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Thanks for that information JD, Looks as if that could have been then... Thanks for the feed back guys! Beau - we will most likely be out tonight, Jackson will be to so maybe call him up!

Again if anyone see's anything, let either myself or eddie know, his number can be found on Canberra cruises



That wasn't insensitive atall, you can't come on making a post and comment like that without giving the reason behind it.

I haven't checked cc.com but whatever happened i feel sorry for you, all i asked for was a reason behind the thread, simple.

So,I assume we're off to Cronulla for another riot,yes? How about we block the trade route to Ozzy Tyres and Tempe Tyres?!?

Certain members need to ease up on the red mist when something like this goes on,regardless of wheather it was provoked or not. I feel for the busted WRX,and I'm sure the owner,E.,isn't feeling too flash either. So;the Police don't want to know or care? They have been informed,yes? And it seems there's been similar sightings,so the the offenders aren't that intelligent,which makes me think they'll get caught eventually...

i think what the police told eddie is total crap, they pretty much brushed him aside, especially with email, like WTF?! i think its disgraceful.

a family friend of ours, the 12 yearold was riding around Kingston with his friends, all of a sudden an aboriginal kid steps out knocks him off his bike (there was 3 of them, 1 bike) and continues to beat the kids, the aboriginal kid was 17. after beating the kids he stole the bike...

The mother, after buying this bike 3 weeks before calls up the police and reports it. she KNOWS what the kids name is and where he lives. yet the police have said, Sorry but this is one of our last things on our list. this happened about 3 months ago, and the police still havent got around to it.

about 5 months ago was in woden interchange with my little cousin and a girl had just had her bag stolen, didnt realize till she yelled out that the guy riding right past us was a thief, anyway, i rang 000 and said id like to report a theft, the lady said what for? and i said a lady has just had her bag stolen in woden. she told me to ring my local police station, and as i didnt have the number she said shed forward me on to them, low and behold she forwarded me to Vodafone directory, i then said woden police station. after 5 minutes of being on hold, i hung up and thought f**k it ill just walk over. after getting to the police station i waited another 5 minutes, then a guy came out, and i said yeah id like to report a theft just in woden interchange and he said o what happened, i told him bout the bike rider, what he was wearing what type of bike it was etc... and then he said ok whats your name? address? phone number? it seems he didnt write down any details of the theif that i gave him, only my details. WTF?! the theif, long gone.

in school your taught if you see something happen and its illegal, call 000.

i know this is alot less than what happened to eddie, but if they cant do anything about people being abbused, and damadge to public property, then what can they do? oh yeah thats right they can catch yo doing 5k's over the speed limit.

the govt. spends 5 million $ on the new police station in woden, when theres barely enough police officers in the act for everyday crimes, not traffic enfringments. absoloute waste of money. i think ACT needs to step up with police, a crime is a crime. if those police didnt tell eddie to stop following, he probably wouldve found out where these guys were living/staying. and knowing the police, they probably wouldntve done much with the address. but atleast eddie wouldve known where those c**ts lived and couldve paid them a visit later. although if those bastards had a gun it wouldve been alot different. the police wouldve been there instantly.

at what point will the police start doing there job before people start taking shit into their own hands.

So,I assume we're off to Cronulla for another riot,yes? How about we block the trade route to Ozzy Tyres and Tempe Tyres?!?

With all due respect Jayce, I think that's a bit far fetched.

Eddie would be looking for these guys if they were green skinned martians. It's not the fact that they were of 'middle eastern' appearance, but rather the fact that they attacked him and damaged his property.

Respect noted. I was hinting towards the direction this could head:

i seriously hope these c**ts are found tonight man, no one has the right to do that shit. f**k thats gay, cant even drive around without some dumb f**k trying to be a big man by bashing someone half his age. thats f**ken bullshit and if you ask me its cowardly. hope those c**ts are found tonight...

P.S. if you need company for tonight gimme a buzz, you got my number.

Anyone else feel like anger may be clouding some peoples judgement? This isn't a shot at Skylvia,more the lack of faith both we have in the law,and the lack of trust the law have with us(the car modifying culture in general). Me,I'd like to hear the three sides to the story,but I don't think that will occur. Talk of "going on the hunt" for retribution is understandable,but not acceptable. I'm assuming we all pay our taxes;so those that feel wrongly done by,get to the Police station you feel has apparently short-changed you and "hunt" for the answers there.

Anyone else feel like anger may be clouding some peoples judgement?

It's to be expected in a situation in which an object for which you worked hard to obtain is damaged for no apparent reason by a person whom can't be held responsible due to evasion.

I also believe Eddie would have little luck with the Police due to his age if he were to argue his case alone.

that post wasnt stating that they should have the shit beaten out of them for what they did, it was more the fact that they had no right to do it in the first place. and ofcourse im going to be pissed off when my friend has just had the doors beaten in on his new car and a scarred face. even if i havent heard the other sides of the story, i know for a fact eddie wouldnt be stupid enough to run his mouth off to 3 ethnic blokes twice his age.

i think the cops couldve done more than thrown eddie there email address and said email us if you find anything A.K.A. were not gonna bother, so if you can, let us know, but only by email because we dont wanna get to it too quick.

i think that this has gone a bit of topic, i needed/ wanted to find them because without one of their signatures i am not covered by insurance, and not just that i would have liked to have found them to be able to bring them to justice for hitting me for no reason? as "mivec" said it would not matter of what race they were from that was purely for discription of the people who did it so that anyone else may have been able to find them thanks for all your help with this guys but i think they may have gotten away with it....

Edited by eddie3330

good luck Eddie, although i think you're right, they've probably gotten away with it. Even if they were found, they'd just deny it... :dry:

sometimes with the cops you just have to do it yourself......my ex had his car stolen from our apartment in Kingston years ago and even tho the cops came around they didn't want to do much, so he went looking himself and tracked them down. It didn't take much - a few questions at the 24hr servos and knowing where they might go in Kingston/Narrabundah cos we figured they only wanted to steal the Simmons. Nothing the cops couldnt have done themselves :O

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