I said Im not from the city. I cant imagine the shit you would have to put up with. I dont think most SAu members think all police are bad its more the fact that we drive Skylines so we become targets for defects etc when the majority of us take the utmost care in and of our cars that shouldnt all the shit heaps be targeted. Not having a go at all!! The people that do that with people standing around must not realise how much damage to someone they could do if they hit them. I had a friend die after been hit by a car in melb and it makes you think twice before doing anything, and the car that hit him wasnt ever speeding. Scary.


Was thinking the same thing myself!

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Yes to above question. More than happy to help, especially as am going to go to TMU sometime this year so will do all courses for us relating to traffic.

Hopefully somewhat of expert then for traffic.

My advice don't drive stupid, don't have extremely loud exhaust/BOV. If pulled over be polite. Then 99% chance no NOU/EPA even if car modded.

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To be honest with all the modded cars Ive had, Ive never been defected as Im always polite. Tell a lie, I got defected for bald back tyres which I had already booked in to get replaced. Ive had noisy exhausts, etc etc. I thinks its more attitude, well it helps!

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Yes to above question. More than happy to help, especially as am going to go to TMU sometime this year so will do all courses for us relating to traffic.

Hopefully somewhat of expert then for traffic.

My advice don't drive stupid, don't have extremely loud exhaust/BOV. If pulled over be polite. Then 99% chance no NOU/EPA even if car modded.

I have a feeling that you will be getting bombarded with a shit load of questions. Good to see a Vic Cop willing to help out.

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Guys, please dont PM ADZMAX for information that is stickied in this section ;)

He is a busy man, and he is only gonna link you to the thread that i am below :)


Just download the forms and send em in.

gdogzgtr - nice to have an officer actually post on the forums rather than reading in the background and not saying a great deal.

You obviously arent a TMU Member as your tone and your attitude is markedly different.

Hopefully you stay that way and become a good contact point (within reason obviously)

Once you are a member we have a private members area if your a little worried about openly posting on the public area of the forum and having questions fired at you as such.

I also hope that this isnt the beginning of targeting via forum information as we have seen many a time on NissanSiliva.com that past 12 months.

We are without a doubt a far more mature group, and we dont encourage "poor" behaviour in anyway.

Guess thats quite clear by the number of Legal and Off-Street Motorsport events

If you get your membership form in fast, you'll be able to nip onto the Great Ocean Road cruise next week.

Could reccomend the GOR cruise as the best 1st cruise you could attend :)

:) - ash

I have a feeling that you will be getting bombarded with a shit load of questions.

I'll be around to make sure that doesnt happen too much :)

And also, try steer clear of asking questions that are very trivial.

It always ends in a sh|tfight, and this isnt NS.com :)

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Sorry R31! Should have gave the link! My bad!

I hope everyone treats him like a normal guy which he is and not to take out anger etc on him! I hope it didnt seem like I did, as that was not my intention.

Hope you join up mate!

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thanks for the heads up!!

i have to pass thru the thick of these street drags every week on my way home from work.

and i always get surrounded by the typical bunch of holden and ford drivers trying to pressure me into dragging. but i can honestly say that i've never even thought about dragging along princes hwy - thats just flatout stupid!

oh well, i guess i should take an alternate route home from now on....

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Yes drag racing up princess highway is bad, dangerous and some1 could get seriously hurt however as a taxpayer wouldn't u rather see ur hard earned tax dollars being spent on the police force be directed towards solving real crimes and catching real criminals.

I mean if the police put the same amount of effort and resources towards fighting drugs and robberies the streets would be so much safer. I challenge any1 on these forum to say that they do not know at least 1 drug dealer. The police say they dont have time to get every single offender, mrs Nixon states that the force is cashstrapped and needs more funding... and here they are wasting it.

A funny scene once for me was outside a certain club on chapel street that goes by the name of a reptile creature one Friday night. There are people in the line who are obviously dealers, and inside if any1's been ull know why nobody buys drinks. Anyhu, right outside the front there were cops standing round a VL turbo defecting it. I felt like walking up to the cops, pointing to the club and saying, u wanna catch some criminals just walk into there, but i didnt of course.

Dont get me wrong, drag racing should be stopped but i really think that there are more important crimes out there that need attention first.

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For Taso84 we have specific area's that investigate drug dealers and area's that investigate armed robberies. I'm sure that since your such a good citizen you would love to pass on all your info on drug dealers to our specific area's to investigate.

We have CIU that look into all crimes and our normal patrol cars primarily do crime investigation over car/traffic stuff.

We have TMU for a reason to deal with traffic matters that is their role, obviously if they catch people committing crimes then they act but that is not their role.

I wish it was as easy as you said about catching criminals. I would be more then happy if I could search everyone in a night club not drinking for drugs, or any other time without a specific reason. I just don't think the public would like that. It's a bit like pulling over every import car we see just because some have epa issues for no reason. Would you like that.

Have you seen the Road death stats lately. I guess that guy that killed the 6 youths in Mildura isn't a "real" criminal then because it's traffic offences.

I have posted trying to help and don't need to hear catch real criminals talk.

Sorry should have just PM taso84. As below don't want to enter into sh*t fight.

Edited by gdogzgtr
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Good to have you on board and to see you drive a nice car also. I can second what Ash has says about maturity. It is a great forum with an abundance of organised off street competition throughout the year and a great social events. B)

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where were these police on tuesday night when i was being kept awake until all hours by the noise of dickheads dragging up and down westall rd (plus 2 other main roads which connect to westall rd?)

without fail... every tuesday night, and every friday night.

If i wanted to hear cars drag racing, i'd go live next to calder park instead of sandown :)

My advice don't drive stupid, don't have extremely loud exhaust/BOV. If pulled over be polite. Then 99% chance no NOU/EPA even if car modded.

Nice statistic.

.....but totally unrealistic.

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Ash - the membership link isn't working. The "update" buggered up our dcownloads section. I'm sure the money is trying to fix it.

So - in the meantime - PM Adz.

Yes, one assumes the MONKEY it working hard in the engine room...

sorry for the mis-guide, seems ADZMAX you need to contact direct for the time being untill the new forum version is 100% sorted (which might be a few days i think) :)

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Guys, don't give gdogzgtr a hard time. I bet you all loved to be flamed when you first join. Doesn't acheive anything. Just fuels the fire.

Hi Graeme, Welcome. Hope you enjoy your stay, and you get that GTR onto the track real soon! Join team Wang. You'll love it!!

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