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Sorry Steve, but you asked for it:

^^^^ Love it!

Yeah I know your pain 93GTST - I live in Northgate - a whole 7 km from the city, and am on a RIM, so can't get ADSL2 :) .... and to rub salt into the wounds the new section of Northgate across the road (Lightsview) is about to be one of the first places in Aus running door to door Fibre = up to 100Mbit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is a theoretical max of 10Mb download per second.

I am going to offer to pay for Fibre to be cabled from their point of entry to my house, but I am willing to bet they won't play ball, or will ask for some ludicrous sum like $10k to do it .... in which case I would have to think very hard about it - and have a fair job convincing the wife $10k is a worthy investment.

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Sorry Steve, but you asked for it:

^^^^ Love it!

Yeah I know your pain 93GTST - I live in Northgate - a whole 7 km from the city, and am on a RIM, so can't get ADSL2 :P .... and to rub salt into the wounds the new section of Northgate across the road (Lightsview) is about to be one of the first places in Aus running door to door Fibre = up to 100Mbit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is a theoretical max of 10Mb download per second.

I am going to offer to pay for Fibre to be cabled from their point of entry to my house, but I am willing to bet they won't play ball, or will ask for some ludicrous sum like $10k to do it .... in which case I would have to think very hard about it - and have a fair job convincing the wife $10k is a worthy investment.

Dont you hate that?!?

Mind you I'm happy with the speed of the wireless, it would just be good with a bit less ping for gaming or whatever. My Brother is playing Left 4 Dead online right now, and it is working though.

I wrote to the Federal MP for my area (Nick Champion) and I actually got a call from his office (very surprised) and the guy said if they could just ring up Telstra and say hook this guy up to broadband, that they would, but they cant. He did say that my suburb was down for having the NBN installed. But yeah it could be a while.... That call was a while ago though, I think some things regarding it may have changed since then :D

Edited by 93GTST
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Furk me I have never seen a lappie with a 20" screen! Look at the screen size compared to the keyboard to get an idea of the lappie's size.


Talk about the least portable laptop ever .... but would be awesome to have one with a screen that size as a desktop replacement.

Thats just stupid. Haven't people ever heard of a docking station? Plug the laptop into a docking station, use a full size keyboard, monitor and mouse. Much better than having a behemoth like that.

Oh and Adam ADSL charge your UPLOAD traffic as well. Tel$tra and other scummy internet companies do it to. Quite disappointing from Adam really.

+1 for internode not charging upload quotas.


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Linksys WRT600, 610, 650. Good hardware


Would it still send a signal 30 or so meters out side in a shed

cruzin 33 you are getting absolutely raped by Te$tra - why anyone would ever be with them is beyond me .... like Ben said, comparable plans to yours are less than half the price with anyone else.

I pay $120 per month for 60Gb (which is about to be doubled to 60Gb peak, 60Gb off-peak for no extra charge) with Adam, and that is no crappy ADSL1+, which is more expensive than ADSL2+.

And yes, I bust my download quote every month. Hence my array of 4Tb total storage :P

Thats pretty cheap, I'll give adam a call on monday :)

They have a plan Ultra ADSL2+ 80,000 MB 64K $109.95, how many GB is that :D

don't you have any self control, turn on the computer and out comes mr hyde

Im a 23 year old male, there is no self control lol

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Would it still pick up a signal 30 or so meters out side in a shed

Easily. You might have to flash it with aftermarket firmware so u can amplify the signal strength.

My WRT54G is only 802.11g as opposed to Draft N... N has 3 times the range even without modifying antennae or transmission strength

I can get signal strength all over our 1/4 acre property and the WRT is in the dead centre.

802.11g is rated for up to 100 metres inside, 802.11n is rated for up to 300 metres inside. Outside the distances are longer since theres less stuff for the signal to bounce off and degrade (less noise, more signal, better SNR ratio)

Also, it depends on the wireless hardware in your laptop/pc. Unless your laptop supports Draft N then you'll be stuck in 802.11g mode. (Back before 802.11g we used to use 5watt Senao cards - up to a kilometer in range if you had the right antennae).

Just remember, omnidirecitonal antenna have a signal spread which resembles a donut. A small dead spot in the middle and then a circle around it where the signal is strongest. If you change antennae then you get a bigger/smaller fatter/thinner donut shape which can help in some scenarios but the current draft N/mino routers have their antennae internal - not sure if theres any benefit in modifying those antennae as they might be tuned to each other, relative to their frequency)

If you get stuck, you can buy a stock 802.11g router and change one of the antenna to a directional yagi/cantenna/dish to focus it into a particular area, but in short, I think a stock linksyswrt600/610 should do u fine


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if u want truly unlimited internet (ie. does not get shaped, and no excess usage) check this Internode SHDSL

not cheap, but a dark fibre link that could do up to 1000Mb/s... sounds very tasty, the hosting company Hostworks, has 2 1000Mb/s links :D

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Furk me I have never seen a lappie with a 20" screen! Look at the screen size compared to the keyboard to get an idea of the lappie's size.


Talk about the least portable laptop ever .... but would be awesome to have one with a screen that size as a desktop replacement.

Have you seen the desk-notes withs dual graphics cards & dual HDDs in RAID?

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Ben - Adam don't charge for uploads as such, but whichever is highest out of your downloads and uploads is what is counted. ie. If you have a 60Gb month plan you can theoretically download 59.99Gb AND upload 59.99Gb without busting your cap. And as of 17 May you can download 59.99Gb between 8am and midnight, download 59.99Gb between midnight and 8am, AND upload 59.99Gb and not bust your cap.


And since I do little P2P and mostly use Usenet, I don't have to upload to maintain ratios - so the 60Gb uploads is definitely not a problem. Anyone not using Newsbin is wasting their connection - I max out my speed on everything!

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Ben - Adam don't charge for uploads as such, but whichever is highest out of your downloads and uploads is what is counted. ie. If you have a 60Gb month plan you can theoretically download 59.99Gb AND upload 59.99Gb without busting your cap. And as of 17 May you can download 59.99Gb between 8am and midnight, download 59.99Gb between midnight and 8am, AND upload 59.99Gb and not bust your cap.


And since I do little P2P and mostly use Usenet, I don't have to upload to maintain ratios - so the 60Gb uploads is definitely not a problem. Anyone not using Newsbin is wasting their connection - I max out my speed on everything!

Same diff. For you it works, but uploads should never be metered as part as an advertised 'download' policy, which they did for a fair while (until they had a nudge from the accc and changed their 'download policy' to 'acceptable usage policy' ala telstra.

its a scummy approach, but there you have it - ISP's actually earn money from customer generated uploads, so unless adams had all of their upstream bandwidth saturated by p2p users, I really don't see why they would bother capping uploads.


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it took a while for them to stop it being advertised as download, all the t's& c's were above board tho... its just tards that dont read the t's & c's that have problems

the cheeky buggers i work for

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I think I'll stick with TPG for the time being, Adam and Internode aren't that cheap.

I've been using a fresh Win7 RC install for the last hour or so..... so far so good. Will test PT LE 8 on it tomorrow after the footy.

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TPG are well known for over selling there services thats why you think your getting good value


i rate TPG with dodo

They're not perfect no, but $50 a month for 50Gb suits me fine.

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