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Macs own pc at graphic application, rendering, virus free and spyware free OS.

Oh and big + is not Microsoft run :P

Wrong, A Mac is an overpriced PC with a Mac Os, the hardware these days is exactly/similarly the same as normal PC Hardware, only difference is Software.

Macs own pc at graphic application, rendering, virus free and spyware free OS.

Oh and big + is not Microsoft run :P

Wrong again. Yes they are less prone to that stuff, but during my time in computer repair & servicing, I had countless Macs to remove infections from.

Macs own pc at graphic application, rendering, virus free and spyware free OS.

Oh and big + is not Microsoft run :P

Meh, I would rather my money go to them, then to the ass that is Steve Jobs.

Oh, and your only Bi, as you also have a PC.

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spot on Abe, the misconception that they are more virus resistant comes primarily from the fact that Mac has such a small market share, and not many ppl bother to make viruses.

once upon a time Mac was teh way to go for graphics heavy uses, however since mac started using intel for processors its a level playing field in taht regard

my major gripe with Macs is the fact that they have a tendancy not to relase patches for updates... u have to wait for the next version and download the whole damn thing. sure it makes new updates potentially less buggy, but it makes a mac a more bandwidth heavy computer to run.

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Here is a story about a Mac customer I had at work once.

A customer comes into the store with a relatively brand new Mac iBook from JB HIFI. He asks us how much to install Windows 7, I quote him up and he goes ahead with it. He asks me to back up some files/documents on the desktop, I back it up from him, install Windows 7, and copy his data across. While copying the data I noticed he had AVG (I don't suggest this), and a few other antivirus/spyware program installers. I hand him back his iBook after paying for it.

The next day or day after he comes back in saying he has got a virus, accusing us for not telling him he need protection, where I said "you had those installers, I thought you were going to use them", his reply "you should have told me anyway", went on like this for awhile, till we finally come to an agreement. I removed the virus, customer picked up his iBook, I then proceeded to tell him about activating Windows - he demanded I do it then and there for him, this was against company policy as it is an agreement between them and Mircosoft, Still did it anyway.

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My major gripe with Macs is that 1). for the hardware you listed in your build Carl you wouldn't get any change out of $3k for an IMac with the same specs, and 2) the parts are OEM, so when you want to add more ram or change anything you have to send the whole box back to Mac.

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Hope the pcie slot can hold it up lol

its not meant to lol, make sure you use screws to fasten the rear, even if you have an instant clip type gaming case - always use screws as screws are load bearing


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What are people playing online at the moment?

I've just installed San Andres + SA-MP again but the servers are practically dead :<

If anyone's still on TF2/L4D I'm nicr4wks on steam

i play a bit of TF2 occasionally on steam i'll add u tonight, but i have mostly been playing stalker and amnesia (amnesia is propper scary when u get right into it ur in a haunted castle, and u only have a lantern and there are no weapons so u have to run and hide in a cupboard lol)

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