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Well it depends if you wanna be crossfire or SLi future proof.

I would get an Nvidia graphics cards just because i've always prefered them over ATI i find their drivers tend to be a lot more stable and whatnot.

I also like AMD cpu's but thats only been since the release of the first socket athlons. not those slow old Slot A ones.

I'd get something that uses the nforce4 chipset with an athlon 64 cpu. I'd get a dual core cpu like a athlon 64 4000+ or something. I'm using a athlon 64 3200+ and it still seems damn fast to me and i've had that over a year now.

Maybe look at a Nvidia 7800GT videocard around 500 bucks and very fast. But being the AMD and NVidia biggot that i am it may pay for someone to list some good alternatives from ATi and Intel.

Also if you can build it yourself. It really is fun placing down all your lovely new parts on the table that you just spend thousands on. And then mounting your m/b to your new case and everything. I really enjoy it.

I don't think a X1900 will play games for the next 6 to 8 years.

By that logic my old Voodoo2 card would still be going strong but thats hardly the case. You'll be able to play new games for around 4 years but you'll be turning the graphics down after 2 years or so.

till just recently i was playing all the newer games on a 9800pro and a 9700pro in dads pc still css played 1280x1024 on high with both gfx cards

sorry but i dissagree ive read just yesterday sum1 got all nostalgic and got out there voodoo 5 5500 3dfx board and was playing quake 2 and 3 on it

Here is Voodoo 5 5500 PCi discussion

Well it depends if you wanna be crossfire or SLi future proof.

I would get an Nvidia graphics cards just because i've always prefered them over ATI i find their drivers tend to be a lot more stable and whatnot.

I also like AMD cpu's but thats only been since the release of the first socket athlons. not those slow old Slot A ones.

I'd get something that uses the nforce4 chipset with an athlon 64 cpu. I'd get a dual core cpu like a athlon 64 4000+ or something. I'm using a athlon 64 3200+ and it still seems damn fast to me and i've had that over a year now.

Maybe look at a Nvidia 7800GT videocard around 500 bucks and very fast. But being the AMD and NVidia biggot that i am it may pay for someone to list some good alternatives from ATi and Intel.

Also if you can build it yourself. It really is fun placing down all your lovely new parts on the table that you just spend thousands on. And then mounting your m/b to your new case and everything. I really enjoy it.

couldnt agree more with u on the building part even if its not ur pc its the goal @ the end and thats a working PC

i used to lean towards Intel and ATi but now im AMD and ATi that cheap PC i posted in the PDF i built my dad and for $1000 its gets 2000 points more in 3dmark 05

for ATi solution as oppossed to Nvidia i would get the x1800xl 256mb for $440

http://www.auspcmarket.com.au/show_image_products.php?input[category_id]=1393 **note** you will have to manually copy that URL as the [ ] are stuffing up the BBcode on the webpage

whilst the 3800+ dual core on paper looks good bang for buck remeber he will be keeping this rig for sum time so its my opinion he gets a little better CPU that will still have ok speed in 12months time

as for troubles u mentioned about drivers ive never had any issues with bad drivers or lack of support and i have submited tickets to ATi as well

when ever i install new drivers i uninstall the old drivers with the catalyst remover of the ati website and then reboot my computer i then install new drivers reboot and do a CSS stress test too make sure all is well

any ways hope there isnt too much information for u to ponder over

once u decide ur brand im sure me and kastler can help u choose which parts on which and of the price scale u want

Edited by Madaz

I'll list my system specs...

I bought a system some where around 3.5years ago.

Its been good, rock solid overclocked @ 3200+ speeds since day 1.

  • ABIT NF7-S
  • OCZ PC3500 EL DualChannel 512mb
  • AMDXP B 2100+ overclocked @ 3200+ (200x11.5) 1.85v (Running the good old SLK800 HSF with a Thermal Take Smart Fan II using the temp sensor attached to the core)
  • HIS ATI 9700pro, shim removed, old intel hsf of some sort attached via cable ties. It runs overclocked at Core 357mhz, mem 695mhz. I hardly play games these days so its back at its stock clock. Unsure what it gets in the latest madonion benchmarks, in 2001se it used to grab mid 18000 or there abouts.
  • Liteon 167T DVD Reader
  • LG 4167B DVD Burner
  • Seagate 120GB 7200.8 (I used to be WD fanboy until I had multiple drives die on me, I assume they can't handle non aircon rooms on those hot summer days running often 24hrs a day) The seagate item has been rock solid.
  • Antec Sonata Case

I've always liked ATI, they release new drivers to address any game issues every month, plus the good old www.rage3d.com forum where the catalyst team used to participate in discussions, unsure if they still do as I haven't been on there for a good 2years. :(

Either way, when I upgrade I will buy what offers the best performance for the money I am willing to spend.

I don't think a X1900 will play games for the next 6 to 8 years.

By that logic my old Voodoo2 card would still be going strong but thats hardly the case. You'll be able to play new games for around 4 years but you'll be turning the graphics down after 2 years or so.

yer id rather spend 500 now, then another 500 down the track when its slowing down...

last time i went intel for chip and Nvidia graphics card.

This time i wanna go for AMD cpu and the best mainboard (which chipset etc?)to suit. (has to have slot for aroung 2 gig (1 gig now))

graphics, i dont really care, as long as its well supported, and the price is decent. If one is only slightly better than the other but costs like $50 more, i'll just get teh cheaper one i guess....

Edited by Bl4cK32

i dunno how it relates but this is moores law




i thinks cubes is trying to say in 18months there is gunna be sumthing better :P

Edited by Madaz

there always will be something better out there :P

Ok, ive put down a list of basic stuff i want to use to build a system now:

case -


chip- http://www.nintek.com.au/x/scripts/prodVie...?idproduct=2292



hdd -


ram - http://www.nintek.com.au/x/scripts/prodVie...?idproduct=2025

graphics is -


if you see anything wrong with it, let me know etc...

Ive decided to go with AMD for chip, and Nvidia for graphics. Mainboard seems like a nice one for SLi if i choose to do it later too :P Thats around 2k minus a few things, but i can make up them later...

i agree also about making up the pc. i liked doing it last time and was great fun to build it, then get the software etc running, to finally playing games etc on it gives some sort of satisfaction :) Better than a 1k xbox anyday :)

Edited by Bl4cK32

I was attempting to illustrate the rate of which technology is moving.

A vid card that is current now is not going to hold up too well in 6-8years.

I've had my 9700pro for 3.5years and its only JUST holding on to the latest games now, in another 1year I don't think it will be much cop at all. :S

what ram would be better? The one in the link i showed above (1 gig)

or this for $100 more - http://www.nintek.com.au/x/scripts/prodVie...?idproduct=2213

@ 2 gig. I have no idea about ram...

research tells me i need DDR 400 ram to fit, ive checked the list from the mainboard and it seems this is the go -


Edited by Bl4cK32
I was attempting to illustrate the rate of which technology is moving.

A vid card that is current now is not going to hold up too well in 6-8years.

I've had my 9700pro for 3.5years and its only JUST holding on to the latest games now, in another 1year I don't think it will be much cop at all. :S

i hear you but still disagree things are getting so fast and so hot that physics is making them hit the performance ceiling ... there having to look outside the box

what ram would be better? The one in the link i showed above (1 gig)

or this for $100 more - http://www.nintek.com.au/x/scripts/prodVie...?idproduct=2213

@ 2 gig. I have no idea about ram...

research tells me i need DDR 400 ram to fit, ive checked the list from the mainboard and it seems this is the go -


personally i would got for the OCZ ram as there warranty is better and the modules are more OC friendly


u are also correct in your research of needing DDR400

are u gunna buy the GTR psu with that case to get discount

3) different hard drives

a) http://www.nintek.com.au/x/scripts/prodVie...?idproduct=2110 WD Caviar SE WD2500JS - 250GB 7200rpm SATA II Hard Drive - 8.9ms 8MB Cache

b) http://www.nintek.com.au/x/scripts/prodVie...?idproduct=5037 Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 250GB 7200rpmSATA II Hard Drive - 11ms, 8mb Cache

c) http://www.nintek.com.au/x/scripts/prodVie...?idproduct=2451 Western Digital Caviar SE WD2500KS - 250GB 7200rpm SATA II Hard Drive - 8.9ms 16Mb Cache (this is the 1 i would personally choose as ive had 4-5 WD hdd and never had any drama's

yes that gfx card will do the job nicely

good work man i see no problems with that system

i hear you but still disagree things are getting so fast and so hot that physics is making them hit the performance ceiling ... there having to look outside the box

Dual Core. :D

Then Quad Core, it won't slow down for what is expected another 20years.

personally i would got for the OCZ ram as there warranty is better and the modules are more OC friendly


u are also correct in your research of needing DDR400

are u gunna buy the GTR psu with that case to get discount

3) different hard drives

a) http://www.nintek.com.au/x/scripts/prodVie...?idproduct=2110 WD Caviar SE WD2500JS - 250GB 7200rpm SATA II Hard Drive - 8.9ms 8MB Cache

b) http://www.nintek.com.au/x/scripts/prodVie...?idproduct=5037 Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 250GB 7200rpmSATA II Hard Drive - 11ms, 8mb Cache

c) http://www.nintek.com.au/x/scripts/prodVie...?idproduct=2451 Western Digital Caviar SE WD2500KS - 250GB 7200rpm SATA II Hard Drive - 8.9ms 16Mb Cache (this is the 1 i would personally choose as ive had 4-5 WD hdd and never had any drama's

yes that gfx card will do the job nicely

good work man i see no problems with that system

Yup, gunna get the case, and gtr psu at the same time. Im going with the - http://www.nintek.com.au/x/scripts/prodVie...?idproduct=2030 ram instead. Seems to be a little better price than buy 4 x 512mb sticks. The corsair ram is also on the Asus QVL, so i know it will work :D

http://www.nintek.com.au/x/scripts/prodVie...?idproduct=5037 for the HDD it is.

Hopefully it should be running soon. BTW is it just me or is that Nintek shop the cheapest in Australia atm??

Edited by Bl4cK32

yeah nintek isnt bad and if u find it cheaper elsewhere they have a built in feature on the website to submit a price match request

4x512 is a waste of memory slots

Edited by Madaz


That corsair ram you have selected has pretty loose timings.

Grab something that is cas2. For an extra $40 grab the ocz that runs cas2.

As your aim is to overclock you may also consider selecting faster ram, say pc4400 (500mhz) or pc4000.

and if you really want to have a play.... Water cooling


You may also need a decent HSF (intercooler) later down the track when you decide to wind the boost up. :D


Ensure the motherboard you select is sli ready. At a later date grab another vid card for a nice boost in gaming performance.

Where will you draw the line? :P

My self.. I've always liked overclocking. If I had a budget and it was either faster ram or more ram I would select the faster ram.

its a 50bux for cas 2


i got the OCZ DDR2 PC5400 in my machine which runs higher again but it was still lower than the corsair which when i got this i was like have never tryed either so might as well give OCZ a go and have been very happy with there RAM


correct me if im wrong dont AMD only run DDR400

Edited by Madaz


Sorry yer bad math lol.. $50. :P

When overclocking you force the ram to run at a faster rate.

i.e... I am able to push my abit-nf7 to 221mhz FSB multi the 221mhz by 2 (DDR Double (2) data rate) gives me 442mhz. I can run my PC 3500 (434mhz) ram at 442 using timings of 2-3-2-7.

I don't bother though, 200mhz fsb (400mhz ram) with a nice even 2300mhz is good enough. Plus any more than 2300mhz even just 10mhz more and it requires a jump to 1.95v which is way way too high.

So 2300mhz is known as the 'sweet spot' + I hate looking at non rounded numbers on boot.

I believe the DFI main boards can be pushed as high as 270mhz (540mhz DDR). The PC4400 (550mhz) would come in handy. :D

Its quite hard to break something overclocking, there comes a time when increasing cpu voltages gains small increases in mhz the system also begins running way hot. This is where you back it off slightly to the 'sweet' spot were temps are nice and the system is reliable.

I used to use good old Prime95, Madonion 3dmark and memtest.

Prime hammers the cpu, 3dmark hammers the whole system but mainly the vid card, memtest hammers the memory.

OCZ is good.. Its what I'm running now. :D

EDIT: Damn too many smileys

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