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Hi guys

After seeing a few shops today it seems like I will be putting in either a mongoose M80 or a black widow 10000.

I saw this on the jaycar site after investigating pager alarms.


My brother has a similar kit on his 180, but i dont about what brand it is or where it came from and how reliable it is? Whats your thoughts on it?

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Hi guys

After seeing a few shops today it seems like I will be putting in either a mongoose M80 or a black widow 10000.

I saw this on the jaycar site after investigating pager alarms.


My brother has a similar kit on his 180, but i dont about what brand it is or where it came from and how reliable it is? Whats your thoughts on it?

The Jaycar alarm systems are actually pretty good, but don't have very many people's attention.

I think the only thing I don't like about it is the brand name (Steel Mate) :O

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Have you heard about Autowatch alarms they have a very good SMS paging alarm they call your phone and you can listen in on the thieves in your car and you can talk back to them not like the jaycar (franklins special) crap, if you go to far from your car then its gooone!

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I think you should reconsider the Jaycar item as you will not be covered by an insurance approved Australian Standards Alarm.

The Jaycar item uses colored wiring and for a thief this is easy pickings. It also uses a single output to control a relay to immobilse your car.

All you need to do to steal the car is find the relay, and bridge the pins, car gone.

On the other hand, the Black widow 10000 is Australian Standards Approved and insurance approved.

It utilises all black wiring with no identifying marks, 3 point immobiliser 2 in the module and 1 external through a relay or other device, back up battery siren and point of entry protection, as a bonus it has been on the market long enough to know the product does not have problems when correctly installed.

You can also add a pager to this unit, however it would be a gsm pager rather than a Radio Pager like the Jaycar.

Lets put it this way, you go to Chadstone, the car is in the underground car park and you alarm goes off, the jaycar states that it will page for up to 2km, the key words are UP TO.

These measurements are based on ideal conditions over open ground. In a shopping centre, water piping, electrical cableing, concrete all get in the way of your signal and the pager most likely wont work after a 100metres or so.

Alternately there is a product carminder which uses GSM phone towers to transmit a signal of break in and will also send you the GPS co-ordinates of the car in regular intervals if it is stolen. It does a heap of other good stuff and can be seen at..


Please note that i do not work for either company and i have no affiliations with these products. I have been involved in doing custom audio and security instals for about 10 years now and have found these products to be very reliable and could recommend them to you highly.

If i can give you a few other tips to stop your ride getting knocked..

1 - Hide the LED - this lets the theif know that you have an alarm and they come prepared - take them by surprise every time

2 - hide the valet switch

3 - keep your keys in a safe place

4 - make sure your installer is qualified and reputible. An alarm is only as good as its instalation.

5 - dont tell people ( not even your mom) what sort of alarm you have. Dodgy people down load all sorts of things from the internet

6 - dont leave valuable's cd wallets etc in plain site

7 - at night park under lights

8 - when you are going to get a park somewhere turn your system down a few blocks before you get there - dont advertise that you a something worth stealing

9 - tinted windows - great for keeping out peeping eyes

There are other things that you can do to a car to make it harder to steal, not impossible, but harder. However due to the nature of wiring specifics or instaltion techniques i will not post this information on such a public forum or PM it to you. Sorry but nowadays you dont know who to trust.


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thanks for the replies guys.

Thats some really excellent advice frx026, much appreciated!

Glad I posted here because I was very tempted by the cheap pager. Its true what you say though what good is it if it can be disabled by an amateur.

Had a feeling the jaycar unit had a few catches especially for the price.

The GPS alarms are nice but i'm not too keen on the ongoing cost on top of the hefty install price. No doubt about it though its the ultimate in protection.

I'll heed the advice and not post up which one I'll end up with, theres a few others I'm considering, but they will be true three point alarms.

Having said that though my old alarm was an nrma approved three point alarm, my auto electrician bypassed it in 15 minutes using nothing but a test light. Still needed my key to start the car though, but just a thought. I dont know what alarm it was, the previous owner had it installed

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