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I'm hoping someone can help.

Today I disconnected the battery so I can install a new fuel pump. That took three hours so the battery was disconnected for that time.

When I reconnected the battery, the car wont start. That is the pump isnt priming and no lights on the dash when I try to crank it.

The alarm light doesnt even blink like it usually does, it is a three point alarm. I have disconncted the alarm's black box, and tried another battery.

I have also tried disaraming the alarm from the alarm manual

Has anyone ever experienced this? Any help appreciated


Hey man.

Ok first make sure your battery connections are on VERY tight. Believe it or not, if they are'nt tight the car may not start. So do that and turn the key two clicks and see if the lights on the dash come on and your fuel pump turns on. If so, the car should start up fine.

If not, check all your fuses in the engine bay and inside the car and use a test light on either side of the fuse to ensure one or more is'nt blown. You will probabley have to try them all and that does mean turning the key a click or two (depending on how the fuse is set to come on) to do this.

If that all checks out, well then you have a worse problem but lets not think like that yet. Try this and let us know.

Good luck man.

Cheers >_<

Yep just checked the battery connections and tightened it all and checked all fuses too. The ones in the boot, under the dash and in the engine bay, none blown

Whats worrying is that the dash lights dont even come on. The alarm light isnt blinking so I dont know what the status of the alarm is and I need it to blink to enter in the alarm override code.

Is the alarm cutting the ignition switch and electrics? Theres no lights on the dash at all. The radio, water spray, headlights and mirrors work but it wont allow me to wind my windows up.

That definitely sounds like a fuse. If you disconnected the battery and accidentally tapped the terminal with the cable, that could have been enough to blow one or more fuses.

As sidewayz said - use a test light to check continuity. If you haven't got one, a pair of pliers and 20 mins to check each fuse

Ok I'll pick myself up a test light tomorrow and do a more thorough check. I only pulled out each fuse and checked it by eye so far. i hope its not something more serious

Thanks for your help guys

Could there be any more possibilities or anything I can check?

Edited by Gengis

Primordial, it turns out I did have a burnt fuse, its the one in the boot, third one from the bottom its a 10A !

I replaced it with a spare in the fuse box under the dash but its still having the same problem!

Any other fuse boxes in the car? so far I've checked boot, the one in drivers side dash and the the one in engine bay near washer bottle.

Edit- found out the burnt fuse was for rear tail light. I checked all other fuses too with a multimeter and its all fine...

Edited by Gengis

Problem has been fixed, it turned out that my alarm was totally farked.

It was cutting off all ignition in the car and wouldnt come back online when the battery was reconnected

Auto electrician came to rewire it back to bypass the alarm and its all good! (except the alarm going shopping for a new one now)

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