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Woah what a nite !

Was sitting peacefully eating my maccas down at panthers tonight and just as I finish and put my rubbish in the bin I notice 6 cop cars enter the car park. 3 Highway patrol and 3 undercover. Im like farrrk must be a big fight so I ran out to the carpark.

Whaddaya know they boxed everyone in, all jumped out and pounced on every single driver with notices to drive to the local RTA.

Oh every single driver except 2 females in VL's, 2 Toyota Landcruisers and 1 Tarago. (Carpark has a capacity of 60 spots). Even as new cars were driving into the carpark (unaware) they pulled them straight over, gave them the notice and sent them on their way. I even seen a Suzuki Swift been reversed out of the Drive-Thru lane with a notice off to the RTA, it was absolutely crazy.

Right about now I was glad I parked over in the Panthers carpark rather then the Maccas carpark coz i'd be in the 3hr queue down at the local RTA now also.

This whole police blitz thing is just absolutely crazy. A total of 20 officers all wasting time when they could have been chasing speeding drivers, attending breakins etc etc but they decide to interupt 100 people all harmless standing around talking and eating dinner grrr.

An old neighbour of mine has just joined the local police force and she told my mum tonight (who forgot to tell me before I left home) that ALL cars that were sent to the RTA that receive a defect notice were actually having their cars taken away from them. I argued that it couldn't be done but I guess when a member of the local police force tells you then it must be pretty full on.


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g'day fellas

i'm not sure if i'm being silly here, but have any of you ever noticed any bias towards commodore drivers? a mate of mine has a done up vk. got pulled up for 47 kph over the limit at Parra. cop said nice car mate, looked over it and said nice paintjob and bonnet scoop, then gave my mate only 10kph fine.

am i being unrational? or correct? coz ive heard of a few cases like this

cheers, MARK

Originally posted by 88silhouette

g'day fellas

i'm not sure if i'm being silly here, but have any of you ever noticed any bias towards commodore drivers? a mate of mine has a done up vk. got pulled up for 47 kph over the limit at Parra. cop said nice car mate, looked over it and said nice paintjob and bonnet scoop, then gave my mate only 10kph fine.

am i being unrational? or correct? coz ive heard of a few cases like this

cheers, MARK

I was driving in a huge industrial st, and doing 36k over, for 2 seconds, the rest was probably round 20k....i got jacked by an undercover in an ss (no no to doing a runner when theyre behind u)....Seriously could tell the point of it was "im going to teach this little shit a lesson", i couldnt have been nicer/more apologetic about the whole thing....honestly wanted to go round and belt the prick after......2 seconds of unintentional speeding, bye bye license 3 months...another fun lesson of being young and owning a skyline....

1 other thing that came to mind for every1 else thats suspended, or expects to be, is that while being suspended, ure not covered by insurance (other than say theft etc)...so, drive while being unlicensed, and u risk 1 year? if po po catch u, hit something, and ure going to be broke for abit...

cool, finally the cops pick on the bogans out here driving shitty ass cars thinking they are all that

i am actually happy the cops did this in penrith, you would not beleive the sort of trash in penrith on thursdays night most of the cars are barely working and have wankers driving them.. notice how i said most not all..

Originally posted by XCUZME

isnt the maccas carpark private property. therefore the cops cant do shit.

Correct it is private property which is exactly I thought, they can't do anything. Sure if you are driving on a road and they pull you over then so be it.

Also so what if 1/2 the cars in penrith are sh1t boxes (rice, etc) the point im trying to get across are about these "raids" that the cops seem to be doing.

Its kinda like spending a night at the movies with your car out at the carpark, then you return to find a yellow canary stuck to the windshield.

It just isn't right !

mate, even if it is private property, they're the cops. plus if they were to respect that rule anyway, they'd just sit out on the street waiting for ya. they're cunning.

bloody cops are really knuckling down on jap import drivers. not good at all

maccas is private property, they would need maccas permissin to do it

just call a tow truck if you think you will egt done hard

put it on the towie and leave

aslong as the car doesn not touch an RTA road you are fine :)

justs ay you got it there by a tow truck aswell


Originally posted by benm

Correct it is private property which is exactly I thought, they can't do anything. Sure if you are driving on a road and they pull you over then so be it. !

This is absolute bulls***... I think it's only going to get worse if nothing is done about it. I think its got a lot to do with all these dicks who steal imports, ram-raid and then wrap them round a pole!!

I agree with benm, The cops could seriously be out doing some real work where they're really needed.

I think Prank's idea was great... a good start at least. A letter to magazines etc. could at least rally some more support, maybe even some sympathy...

yup this is totally fux0rd...

why do cops pick on people just out to hang around andshow off what they love doing....

they should raid old wemons night when they are having a "meet" about "modifed" tupperware...

feels like the same thing then we can get grannies on our side...

though the low life trash that think they are king shiet at penrith is a joke aswell..... to many hard ass farkwits there....

but seriously we need to be able to protest this "not targeting modified cars" thing....

if they wrent why didnt the tarago get a notice... hrmmmmm

cops can go have a chump on my bacon....

Originally posted by RAIDER

Just call a tow truck if you think you will get done hard.

Put it on the towie and leave

Good idea although I was talking to my neighbour about this whole situation and his friend got done down at the Summernats for a similar thing.

He took his road registered performance car to/from Summernats on the back of a tilt tray truck. The cops pulled him over and defected the performance car even though it was on the back of a truck.

When he asked how this is possible the cop simply replied "Its road registered meaning it has to be legal, if it was un-registered I wouldn't be able to touch it!"

Its like the Telstra monopoly. Whenever it is government owned your gonna get f@cked in the Arse !

When he asked how this is possible the cop simply replied "Its road registered meaning it has to be legal, if it was un-registered I wouldn't be able to touch it!"

Geez that's a bit much - WTF ?? What about a smashed up car on the back of a tilt truck after an acco ??? That is registered and un-roadworthy , so give it a canary too . FFS

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